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Thread: Runelords OOC/Signups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Runelords OOC/Signups

    (This Rp is based largely off of the Runelords world, but it has several seperate elements that I hope will also make it unique from the Runelords series as well.)


    In the beginning, before recorded history, a great many races and people existed on the world. From the Humans of the Rofehaven, to the nomadic barbarians of Indhopal, to the Azhklan of the Inkarra, as well as many others. Life was relitively peaceful in all the seperate kingdoms and the lands prospered because of it. Deep within the wastelands Indhopal, however, darkness was beginning to come alive.

    No one knows who brought him here, or who he is, but a being was once on the lands of man and mer known only as "Karstaag". Some claimed he was death incarnate, other said he was a demon, whatever the creature was it seemed to be the pure embodiment of darkness, hatred, and greed. The first to be corrupted by Karstaag were the barbarians of Indhopal. Many succumbed to the creatures power and joined its' forces. Next came the humans who had greed fill the hearts of many as they saw power in following Karstaag. Last were the Azhklan who were known for being fair and beautiful, though the Azhklan that the creature corrupted were turned into nothing but monsters.

    The kingdoms were pitted into a war against Karstaag and his followers of corrupted races as well as creatures never seen before. Though Karstaag was able to give his followers powers beyond that of any normal person, it wasn't a fair fight. The Azhklan, with some help from the other races, created something that would aid them in this war called "endowments". These endowments granted the recipient the same abilities as those who followed Karstaag, but at more of a price. Even with these aids it was becoming obvious that a creature like Karstaag could not be killed. Once again the leaders of the seperate kingdoms held a meeting, one that would be the beginning of the end for Karstaag.

    As suddenly as Karstaag appeared in this world, the creature was defeated. Thousands lost their lives to the demon, but in the end a simple crystal was able to defeat it. Not just any crystal though, it was a crystal that many leaders gave their lives to create, the crystal was a prison for any soul that could be caught in it. They did just that to Karstaag, capturing his power in the crystal through the use of acient magics. The crystal itself was divided into three pieces and given to the three leaders of the seperate races. The humans built a temple deep underground to protect the crystal, the barbarians of Indhopal took theirs into the deserts of their country to hide it, and the Azhklan, who were never to be seen again, hid theirs deep within the halls of their palaces.

    Almost four-hundred years have passed since Karstaag walked the world. The barbarians of Idhopal, who became known as the Wolf Lords, have kept to their country, fighting amongst themselves for control. The Humans have prospered once again in Rofehaven, the rulers of the seperate kingdoms known as Runelords. The Azhklan have become lost in history, nothing more myths and legends written down in books, if even there. The crystals that have long stopped a great threat have been forgotten, and the safehouses of the crystals have gone into dis-repair; having long ago fallen to elements.

    The sixth Veyond festivel, a celebration occuring every fifty years as tradition to celebrate the defeat of the Wolf Lords oppression on Rofehaven, is starting in only a few days time. All of Rofehaven is preparing for the celebration enthusiasm, but there is a sinister feeling in the air one that can't be denied once felt.


    Endowments: These attributes, called endowments, can be found in man and animal alike, and using forcibles (branding irons forged of a substance called blood metal) can be transferred to others. Once an individual gives up an endowment, they lose that attribute and it is granted to the recipient until the death of one or the other. A person can only grant one endowment in their life, but can receive thousands.

    Runes: Runes are the basis of endowments, as forcibles of blood metal must carry specific runes to grant specific endowments - a forcible which brands the rune of metabolism can only be used for metabolism, though the forcible itself could be recast to bear a different rune.

    Elemental Powers: The world is full of elemental magic, but only few know how to use it. The ones who do know how to use it are know as wizards. The four Elemental Powers (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) are the closest thing the world of there are to gods. A wizard does not merely have the gift of magics related to his or her element, but is instead actively chosen by the Power and granted these talents. The Power might speak to its wizards, though usually indirectly.

