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Thread: Human Sage Build

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    hmm i agree on the libs and the stables. but now that i think about it, why do i need to be A/T OOW? I'm not gonna need to steal anything, i just need SoMs (and maybe steal some cash if i see a farm). So i got rid of the TDs too.

    I've tweaked it a little, try this one

    1. Farms: 70 (7%)
    2. Banks: 200 (20%)
    3. Training Grounds: 200 (20%)
    4. Forts: 180 (18%)
    5. Hospitals: 200 (20%)
    6. Guilds: 100 (10%)
    7. Towers: 30 (3%)
    8. Dungeons: 20 (2%)

    Total Land: 1,000 Acres (100% built)

    ** Effects Summary (Available Buildings Only) **
    1. Produce 4,900 bushels (6,125 with FL)
    2. 6,250gc, +25% income
    3. +24% offense bonus
    4. +22.14% defense bonus
    5. 32% cure plague, -48% military losses
    6. Training about 2 wizards per hour
    7. Produce 360 runes per hour
    8. 400 prisoners (1,200 offense, 200gc, 200 jobs)

    at 60% draft and a 15% sci pop bonus with this build i get:

    10000 elites
    62100 raw off
    77004 mod off
    77 Mod opa

    6500 Def specs
    39000 raw def
    47635 mod def
    47.6 mod dpa

    DPA is a little low so i may switch some elites to Def specs. My TPA will only be about 1.5 with this, but it's OOW so.

    The banks are for keeping the high # of elites and for science, which allows me to keep all my nifty little peasants and monies.

    Who says u can't pump and attack?
    I say it's smarter to just do moderate science all through age than go crazy with it every few weeks. It'll cost you about the same amount of money, i don't want to calculate it so someone else can do it, i'm just too lazy.
    I do support pumping right now to give yourself the advantage early and the moderate throughout the age is to not lose that advantage.

    In war i cut enough banks and guilds (also a few % of TGs and forts) and put them into barracks and TDs, i also put more into thieves, taking away from my offense so my in war armies won't be as strong but the thieves will be good, around 5 mod tpa.

    Any thoughts on this?

    (I know my numbers won't come out that high all the time due to new land coming in and me having to rebuild it)

  2. #17
    Postaholic clarey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by poodimus View Post
    hmm i agree on the libs and the stables. but now that i think about it, why do i need to be A/T OOW? I'm not gonna need to steal anything, i just need SoMs (and maybe steal some cash if i see a farm). So i got rid of the TDs too.

    I've tweaked it a little, try this one

    1. Farms: 70 (7%)
    2. Banks: 200 (20%)
    3. Training Grounds: 200 (20%)
    4. Forts: 180 (18%)
    5. Hospitals: 200 (20%)
    6. Guilds: 100 (10%)
    7. Towers: 30 (3%)
    8. Dungeons: 20 (2%)

    Total Land: 1,000 Acres (100% built)

    ** Effects Summary (Available Buildings Only) **
    1. Produce 4,900 bushels (6,125 with FL)
    2. 6,250gc, +25% income
    3. +24% offense bonus
    4. +22.14% defense bonus
    5. 32% cure plague, -48% military losses
    6. Training about 2 wizards per hour
    7. Produce 360 runes per hour
    8. 400 prisoners (1,200 offense, 200gc, 200 jobs)

    at 60% draft and a 15% sci pop bonus with this build i get:

    10000 elites
    62100 raw off
    77004 mod off
    77 Mod opa

    6500 Def specs
    39000 raw def
    47635 mod def
    47.6 mod dpa

    DPA is a little low so i may switch some elites to Def specs. My TPA will only be about 1.5 with this, but it's OOW so.

    The banks are for keeping the high # of elites and for science, which allows me to keep all my nifty little peasants and monies.

    Who says u can't pump and attack?
    I say it's smarter to just do moderate science all through age than go crazy with it every few weeks. It'll cost you about the same amount of money, i don't want to calculate it so someone else can do it, i'm just too lazy.
    I do support pumping right now to give yourself the advantage early and the moderate throughout the age is to not lose that advantage.

    In war i cut enough banks and guilds (also a few % of TGs and forts) and put them into barracks and TDs, i also put more into thieves, taking away from my offense so my in war armies won't be as strong but the thieves will be good, around 5 mod tpa.

    Any thoughts on this?

    (I know my numbers won't come out that high all the time due to new land coming in and me having to rebuild it)
    Try -
    7% farms
    25% banks
    21% TGs
    8% forts
    10% Hospitals
    12% Guilds
    5% Towers
    11% Stables
    1% Dungeon

    Keep science on active, you can afford it. Pump into income pop and thief sci, get 2 raw tpa. Then all your stealth should really be focused on stealing resources - kidnapping, rob gold, food, whatever. This allows you to remain pumped for wars or grow if you wish. As you said, don't bother with TDs till hostile/war arises and you get nice thievery sci.

