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Thread: Furious

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NZ - final destination!
    Erik had his eye on Dante ahead, but his mind on the turn he just took. A drift that took the car almost one-eighty. He glanced to the GPS at such lightning speed most would have just seen a blue spaghetti; but not Erik. "Heh," his lips curled in a wicked grin. "Lets see how they like this," he mumbled.

    Coming up on the turn he slammed on his brakes for a moment and punched the clutch in. It was just enough to catch a boost from an unassuming and probably somewhat mad Min Sun, for all the abuse her car was taking. It was only a bump, but with a fast downshift and a floored pedal, Erik swung the wheel out then into the turn with an acceleration most connector rods would squeal in agony with. He was slingshot out the turn while disrupting, hopefully, Min Sun's own drift, and causing an obstacle for the newcomer to get past.

    Immediately shifting up again, he bolted forward. As he looked in the mirror, though, he could see Min Sun was no novice racer. Even at a lower speed and an offset weight shift from the bump, she pulled the corner with little loss to speed. He could almost see her eyes glowing red from behind her windshield with street lights flying by.

    His attention immediately moved back to the fore and with Dante. He swiped the GPS just a little closer to the middle of the windscreen for easier reference and glanced at it. His next move would be coming soon in the two-seventy degree offramp to send them east. He had a nice little treat for Dante coming up. A night like this was just what he needed to let off some steam from his past jobs. Not that he didn't like what he did, but once and a while there were minor frustrations that just felt like spines from a Jumping Cholla cactus.

    He was on Dante's bumper now, and finding him to be no novice either. Probably around his own level. Though, doubtful as showy. Feinting left, Erik floored the accelerator and pulled right immediately, coming about two-thirds up Dante's car. He continued to keep turning the wheel and got on the inside of the turn. He drifted sharply just a moment before entering the turn and was now ahead of Dante... backwards. He put it into reverse as smooth as a baby's bottom and drifted backwards down the two-seventy degree offramp looking into Dante's car driver's side to driver's side, but he couldn't see him.

    Erik flicked on the dome light so Dante could see inside and made a gun with his hand, "shooting" at Dante and blowing "smoke" away from the "barrel." He grinned but kept in mind the end of the turn was rapidly approaching.


    Just showing my character off. :) if you don't like anything, let me know. One good PRP deserves another. ;) Show off to mine. :)

  2. #62
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008
    (Oh it's no prob, though what PRP were you talking about O.o If there was, it's wasn't meant to be lol unless it was the 'tracking', of course, though that's just cause Dante's a little miffed about the mirror thing heh. Anyways)

    Dante narrowed his eyes again as he saw the new exchange between the two cars, biting off a curse. His usual cool detachment kicked in and he took a breath, calming himself instantly. As he regarded the situation with cool dispassion he decided there was nothing to be done about it. Even as he thought it, Min Sun had pulled out of the scrape. Quickly analyzing his thoughts he decided to let it be, Min Sun could take care of herself. Besides, it wasn't as if it was his 'duty' to protect her anymore, though that didn't lessen his want to see her kept safe.

    The maroon Trident gained on Dante after that little maneuver and Dante nodded absently. It was true that Dante was not the type to 'showboat' and equally true that he was every bit as skilled as the Erik thought. He regarded the car coolly as a corner of his eye watched the GPS dot fluidly showing his movements towards Jane. Dante also conceded that the Trident was just as able as Jane, and decided to treat it as if it were better. Overestimating what your opponent can do never hurts. Dante watched as Erik ended up rear-facing and next to his window.

    In a instant several thoughts of how to end the race quickly, for the other race at least, flashed through the back of his mind. No doubt a skilled driver such as Erik would have expected something as such, given how he was racing, and would be prepared to mitigate the damage and perhaps even counter it. Dante was sure he could do the same after said counter, however there would be little gain in it. As Erik's hand raised other thoughts and choices flashed through his mind and he mentally shrugged. If he wanted to taunt, or just play games, Dante would show him at least a glimmer of the reaction sought.