    List of Endowments: With some Endowments a person can reach a point where it is pointless to get any more. With four to five endowments of Wit a person could easily remember everything that has ever happened in their life. Some Endowments however, can have a limitless number added to the recipient and still affect them after every one. If a Dedicate dies (read description below for dedicate) then his lord loses all of the endowment he had from that Dedicate. Recipients of Endowments must also be very careful that they have a balance of certain Endowments. If one has five Endowments of Brawn but only none of Stamina, then they will literally rip their body apart when they overuse their Brawn.

    Brawn: The recipient of Brawn has their muscle structure and strength increased. However only their strength is increased, their bone structure stays the same. So a person with several runes of Brawn may be able to punch right through a solid brick wall but they would shatter the bones in their arm if they did so. A person with several runes of Brawn has to be careful for that same reason. A dedicate (Read below for definition of a dedicate) of Brawn loses all of their muscle strength and can barely even lift their own arm. They have to have intensive care to stay alive.

    Grace: The recipient of Grace has their balance, agility, and dexterity increased. The dedicate of Grace needs intensive care as they are often dizzy when they stand up and extremely clumsy, making themselves dangerous to themselves.

    Stamina: The recipient of Stamina has their endurance increased, they need less rest to still be active, and they are able to recover more quickly. This is one of the most dangerous endowments to take from a dedicate as the dedicate is always tired and it can take weeks for them to recover from a simple scratch.

    Wit: The recipient of Wit has their ability to understand and remember things increased. This does not increase a recipients wisdom however, that must be learned over time. Dedicates of Wit cannot remember anything, even how to get dressed is forgotten. Dedicates of Wit need intensive care as well.

    Smell: The recipient of Smell has their sense of smell increased greatly. Dedicates of Smell can easily live a normal life.

    Sight: The recipient of Sight has their sense of sight greatly increased, mainly distance and acuity. A Dedicate of Sight can live a fairly normal life with a little care.

    Hearing: The recipient of Hearing has their sense of hearing increased, mainly distance and acuity. This can work for and against a Runelord that has this endowment. They could easily hear a assassin sneaking up on them with several endowments of Hearing, but a dog barking in their ear could defean them. A Dedicate of Hearing can live a fairly normal life.

    Glamour: The recipient of Glamour has their physical beauty and self-confidence increased. It is easy and common for Runelords with several Endowments of Glamour being very arrogant. Dedicates of Glamour lose all their beauty and much of their self-confidence, but can easily live a normal life.

    Voice: The recipient of Voice has their control of range and volume of their voice increased so that they can be heard as a simple whisper from across the room, or have a booming voice over a crowd. It also increases their ability to persuade and influence people with their voice. Most Runelords have at least a few Endowments dedicated to Voice. A Dedicate of voice loses their ability to speak, but is still able to live a normal life.

    Metabolism: The Endowment of Metabolism is likely an Endowment that affects a Runelord the most, but is the most devistating to the Dedicate. The recipient of Metabolism has their physical speed increased and the world around the recipient also appears to move slower than normal. One should be careful with having too many Endowments of Metabolism though as it also makes the recipient age faster than normal effectively reducing their lifespan. Too many runes of Endowment and one may have blinding speed, but will only live for a few years. Dedicates of Metabolism need very intensive care to live and often do not survive for very long if they do not recieve this care. Dedicates are in a constant sleep and do not age at all.


    Runelords: An honorable and noble recipient of an endowment are called Runelords. Normally, endowments need to be given willingly, and Runelords often give great speeches when looking for new Dedicates, explaining why they need their endowments and how giving them will help their country. There are also Oath-Bound Runelords that promise never to make or take the offer to purchase an endowment. Instead they only take endowments that are freely given out of a genuine desire to help their lord.

