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Thread: Dwarf Mystic strategy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Post Dwarf Mystic strategy

    For the fun of it I decided to go dwarf mystic. I'm in a decent kingdom and probably the only dwarf. We plan on being small and warring alot. Can you provide a good in/out war strat? We probably will find a war in the 1st day or two OOP. So in oop just massing guilds, banks, and towers.

    What's the most efficient build and ratio of specs/elites.

  2. #2
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Mystic works better at high acres due to insane rune costs at low acres. These will be your limitations as a Dwarf.

    Your going to need around 20% towers if you plan on using MS.

    If your playing A/M I'd prolly get an even split of elites and def specs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ospecs at all?

    What build % would you suggest to be a decent attacker too? WHen do you bring in the GS? isnt' that after 2k or so

  4. #4
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    im going dwarf A/M sage doing fireballs

    I don't know how good mystic's meteor shower is cuz u gotta run a lot of towers..

    But basically i'm going all spec army because dwarf elites are so inefficient now, especially compared to the other races this age. Unless you're going into a semi-suicider strat like I am, you probably don't need GS

  5. #5
    Enthusiast Allrias's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Without doing too much number crunching here, a possible start strat for A/m oop and warring the first day oop: (I'm sure if I crunched numbers harder I would have some adjustments.) Note: Choice of military builds depends on your playstyle. Fast attack/high offense or longer attacks w/ higher defense, etc.

    Age start:
    leave homes/farms as is
    20% guilds
    8-10% towers
    rest in banks
    5% draft
    explore 125 acres

    24 hrs:
    7.7% farms
    25% guilds
    leave towers at current build
    do final explore of as many acres as possible
    draft 50%
    cast LP

    48 hrs:
    7.7% farms
    11.3% banks
    15% TGs, rax, Hosp or GS (depending on your individual playstyle)
    15% TGs, rax, Hosp or GS
    18% guilds
    15% towers
    10% dens (gives minor boost to theives over and above penalty)
    8% WT
    train 1 tpa
    train off/def specs
    if gc still left you can either train leets for off or begin sci or save for more training over next 24 hrs. sci should be in tools first.
    Cast LP and any other needed self spells (depending on expected war status, etc)

    Adjust final strats based on expected war times (you can leave more banks longer if you aren't going to war for a couple of days). Increase theives to 1.5 raw minimum, prefer 2 raw tpa and more off/def asap.

    This should give you a decent wpa oop, some thief defense, enough off/def to at least hit the unprepared oop and still go to war asap. Again, if I did more numbers crunching, I might make some minor adjustments. Hope this gets you started decently.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    thank you that was very helpful

    so a ratio of TD to WT is better than just WT? Never heard of that before but i guess it makes sense

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I wouldn't bother with TDs as Dwarf. Concentrate on WTs

  8. #8
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    TDs are a waste, you dont need them for intel ops where you have no losses anyways.

  9. #9
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    +1 whit dillbert ...

    18% WT for Dwarf is good .... its better then TD
    Kaer Loche Alliance

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