    The driver window was down in a brief second as Erik blew on his finger. Dante's head turned, his expression a mask of dispassion as his eyes, devoid of emotion, locked with Erik's. He, too, was aware of the end of the turn rapidly approaching, though it didn't bother him. Dante had raced these streets and courses more than he could count, and he felt the keen edge of his mind sharpen further. The end of the turn hit them like a brick wall as he continued to watch only Erik, his eyes never shifting from the other racer's. Dante's hands moved with the skilled practice of a pro as they powered out of the turn and around the slight right that led to the next straightaway. Dante hugged the side of Erik's car as he snapped Jane straight with deadly precision, and veered slightly to the side, the movement both a courtesy and minor insult to Erik. The window rolled up as Dante finally looked straight ahead.

    (oh, I feel I must say something. If anything seems like PRP, it is likely not. There's a reason for most of what Dante does, and how he does it, and even the reason he can even do it. Ark knows, but I'm not telling yet :3 DUN DUN DUN and such lol
    And likewise, if anything needs changing cause it's causing issues, just make a mention of it)

    (wow I totally forgot to spell check XD Anyways, I see what you mean. I always feel a bit uncomfortable controlling other people's characters, to any degree, but I shall endeavor to throw something in here and there. No big deal, finish when you can. This is turning out pretty good already.
    I do love Dante as a character. He's passionate, playful at times, excellent company to have, yet meticulously controlled. He's got the ability to control his reactions and emotions and such almost completely, basically. Course, there's a reason for all that, but we'll get to that much later ^^ About winning, I haven't decided either way. For Dante winning or losing would not matter much, and I'm indifferent anyways.
    Also, what did you mean 'he's little shallow when it comes to lust'?
    That's enough for now, methinks :V)
    Last edited by LordKain; 27-11-2008 at 22:29.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NZ - final destination!
    OOC: No, not at all. Actually I was referring to my PRPs in that post. SoHee said to go ahead. I actually have a couple things purposed for her in the race (but not critical, as she said she doesn't HAVE to win), but I don't want to play her character, per se. Go ahead and PRP my char as you will, I trust you with him to a certain degree... ;)

    I like Dante; he's little shallow when it comes to lust. Not to say Erik isn't extremely shallow either though :) ^_^ lol


    Erik turned off the dome light and grinned. A serious one, he thought.

    OOC: Going camping for the rest of the week.
    Last edited by Jolly Rensha; 26-11-2008 at 21:11.

  4. #64
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008

    Min Sun SONG

    That little son of a... It wasn't the loss of her mirror that angered her but rather the idea of him playing with her, showing off. Even though she was a Song and a Chimaera she had earned her spot in the ranks.

    "Got a newcomer," the familiar voice of Michael came from the headset. She nodded to herself, having already noticed the new car. A few short sentences followed in Korean and she targeted the red lights ahead of her while hitting the gas. Time for playing catch-up, she thought as another corner came along. The two cars ahead were aldready drifting through it when she caught up with them. A well enough drift would gain her some valuable time. They accelerated out from the corner just as she entered her own drift, but she wasn't far behind now. She knew these streets well and the leading car had no real intel on the real course. They knew the starting point and the end point, that was all. Cars blocking the roads led them through the race.

    Just as she had passed an intersection a yellow Audi roared out, with the intension to block the new car, the Ford, or at least to throw him off the road. It was the Chimaeras way of welcoming the unwanted driver.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NZ - final destination!
    Erik was still in reverse on the outside of the turn. He lost a little momentum in such a maneuver, but it was fun and worth every cherished moment. Adrenaline and tricks with an audience were always things that made him happy. So far, the Dice made him a very happy man. Plenty to play with, tinker with, and exploit. A land fat with opportunity and demise. Two sides of a cruel mistress... Like either of the Song girls... he thought.

    Which brought him back on point. Erik crossed Dante's path, taking more than what was allotted him by Dante's space allowance, and spun back around coming out on the other side of Dante. He chuckled when he could see dust specks on the grille and hood of Dante's car just from this race. Min Sun was almost on his bumper, he noticed. She had made good time in the drift while Dante and Erik were occupied with each other. He had known, though, that it would be the case. It was always better with two competitors to mess around with... Mmm... Messing around.

    He grunted a smile when Jack had texted him. It popped up on the windscreen with a touch on the steering wheel. "Def'ly plyin the crwd. Sum R a lil cnsrnd abt ther investments. Dis isn't how u get frnds n the Chimeras," it read.