    Dedicates: Those who have sold or given an attribute to a lord are called dedicates. Often dedicates are often cared for and securely guarded by their lord. Often the dedicates have to have constant attention depending on what type of endowment they have given. Those who have given endowments of sight, touch, smell, voice, or glamour can often live normal lives. Those who have given endowments such as brawn, grace, stamina, or metabolism likely will never be able to live a normal life again.

    Wolf Lords: It is accepted for nobility to take endowments from willing subjects but it is taboo for a person to take endowments from animals; Wolf Lords do just that. They will take an endowment of smell from an animal such as a blood hound and it will be equal to several endowments of smell from a normal man. However, this comes at a cost, a person who takes endowments from animals becomes more like an animal the more endowments they take.

    Force Knights: Force Knights are often the personal guard of Runelords or the elite of a Runelords army. Force Knights recieve endowments just as their lords do, though they are allowed much fewer endowments than that of a Rune Lord.

    Force Animals: Some Runelords give animals runes of endowment. In fact there are many Runelords that have a Force Horse, a horse that it at least a few endowments on it. Wolf Lords are known to give endowments to everything from wolves to elephants. Some wouldn't see the point in giving an animal such as an elephant any endowments, but then those same few probably haven't seen an elephant with a few endowments of brawn.

    Facilitators: Facilitators are those men and women who create forcibles for a Runelord or others. They train at special schools that teach how to create forcibles out of blood metal. Some facilitators are better are creating a forcible for a certain attribute than others, which is why most Runelords have several facilitators in their employ.

    Air Wizard: A servant of the Elemental Power air, Air Wizards are chaotic and wild as the element the control. Most of the known Air Wizards throughout time have been directly or indirectly related to the Azhklan. They often grow more insanse and chaotic as they get older until they either die of insanity or get killed by someone else because of it.

    Water Wizard: A servant of the Elemental Power water, very few Water Wizards are known, and most aren't human. They command and are a servant to a very great power, though they are usually very wise as to how to use it as well. Most are recluses and the older they get the less they travel away from a large source of water. They often have fish-like mutations and can live permantely underwater. Any who travel far from water have their power greatly weakened because of it.

    Flameweaver: A servant of the Elemental Power fire, like Air Wizards, Flameweavers are also very chaotic though much more in control than an Air Wizard. Most Flameweavers focus their power through crystalline staves or through runes branded on their body. Flameweavers feed off of destruction and chaos, most often created through fires. They have many abilities, but few are used without trying to cause destruction.

    Earth Warden: A guardian and servant of the Elemental Power earth, Earth Wardens are usually the wisest and longest living wizards there are. Earth Wardens often exist to serve simply one specific living species, which is dictated to them by the earth. Earth Wardens could easily be called one of the most powerful of the wizards, but few fully explore this power. They are given a task by the earth itself, usually protecting a living species but usually more detailed as well, and are virtually immortal till they complete that task.

    Raj Ahten: Little is known and even less is understood about this man beyond his name. He is a Wolf Lord from Indhopal who has had thouasands of Endowments given to him, making him an incredibly dangerous.

    Countries: The known world is a very large continent that is split into three countries.

    Rofehaven: Rofehaven is the Northern most country and the largest. The country consists of many different types of terrain from mountains, to praries, forests, swamps, and everything in between. The government of Rofehaven consists of many seperate nations and provinces all with seperate leaders with no single 'ruler' of Rofehaven.

    Indhopal: Indhopal is the Southern and South Western country and second largest. The country consists of vast deserts, rugged mountains, and lush tropical forests. There is supposedly a single ruler of Indhopal, though there have never been any confirmations to this. Indhopal is the dominion of the Wolf Lords.

    Inkarra: Inkarra is the smallest country and is located to the Eastern part of the continent, guarded by a wall of large mountains. Little is known about Inkarra as none who travel there return. This is the home of the Azhklan.

    Ok, I originally had a better prologue and descriptions written down on notepad but accidentally erased over it so this is all from just memory. Hopefully it is good enough though. If you have any questions what-so-ever please let me know, I would be glad to answer them.