    Note that my military setup would be abit different as well, I would aim for ~ 50 - 55 dpa. You may find yourself a tad short on offence but no reason why it should stop you from hitting with 21% TGs 11% stables and a general higher level of science available this age.
    Utopian 5 Sept 2005 - 5 Sept 2013

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    i like your style, but 11% stables would add too much to an already sci enhanced nw for my tastes.

    i'll probably have more than the dpa i posted as that was my static dpa if all elites are gone, which probably isn't gonna happen often (if ever).

    I prefer a more even distribution of TGs and Forts due to diminishing returns with the scales tilting a little towards TGs as i'll have more Raw Offence for it to enhance compared to Raw Defence.

    I don't see why you need to steal though, that economy looks more than healthy enough to pump science and replenish elites. Assuming 60k income an hour minus 30k (30k is just an educated guess due to laziness factors) for science, draft, and upkeep and u still have around 30k an hr to throw at elites and buildings.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    "Who says u can't pump and attack?"

    It isn't a pump if you're still at 60%-65% draft and still paying to replace lost elites.

    Humans can easily keep science on either of the top two drafts with hardly losing gold or losing none at all as long as you have a good base of income science. Drop draft to 45%-50% because more peasants = more gold and collect your 20h bonuses. That is how humans are supposed to be played. If you waste land on attacking buildings OOW that means considerably less science which means you aren't maximizing human's potential.

    OOW people in my kingdom ran builds like this:

    30% bank
    20% school
    8% farm
    2% dungeon
    15% home (or lib depending on how much sci they had)
    10% guild
    3% tower

    With some left over land to toss in to more schools or more banks or forts or something.

    Maximize your science effectiveness bonus in order to maximize human.

    This OOW build is predicated on the fact that you'll have about a week or more of OOW time in order to switch builds. Trust me it works.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    That's all your humans did OOW was pump? Laaame.

    i'm thinking my constant 1.4-1.7 bpa per acre every hour should be able to keep up with the % of science that i want while being far more cost-efficient than pumps.

    anyway why do you have homes and dungeons? banks still make you more money than they do at 45% as a human.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Homes add pop without taking away BE. With even half decent BE science you can get banks over 100 which helps all of your buildings. Homes are critical when pumping. Dungeons are just to keep your prisoners around since they have income.

    And they only did that when we were land fat and decided to spend a week or pumping. It's far and away better for your province than attacking.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    ok, it's worth it if you're land fat or just generally want to stop growth for a while. But you were sounding like you wanted humans to do nothing but pump OOW for the entire age.

    I'll agree it is a good pump strat you have (except i'm still iffy on the dungeons and homes) i'll take it into consideration in my pump build when/if i use one.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well if you don't want to use them use TDs and rob people.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Thanks everyone, your insight into my strat has made it much stronger, even though some douch nozzle decided it was a great idea to post a strat for an architect in the thread. I think everyone's input (barring said douche nozzle's) has changed the way i'll play the game out of war (A/T to just A untill war times). I'm kind of excited to try it out now. Is there any other human sage out there that is going the traditional science pump way? I'd like to compare stats after a few weeks if you don't mind, just out of curiosity.

  10. #25
    Post Fiend bigboywasim's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech View Post
    Homes add pop without taking away BE. With even half decent BE science you can get banks over 100 which helps all of your buildings. Homes are critical when pumping. Dungeons are just to keep your prisoners around since they have income.

    And they only did that when we were land fat and decided to spend a week or pumping. It's far and away better for your province than attacking.
    Wouldn't putting the 15% from homes into banks and schools be better since homes reduce income indirectly because homes have no employees.

    At 45% draft your BE should be 100% anyways.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigboywasim View Post
    Wouldn't putting the 15% from homes into banks and schools be better since homes reduce income indirectly because homes have no employees.

    At 45% draft your BE should be 100% anyways.
    i concur

  12. #27
    Post Demon
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Everyone keeps rejecting libs, but they are the single best building for a later age pumped human. While their individual benefit isn't as great as that of any other building, they help every category at once. If you look only at food, runes, and BE, it is still possible for libs to "create" space, even without counting the increased gains or the lowered WPA/TPA, and of course the big one: pop.

    I personally run too many libs probably... 25% is high, and the DBE without BE hurts their curve a lot more than I'm used to. But 10% in a no brainer once human sci gets higher.

    Think Different

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