    "Hmm... Perhaps not," Erik whispered grimly, his fun over. "Alright." They were on another straightaway now, and he was still neck and neck with Dante. Min Sun was riding his bumper, probably trying to get back at him. She'll have plenty of chance after the race and in the weeks ahead. He'll be around for a while. He pulsed the brights in quick code among racers, at least in his area. The race was at least halfway over by now. "Let's finish it," he said, basically. Enough playing.

    Their cars were all essentially equal in different ways. His was multipurpose, but it was built with long distance and versatility in mind, but still able to hold its own in a situation with law enforcement. That said, racing is a crime law enforcement does like to minimize when it gets opportunity. Erik was confident that though he might be flashy. His fellow drivers were every bit as efficient as he. To survive out here, you have to be good. Unless you're the little fishes from the airport bleeding to death on the way to a hospital, if anyone cared to help them; or already dead.


    Indeed, lets end it.

    Yeah I like Dante. And I love the way SoHee is playing her Trio this time around, especially. :)

  6. #66
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008
    (Not quite as good as I wanted, I swear I left something out :V Stupid work)

    Dante's eyes tracked the Trident as it crossed in front of him, coming close to his front end, though his foot never left the pedal. The other driver was a flashy, and obviously liked to show off. He was a hunter, it seemed, and the sort that liked to play with his food before he ate it. Dante could tell already that Erik was a formidible foe, and dangerous to cross. The sort you don't want to piss off unless you enjoy pain.

    But Dante had been a hunter himself for far too long, and he'd wager his shop that he had been one for far longer. The music slipped smoothly into another track, Jane was blending the music with remarkable skill. He was certainly going to thank his crew later. A wave of music crashed over Dante as the radio flipped to ATR's 'Speed', Jane was on full auto now as she mixed the tracks. Subconscious thought sent Dante's hand away from the steering wheel.

    "Now now Jane, I don't need to be told hwo to drive" he murmured with a small smile as they neared the halfway point of the long stretch. Jane didn't reply, which prompted Dante to smile a bit wider. "Ahh there we are." he said a second later as his finger found the concealed little button. Taking a second to gauge distances, he finally nodded and spoke "Jane, give me a three second burn.... and hang on to your panties."

    He pressed the button and for a split second nothing happened. That was all it took as the engine was flooded with a mixture far more potent than the old nitrous injections. Granted, racers nowadays still called it NOS, but that was beside the point. Dante's hand flew back to the steering wheel as his Supra pumped forward. The engine and trans screamed as horsepower and torque climbed, raising at a rate that would have taken anything from the old school NOS days and rent it in two.

    While it was true he didn't know the actual course the Chimaera's had set, Dante had a feeling. Instincts told him that the race was drawing to a close, even though it would seem the track was shorter than expected. For all he knew they were wrong and he was burning his mix rather soon, though of course he wasn't bleeding his tank. The three second burst would be enough to take him to the end of the straightaway, which appeared to end in a curve to the right, with time to adjust his speed properly at the end. Jane pushed forward, creeping at first and then running ahead of the competition. Of course, he had no way of knowing what either Min Sun or Erik were packing in their racers, but he didn't care. Elation crept into his veins as his speed shot up and he kicked the tranny up into sixth gear, the equivalent of the older-style trans eight gear.

    Win or lose, he was glad to be back.

  7. #67
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008

    Min Sun SONG

    "Alright, after the next right curve you get a small stretch of about 500 meters, and after that you'll come to another intersection. Prepare to take left and it's 200 meters to go. You need to save some NOS to take you out of that left turn," a voice spoke in Lindsey's headset, not Michael this time around.

    She changed gear and accelerated just before the next curve, bumping Erik in the rear just as he was about to enter his drift. Dante sped off, creating a little bit of distance betwen him and her, but her drift was more than perfect and letting out a little bit of NOS gave her an extra push out from the curve. She had more than enough to push those last 200 meters.