    -Sorry only Runelords or Force Knights from Rofehaven are allowed unless you can do some convincing for me to let you have something else.

    -You can have two Runelords, two Force Knights, or one of each if you can handle them. Though as a Runelord you can control any peasant or knight in your Kingdom. If you are going to be using a certain knight quite a bit though it would be nice to have at least a little bio on him/her.

    -This is a pretty bare bones bio so feel free to mix and match for the Bio so long as it is descriptive and be sure to still fill out the information on the Kingdom if you are going to be a Runelord.

    -If you got any questions, let me know and have fun with it.


    Physical Age: (If they have any endowments of Metabolism their physical age is going to be older than their actual age.)
    Rank: (only if Force Knight)

    General Description: (Include clothing/armor/weapons if you want)
    Hair Color/Style:
    Eye Color:
    Distinctive Mark:(Scars, Tattoos, Ect. - If any)

    Province Name: (Just fill out Kingdom name and capital city for Force Knight)
    Capital City:
    Main Exports:
    Main Imports:

    (Each Runelord has 30 endowments he/she can have; you don't have to use them all though. Each Force Knight has 15 they can have.)


    History: (Short, long, doesn't matter just try to be descriptive)
    Last edited by Crashtastic; 13-11-2008 at 16:47.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Name: Lord Gaborn Marx
    Age: 32
    Physical Age: 37
    Sex: Male

    General Description: Standing roughly 5’11” with his boots on, Gaborn may not be the biggest man you’ve ever seen but there is no doubt that his presence demands some respect. Though it is often hidden underneath plates of armor or heavy cloaks, he has a muscular build from his years in the military. He has a square, muscular, face and he would appear just as average as the next man were it not for the endowments of Glamour which make him much more “handsome” than normal. He has dark auburn hair that usually hangs loose down to the middle of his neck, unless it is a formal affair and then it is usually pulled into a very short ponytail, and blends with his dark brown eyes.

    Gaborn can normally be found wearing the traditional silver/gold/and red plate mail worn by every ruler that has ruled Blackwood, with the Marx family crest engraved on the center of the chest piece. If he’s not in armor then he often wears simple clothing, usually in dark colors ranging from green to red.

    Height: 5'9''
    Weight: 180 lbs.
    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Province Name: Blackwood
    Capital City: Pell City, or just Pell
    Terrain/Description: Being the largest province in Rofehaven and located almost directly in the center of the country, Blackwood has a variety of terrain. To the East of the province are some small mountain ranges the slope down into gentle hills; it is in these mountains and hills that lie the only Blood Metal deposits and mines in Rofehaven. To the North are lakes which branch out into farmlands and swamps. To the West are the great forests that extend all the way from the plains in the South to the lakes of the North. Pell City is the largest city in Blackwood and is a trading hub for much of Rofehaven. Runelords and their servants come from all over Rofehaven to buy Blood Metal.

    Main Exports: Blood Metal, Timber, Produce
    Main Imports: Metals, Furs, Spices

    Brawn: 4
    Grace: 5
    Stamina: 4
    Wit: 2
    Smell: 1
    Sight: 2
    Hearing: 2
    Glamour: 4
    Voice: 6
    Metabolism: 1

    History: Born to Lady Aunna and Lord Gabriel Marx, Gaborn was the only son and only heir to the throne of Blackwood as such. Gaborn grew up blissfully unaware to the role he would play in his province’s future. Like most little boys he was rough, rowdy, and loved playing with other children. Un-like most children he had to go through daily schooling, learning about politics and diplomacy at a young age; not to mention he had an almost permanent group of bodyguards surrounding him at all times.

