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Thread: GN Rogue vs Art

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    GN Rogue vs Art

    As an a/T? I've read all of the discussions on it but can't decide. I'm going to be absolutely solo so i want to be self sustaining (obviously). Is the flat rate bonus enough or would it be more efficient to just steal? I've done the math on it but it can't really calculate what I would gain from thievery. So i ask someone who has experience with either for help. it's a new kd for me so I'm not quite sure but they don't look like they war too much unless they're being waved which is why i'm choosing gnome.

  2. #2
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    worried about econ, merch or sage
    want something more adventurous to help grow big, shep?
    rogue is good if you know how to find people to rob OOW, or in war to use the extra stealth
    art is just "meh" at the best of times

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    sage looks nice due to science, will be nice later in age. even though i've yet to learn how to manage this science system with my econ. merch is always nice but gold can be stolen so no worries there. now shep, i've never used and have never seen the use of it passed the first two weeks OOP. i could be wrong though, explain.

  4. #4
    Veteran Utopia4life's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Rogue is if your in a kd that wars and your expected to stay afloat for long wars.
    Sage is if your love for sciences are above avg provinces.
    Merchant is if your playing your gnome mostly like any other A/T, but draft/retrain times will still break you in long wars (you ll make a stronger A/t with merch good for short wars)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    you're right... i wasn't factoring in the retrain time. i've played elf for the last two ages so almost forgot to factor that in. would shep improve that enough to be worth it? and i still don't see what's so bad about arts for gnomes. maybe what i like is the ability to hold more with stables.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Artisan only if you are going for attacker.

    Rogue or other personality otherwise.

  7. #7
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i would say warrior, but it sounds like you wont be able to make use of it (not warring)
    shep can work well with gnome, as they loose more, but retrain quicker
    sage or merch is probs best choice =)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Definitely gnome artisan over rogue especially if you are not going to war often. Finding targets to steal are getting harder. Artisans gives a more stable bonus. Artisans make good self sufficient gnomes.

    I ran this attacker, 6TPA mod build to 6200 acres last age:

    10% theives den
    10% TG
    10% Forts
    12% guilds
    3% towers
    7% farms
    8% stables
    5% banks
    5% amouries
    30% Homes

    35 ppa with 10% housing science. Only 35% of my buidlings dont have aritsan bonus. Good economy further boosted with robbing. Maximum BE maintained just nice (2/3 peasant per job) due to homes. Godlike birthrates due to homes and L&P. Fireball resistant gnome.

    But i didnt want to play the same thing this age and so I changed to human/warrior

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