    As expected the distance between her and Dante grew smaller and while coming out of the last left turn she pushed the NOS and flew forward. The line of cars were clear about indicating where it would end. 150 meters. 100 meters. Soon coming up on the finish line... She felt the win in her pocket already, that was until she felt the NOS run out. The swear words in Korean would not end when she passed the finish line merely milliseconds after the other two cars. This was more than a fugly car, it was useless! The previous owner had installed the smaller tanks, a size the Chimaeras never used in their cars. She had totaly miscalculated how long the NOS would last. That effing...and Ash! That son of a dog... This loss was on him! Hadn't he bailed on them she would have been prepared.

    She was still swearing outloud when she hit the breaks further down the road.

    OOC: Rensha - Oh you do? Thanks! :)
    Oh and btw, no one outside the Chimaeras would actually know that the driver's getting this special intel...
    So she got the third place, you two battle it out of the first two :)

  8. #68
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    Jul 2008
    (You mean just Min Sun is getting that intel, right? Good ol' Chimaeras lol
    And it's up to Ren for now. I've said I don't care either way, but then Dante's not just gonna roll over either haha)

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NZ - final destination!
    "Hmph," Erik huffed as Dante flew off ahead using his added boosters. His car being deisel run had to have a slightly more exotic additive than that new stuff. A little harder to come by, but just as good. No telling how available it was in the Dice, but he wasn't going to waste it just yet, not when his GPS was telling him the track had another two straightaways especially. He wasn't redlined and there was a lot more torque to be had yet.

    After merging the screen with the road, the GPS lined the edges of the street, a small window at the bottom of the windscreen showing an overhead view still available for blow-up. Erik floored the accelerator and went to the next gear up. Still flooring it, he wasn't going as fast as Dante, but he certainly didn't give him too much advance.

    He got ready to round the curve, letting off the gas and downshifting two gears with some brake-work when Min Sun, who tried to keep pace so dramatically, bumped him. Erik's eyes narrowed and the car shifted weight suddenly, his drift drift getting a tad messed up going in. Quickly he compensated; it only lost him a small fraction of a second, but it was enough to cost the race if he wasn't careful.

    The exit of the turn came up and with surgical precision he floored it and hit the next gear up, smoke flying into Min Sun's windscreen, potentially blinding her. It was a clutch moment, catching up with Dante while holding his small tank in reserve for the last push. Dante was a good couple seconds ahead, probably not even thinking that he would make it.

    After the left drifted turn, he blinked and saw the straight away. It was going to come down to luck, which Erik hated. Either way, he liked the race so far. It was a good one. Brand New was full of incompetent racers who liked to show off but couldn't hold their skills up when it was time to push. These guys could hold their own. He wouldn't test Dante or Min Sun any more, if they had the chance to race again. He knew they wouldn't freak out under pressure. Well... Maybe Min Sun, but that was just her personality anyway. It wasn't nerves, for sure.

    Min Sun had hit her NOS and jerked up while Erik waited for his own mix to kick in. It was slow but packed a wallop. He gritted his teeth and the gas was half way down. He had it in the last gear and all of a sudden he was vibrating along with the world. Min Sun flew backward it seemed, as her own fell off. He couldn't risk the lives ahead, though he wished he could, and turned his own off. He was not at the optimal angle to win, but at least he wouldn't kill anyone.

    As he neared the finish, he and Dante were neck and neck with Dante ahead, but Dante was going straight. Erik, on the other hand, was going faster than Dante by quite a bit, and had to fly into the extreme right side of the track to do a left drift, coming back out of the winner circle. He was sure they at least tied, but the cameras would have to tell. He could live with second.

    He hadn't even stopped the car yet and had opened his door. Flinging off the seatbelt, he put the car in park. He could hear the engine fizzing while it tried to cool itself. It was a well-made track. Lots of straights and drifts mixed up. One a long gentle curve of an off-ramp. Bounding out of the car he walked over, quite seriously and quickly, to Dante.

    He stood in front of the hood of the car, steam coming off the grille like his own, and looked into the car. He suddenly smirked and gave a thumbs up. He motioned his approval and walked over to where he saw a gathering of Chimeras. Surely Min Ji and Kwan Gi would be there to announce the winner. Erik saw Jack in the crowd and he came out to meet Erik. Jack was giggling and a little sweaty on his forehead as he slapped Erik's back. "I thought you were going to run into us!" he tried to yell over the crowd.