    Like his father who ruled before him, and his father before him, Gaborn began training for the military when he was only sixteen years old. For the next two years it was mostly learning different styles of weapons, armor, and sometimes fighting. When he was eighteen, however, the real training began. Again his training was somewhat different than others who were enlisted into the military of Blackwood. He was trained in combat and tactics like the others, but he was also taught in strategy and leadership as well. Gaborn was very disobedient and still acted much like a child. Though several attempts to make him grow up were tried, they all failed until his mother contracted a deadly virus after visiting some of the county’s to the North in Blackwood. Though she was still young and formerly healthy, the virus turned her body frail. The virus could not be killed through either magic or medicine and in only a matter of weeks she passed away.

    At his mothers death there was no doubt that Gaborn finally grew up as he seemed to see the world in a new light and finally realized what he was going to be when he grew up. His training got more intense, not because his trainers requested it, but Gaborn did. He completely left Pell City for several years with a small group of soldiers. Some say he left to fight Wolf Lords, others say he left stop the fighting between Runelords, though wherever he went is unknown. The fact is though the he left an adolescent and came back a man; hardened by battle.

    He left the service of the military as a simple soldier at twenty-seven, and began his training to take his fathers place. Only a year into this training and mentorship and his father grew ill. Though not from a virus like his mother, but simply old age and too many endowments of metabolism. Less than a year later his father passed away as well. Many people came from distant provinces to honor Gabriel Marx in death and honor Gaborn Marx taking his fathers place. Un-trained and inexperienced Gaborn was faced with the difficult task of ruling Blackwood. Most in Blackwood agree that Gaborn is a fair leader despite being so inexperianced.

    OOC: Alright, signups are open
    Last edited by Crashtastic; 01-12-2008 at 22:05.

  3. #3
    Post Fiend Wildfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Orange county, California
    Waiting ...* goes through computer looking for Character sheet from last time*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sorry, I'm a little confused but it looks fun! Could you post a sample character sheet, so I can see what you mean by all those terms?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Alright, I posted my character sheet up, though I have to admit that it isn't up to my usual standards... stupid Wordpad.

    Anywho what's confusing Diaskeaus, because I'd like to unconfuse it ^^

    Welcome Wildfire, BTW is that quote in your sig from Jurassic Park?
    "Chatrooms are evil places were Men are Men, Women are Men, and Children are the FBI."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey, looks like a lot of fun. I want to join as a Force Knight instead of a Runelord, so would anyone who is being a Runelord mind if I RP as one of thier subjects?

    Otherwise, I'll have to make up my own ruler and he won't be used much. ;P

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Couple questions:

    1. Are WolfLord players allowed?

    2. Could a Wolf Lord give an animal an Endowment of voice so that it could speak to it's Lord?

    3. Are Wolf lords like runelords in they have their own Province? Or are they more renegades with no actual title persay?

    4. Is it possible to force someone to become a dedicate against their will? Also, if the dedicate dies, does the endowment wear off? or continue even though the dedicate is no longer alive?

  8. #8
    Post Fiend Wildfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Orange county, California
    Name: First Lady (Runelord) Emale
    Age: 28
    Physical Age: 38
    Sex: Female

    General Description: Emale has a medium build. She has all the strengths, and skills of a fighter, but she is also curvaceous. Her arms, legs and stomach are very toned. She wears dark colors like blue, purple, and black. Normally she wears riding pants and tunic.
    Height: 5’7’’
    Weight: ?
    Hair Color/Style: Long Black hair
    Eye Color: Blue
    Distinctive Mark: None

    Kingdom Name: Voricia
    Capital City: Arsis
    Terrain: ( this is what I had last time. If you deem it unfit tell I will change)
    Voricia is a rather small country (About the size of Belgium). It sits between two larger countries and the Sea. Voricia has flat coastal plains in the north, the central plateau, and forested hills and valleys in south. The coastal plain consists mainly of sand dunes and polders. Polders are areas of land, close to or below sea level that have been reclaimed from the sea, from which they are protected by dikes or, further inland, by fields that have been drained with canals. This is where the capital of Voricia lies. The central plateau lies further inland. This is a smooth, slowly rising area that has many fertile valleys and is irrigated by many waterways. Here one can also find rougher land, including caves and small gorges. The thickly forested plateau is very rocky and not very good for farming, this is were most of Voricia’s wildlife comes from.