    "I thought about it," Erik snickered. "But I wouldn't make too many friends that way."

    He stopped short of the Chimera's group and stood. "So," he asked. "What's the verdict?"

    OOC: Flip a coin. ;)

  10. #70
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008

    The Song Trio

    OOC: Coin is flipped! :)

    IC: After sliding up her car next to the rest of the cars Lindsey quickly exited her Mazda and spoke rapidly in Korean to her siblings who was already standing near the finish line, waiting next to their Murciélago. It was difficult to understand, even for someone that knew some Korean, but judging from her body language as she stood to lean against the Lamborghini with arms crossed she hadn't quite received the response she was looking for. Hadn't it been for her length and womenly body shape it would have been the image of a sulking child whose favourite toy just had been stolen. As it were it didn't quite look like that, but her displeasure could easily be read from her otherwise so alluring face.

    The loud cheers gave the impression of a very pleased crowd, and indeed they should be. It had been a good race. And even better, close til the end. The fourth unentered car had yet to show up, and for now it had been forgotten. The crowd needed their winner and so they would have. Amanda and Michael nodded to each other and it was Amanda, no surprise there, that took a step forward. She held up a hand to stop Erik who was just about to approaching them.

    "Who won?"
    "The Trident!"
    "No... the other one!"

    Amanda smiled, it had been too close to tell, even for her. Their guess was just as good as hers. She put a finger over her ear, mostly covered by black hair. Soon she held up a hand for silence. Impressingly enough the crowd fell silent, an anticipation hanging still in the air.

    "The photos tell us that the winner is...." she paused, hearing many of them almost holding their breath simultaneously while others in low whispers trying to silence each other. She smiled and turned to the racers.

    "The Trident!" followed by an even louder cheer than before. Some were of course shouting out swear words since they just realised they had lost their bets, which could be mistaken for loud cheering at this point.

    Kwan Gi, who had gotten the same message as his twin had already gone up to the racers, holding out a visible amount of money to Erik.

    "Newcomers luck?" he said with a smile, holding out a hand, never missing out an opportunity of a potential business contact.
    Last edited by SoHee; 16-12-2008 at 20:30.

  11. #71
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008
    Dante cute his wheel as the final turn came up, down shifting and braking as he sliced into it. Though he had gained a decent lead the other two were not that far behind him. "Jane, tank status." he said and the center of his instrument cluster blinked, showing a pair of NOS tanks with barely anything left. Well that's what I get for having fun, he thought and grinned to himself.

    They were on the final straightaway, Dante could see the finish line in the distance. As they bored down, Dante shifting into his final gear, the Trident suddenly kicked forward. "****" he swore softly. It seemed Erik had obtained the rare NOS equivalent, which was on obscene mistake for Dante to make. Regardless, he had to deal with the consequences.

    His eyes darted around, checking his speed, the closing fo the Trident, the distance to the line, and again his tanks. He could see the impending doom if the other racer held his course, and realized what was about to happen. Everything clicked in his head and he nodded. Dante had one shot, that was it to make it first across the line, and it would be far closer than he liked. The Trident cut it's wheel as the neared and Dante blinked, punching the button for his NOS. They soared over the finish line and Dante spun Jane around, her tranny yelling in protest as she came to a sudden stop. "Sorry, old girl." he murmured.

    He had been too late, but less than a second, and he knew it. As Erik walked over Dante stretched in his seat and cracked his neck. His eyes raised to meet Erik's as he stood in front of his car and Dante nodded his head once in reply to the thumbs up, the glimmer of a smile on his own face. His door opened to a torrent of angry Korean, undoubtedly coming from a very pissed off Min Sun.

    "Well that was impressive." Asuka said from behind him as he stood, and he turned to glance at her. "Oh, well, you know me." he replied with an indifferent shrug. With a fleeting grin he walked off, stopping a respectful distance from the Trio as Erik moved forward to them. As the winner was announced and the mixed cheers and curses went up, Dante shrugged to Asuka, who had stepped up alongside him. "I'm out of practice." he said in a musing tone, and she snorted. "Who's fault is that?" she retorted and punched his shoulder. His eyes followed Kwan Gi and Erik as the former approached the other.