    Main Exports: metals, food, textiles
    Main Imports: What ever they might need.

    (Each Runelord has 30 endowments he/she can have; you don't have to use them all though. Each Force Knight has 15 they can have.)

    Grace: 1
    Stamina: 3
    Wit: 2
    Smell: 1
    Hearing: 1

    History: Voricia is a matriarchal society, so women commonly hold higher positions. However, though not equal to women, men are not treated badly or like slaves. They can hold some offices if one can prove he has the capability.
    Voricia has one leader and that is the First Lady, or Runelord. The First Lady must come from a long line of nobility within Voricia; passed down from mother to daughter. From a very young age the First lady is taught how to rule over her country, and taught the skills of a warrior. She also learns the arts, and is educated in world history and geography.
    After the tragic death of her mother and the suicide of her father, Emale became first lady at a very young age.
    Last edited by Wildfire; 14-11-2008 at 04:06. Reason: change endowments

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Thanks for the questions!

    1. That entirely depends on a few factors. If there are enough people on both sides (Runelords and Wolf Lords) that both stories could be driven, and want to play Wolf Lords, then yes. If there aren't enough on both sides (at least 3-4 on both) then no. Of course you could play a Runelord and a Wolf Lord but I know that sometimes that can get confusing sometimes, especially with two seperate plots. If it turns out that we do get enough people to be on both sides then I will let people sign up for either one. It wouldn't hurt to have a rough character sheet for one ready though and yes, I am optimistic ^^

    2. No, endowments only enhance what is already there. So if they couldn't speak before, then they couldn't speak after an endowment either.

    That question did make me remember something I think I left out. Runelords and their dedicates share a mental link once they take an attribute from their dedicate, the same for Wolf Lords. A Runelord can be several hundred miles away from their dedicate but still know what is happening with them, how they feel, and so on. This is largely what causes Wolf Lords to become more like animals.

    3. There is a mixture of both. Some Wolf Lords rule over provinces and have titles while others do not. The ones that do not have titles still have groups of followers though. It is common though for the renegade Wolf Lords to overthrow Wolf Lords with titles, thereby gaining control of the province and gaining a title.

    4. No, an endowment must be willingly given. Many honest Runelords have great speeches to their subjects about recieving an endowment from them and how it would benefit the province. Some Runelords get some of their endowments from prisoners who have a choice between death or giving an endowment that disable them (wit, metabolism, brawn, etc.). Some get theirs from poor peasents who are willing to sell a minor attribute, that would still allow them to live normall, for money (voice, hearing, smell, ect.). The Wolf Lord called Raj Ahten has so many endowments of voice, hundreds, that he simply asks for an dedicate and someone will step up. Either way it has to be willingly given.

    To the second part of the quest; if the dedicate dies then the Runelord instantly loses the endowment taken from that dedicate. Most Runelords keep their dedicates very heavily protected and cared for, just for this reason.

    Hope that answered your questions :)


    The character sheet looks good, welcome aboard ^^
    "Chatrooms are evil places were Men are Men, Women are Men, and Children are the FBI."

  10. #10
    Post Fiend Wildfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Orange county, California
    I have a question about wizards... are they more attached to runelords or wolflords or both?

    I think I want to play a flame wearver .. but I want to on the woldlords side.

    Only if we have enough players for them that is.

    BTW: Yes it is from Jurrasic Park.
    Last edited by Wildfire; 14-11-2008 at 04:36.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Wizards are normally don't ally themselves with either side as they only serve the elements that give them power. It is not completely uncommon for them to help a Wolf Lord or Runelord. Generally Water Wizards and Earth Wardens will have nothing to do with Wolf Lords. Air Wizards are usually destructive to everything and everyone besides other Air Wizards and Flameweavers have helped both Wolf Lords and Runelords but are almost always out for themselves.

    However I am incredibly hesitent to let anyone play any wizard unless they show me a very convincing character sheet. Not to say that you couldn't do it of course ^^
    Last edited by Crashtastic; 14-11-2008 at 04:43.
    "Chatrooms are evil places were Men are Men, Women are Men, and Children are the FBI."

  12. #12
    Post Fiend Wildfire's Avatar
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    Orange county, California
    I can understand. If we ge enough players for both sides I will make a character sheet. I would like chance to try... and the challenge. *wink* I think I am going to read the series.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Well they are really good books, I got hooked on them pretty fast. Though I have changed quite a bit of this story from the series. 80% of it follows the Runelords world but there is also quite a bit that I have either changed or added to make it unique from the books.

    BTW: Alucard you could be a Force Knight for me if you want. If you do PM me so we can talk about it. If not, that's fine too ^^
    Last edited by Crashtastic; 14-11-2008 at 05:16.
    "Chatrooms are evil places were Men are Men, Women are Men, and Children are the FBI."

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I had a little private chat with Crashtastic, so here's my revised character sheet:

    Name: Cpt. Aron Thavius
    Age: 30
    Physical Age: 44
    Sex: Male
    Rank: Captain (Force Knight)

    General Description: Aron was never a big man, nor imposing by any standard. But his fierce determination to serve his province and protect his master led him to sacrifice himself for what he believed was the greater good. Taking on several endowments of Metabolism changed the young man rapidly. His boyish, natural good looks were quickly replaced with a wrinkled, grim mask of solidarity that he now wears almost indefinitely.

    Aron's prematurely gray hair is long and smooth, flowing wildly down his back. His face is scarred and weathered, as a man who has been through many hardships. Despite his gruff appearance and quiet nature, however, Aron is actually a deeply compassionate young man; trapped in a veteran warriors body. He is usually seen wearing thick leather armor and a long, red bandanna around his head to keep the hair from his face, and also to help distinguish him from the rest of his soldiers.

    Height: 5'8''
    Weight: 155 pounds
    Eye Color: Green

    Province Name: Blackwood
    Capital City: Pell City


    Brawn: 2
    Grace: 3
    Stamina: 2
    Wit: 1
    Smell: 0
    Sight: 1
    Hearing: 1
    Glamour: 0
    Voice: 1
    Metabolism: 4

    History: Aron Thavius was born an only child into a very militaristic household. His father, Claven Thavius, was a great warrior who served the province of Blackwood his entire life. Claven began preparing his son to follow in his footsteps and become a guardian of Blackwood at an early age.

    Unfortunately this was all Aron remembered of his father, who died during a tragic uprising in a neighboring province when Aron was just 12 years old. Before his death, Claven had asked his master, Lord Gabriel Marx, to make his son a bodyguard to the young prince Gaborn. Although children under 16 were never usually allowed such an important role, Gabriel agreed.

    In the years that followed, Aron became a loyal confidant to the young prince. Gaborn could relate to Aron better than the rest of his bodyguards, whom were all much older. When Lord Gabriel died and Gaborn took over, he appointed young Thavius as Captain of the Guards; for Aron was a man Gaborn knew he could trust. It was then that Aron willingly took on many endowments, so he could better himself and live up to his father's legend.

    Also, I have two little questions:

    1. I assumed that you don't need an endowment in each area, hence why some of my endowments are at 0. Is this all right?

    2. How much does higher metabolism affect aging? For instance, would 5 dedicates usually half your lifespan?
    Last edited by alucard; 15-11-2008 at 02:59.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ok, well, how do I roll a character? I think I can figure out the rest on my own, but is there a method for getting particular numbers?

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