    "Well the gang's gonna be pissed, we were counting on you to pay for dinner tonight." she continued with a playful grin. Dante laughed. "Bah I always pay." he threw back at her, yet his eyes had traveled to Min Sun in the background. She was practically livid, and considering her anger wasn't directed at him currently he the stunning look it gave her. Briefly he considered approaching her, but then he doubted that her current mood would make her any more amicable to see him. Instead he decided to wait to see the scene unfold, and to congratulate the winner.

  12. #72
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    NZ - final destination!
    The winner was announced and Erik grinned again. It wasn't so much the money, or anything else, but that he had fun showing off to the crowd. It was ironic, because very few in the crowd mattered at all to him and most he would love the chance to eradicate from the face of the planet. It didn't make him evil, it made him efficient. Three quarters of those people should never breed simply for biological reasons. The other quarter probably would end up with the wrong person to make a truly great individual. If anything, Erik did the world a favor because three out of four times he would kill someone who wasn't worth living at all in the first place. At least in HIS mind, Rosso always told Erik. It was never a sure thing weather they were supposed to live or not until they've done something truly great. Somewhat hypocritical, since the Culexus Vindicare never took someone on unless they're supposed to live.

    He raised a hand to the crowd, but really his joy was directed to two people in particular. Dante and Min Sun. He turned to each and gave them both a nod after connecting eyes. Kwan Gi came over to shake his hand and give him the cash. The cash he didn't need, but it would be a good excuse for his expensive tastes and the quick repairs on the Trident.

    Erik took the money and handed it to Jack beside him, then shook Kwan Gi's hand. "Newcomers luck?" he smiled.

    Erik chuckled, "Only if I can get Min Sun to hold true to her promise of showing me around town tonight for winning. After all, that's all I really gunned for." He turned his head and his eyes told all, it was a joke. "I had talked to your sister earlier about my reason for coming. Rosso brings his greetings to Mr.Pak. Perhaps an arrangement could be made?"

    He leaned in to Kwan's ear and spoke a few short words in Korean loud enough to hear over the screaming, but not by much. "I would like the facade of the Chimaera to cover my identity like a shroud." He looked nothing like a Korean, though anything could be explained away if it was needed.

    Returning to English, he leaned back, "Is it possible to join you in name? That is my reason for racing. To show you that I can help you if you help me."

    Jack's eyebrows arced up a moment and his eyes quickly went wide. He had expected it, but didn't think he would do it. It was a decent cover, and Rosso would likely approve. But Jack didn't know Korean. He looked at Min Sun and then at Erik and sighed, hoping he didn't do anything stupid...

    OOC: ^_^ I have a dream!

  13. #73
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Tokyo, Japan
    Yamato Jun

    Katsumoto's limo had left Gregor's project an hour or so ago. Katsumoto hadn't given Jun any further instructions, and judging from the expression Jun saw on his employer's face through his IR binoculars, he wasn't in the mood for talking. Jun took that as his cue to have the rest of the night for himself. He drove his BMW back towards town and to a multi-story building overlooking a series of conspicuously abandoned streets. The construction barricades and flashy cars parked around them meant Jun was where he was meaning to be. With his binoculars in tow, he reached the roof of the building as the racers were lining up.

    After a short interruption from a police officer who was smart enough not to piss off a large crowd of possible drunk and/or high individuals, the race was on. Earlier in the evening Jun had given his card to one of the drivers. Now he would see just how good she really was. Being a Chimera was one thing, but being a good driver was something very different, and Katsumoto has specific needs. So far, the only test Jun had given her was a simple information pry which any pretty young girl could have done. More interesting was she used her friend to accomplish her "mission" and avoided risking her own appearance. Perhaps she didn't realize that's what she did, but indeed, she had good instincts. She could be very useful after properly trained.

    The well-tuned race cars rounded the last turn three-wide. Min Sun fell behind and was passed by the other racers, but Jun saw what he needed to see. With a smirk he began the short journey to his waiting sedan. In the distance he could hear the cheers of the crowd as he left the building. For now, he would let her cool her temper and sleep it off. She had the number to call if she was interested. If not, Jun might just have to pay her a personal visit.

    Tobi Russ

    Tobi's Interceptor was parked outside a small restaraunt not far from where she responded to a burgulary alarm a few minutes ago. Apparantly, some neighborhood troublemakers thought it was fun to throw rocks at breakable glass. The scattered when Tobi arrived and she spent the following hour talking to the shop owner and taking his police report, as well as filing the proper paperwok back at the precint HQ. Now she was having a well-deserved meal at the midpoint of her shift. This particular restauraunt was known for serving law enforcement officers during the graveyard shift, and there were at least 3 other officers in the diner with her. Not at her table - Tobi ate alone usually - but around if she needed them. Dice wasn't always a safe place for police.

    OOC: Just an update post to let you all know I'm still around :p
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  14. #74
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008

    The Song Trio

    In retrospect Min Sun would most likely realise that it had been a good race, but she wasn't there yet. She was still angry at herself, but perhaps mostly blaming the car for her defeat. There were too many if's running through her head. If she had had proper time to check the car before the race, if Ash had shown up, if she hadn't used the NOS too early, if, if if...However, she did manage to return a wink to Erik as he raised a hand towards her. She was perhaps a bad loser, but she wasn't that of a bad loser having a feeling that she would see Erik again. After all, Dice wasn't -that- big in certain circles.

    "Good luck with that," Kwan Gi replied with a brief smile, knowing very well that a promise from Min Sun wasn't something you would hold on to very much. Her feelings towards someone could change in the blink of an eye.

    "You probably realize that I cannot make any promises on behalf of Mr Pak," he continued when Erik spoke, "but perhaps a meeting with Mr Pak would suffice as a start?"

    Kwan Gi prided himself that he seldom became surprised by anything, but he had to admit to himself, even though his face showed nothing, that he was surprised that this stranger knew Korean. Not many did. Most white studied Chinese or Japanese, but very seldom Korean.

    "Like I said, I wouldn't assume anything until I have spoken to Mr Pak, but I am sure we can come to some agreement," he finally said. "I'll have someone call Jack with when and where." He offered his hand to both Erik and Jack, a clear sign of that the meeting was at an end, for now.

  15. #75
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    Jul 2008
    (*casts 98% res*)

    As Erik spoke with Kwan Gi, the rest of the Black Lotus crew arrived. Grizzly and Lily had stayed behind at the shop, for whatever reasons which didn't matter much. "Well shoot boss, I'da thought you'dve managed to squeak out a win." Tekk said with a wide grin as they walked up. "Yeah, we didn't think you got that rusty." Solaris threw in with a laugh. Dante grinned as he turned to them. "Ah well, you know what they say about fools and their money." he shrugged dismissively as he walked towards them with Asuka. As a quartet they headed over to Jane, parked just a few feet from them.

    "So what'dya think?" Asuka asked quietly as she leaned in the window opposite from Dante. He looked around for a moment, eyes taking in the restored interior. The other two stood around the hood, smiling in satisfaction. "She's beautiful, of course." he breathed, nodding his head slowly. "You all did an amazing job." he chuckled softly as he straightened, "I do like the AI, that is certainly fun." The truth was he loved it. Dante's passion for cars ran deep through his body and soul, and the added level of, well, intimacy the ability to actually speak to your car provided was all the better. "Yeah yeah, but you still didn't come out of top. I knew we should've..." Solaris began with a slight frown, stopping as Dante shook his head once.

    "No. You lot weren't racing out there, I was. I was having way too much fun to worry about really winning." he smiled wistfully, gazing out over the city skyline, "I didn't get to do much racing while I was gone. She is a beaut, though. Really amazing." His voice trailed off slightly, and Tekk propped an eyebrow in Asuka and Solaris' directions. It wasn't like Dante to get all dreamy-looking, not like him in the least. "Speaking of which, what did you do while you were gone, Dante?" Tekk asked carefully, approaching the subject rather directly for the first time. Dante looked over and smiled, looking as if he was about to reply, then looked back at the two that had been conversing. "Sorry guys, looks like I gotta run." he said instead, slipping away from them. "You still owe us dinner!" Solaris called out to him, to which the other two laughed.

    Dante moved over to Erik, noting the handshake which signaled Kwan Gi's departure. Circling around Erik slightly he approached, briefly sizing him up once more. "Good race." he started, holding out a hand, "Congrats on your first one in the Dice."

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