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Thread: Israel, it's about time!

  1. #1
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Israel, it's about time!

    Israeli troops near Gaza, airstrikes continue.

    I just hope they give Hamas and the other terrorist a taste of thier own medicine,when the medics and rescue people go to the point of impact I want Israeli missles to follow up just like the extremeist do with thier bombs!

  2. #2
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    Just out of curiosity, where are you from?

  3. #3
    Post Demon Jobolob's Avatar
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    All of this equates to one thing = BAD

    Regardless of terrorists groups in Gaza is human life that easy to sacrifice.
    I am on no ones side as I am from neither country but looking from the outside we see two different stories from two different countries.

    Israel declare that Hamas has been sending missiles and mortar shells into Israeli bordering towns of Hamas, and Hamas claim that they have been vindicated.

    The fact that United Arab Emirates have been speaking to Hamas leaders, and Israel have been talking to Britain and other European countries is not a good sign.

    I guess the point of the story is who do you choose to believe.

  4. #4
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    Two acts of terrorism make one right? Sounds a bit fishy to me.

    In my opinion the only ones who could think this is a good thing are the fanatics on both sides that want to destroy any chance of peace.

  5. #5
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    United Nations started this whole conflict back in 1947 and now they just sit on their asses and says please stop fighting...

    ffs have United Nations ever done something else then whining about stop fighting?

  6. #6
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Hamas broke the cease fire agreement (again),they fired rockets and motars for two weeks non stop and had established tunnels for cross border incursions for kidnapping again ,while Israel more or less begged them to stop to no avail,if the only thing Hamas understands is terror, then terror they should have!

    Clinton brokered the best chance for peace giving Palistine virtually everything they wanted but Arafat trashed it by not getting Hamas under control!

    If the only negotiating point Hamas has is the elimination of Israel ,then I say burn them all to hell!

  7. #7
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    I love the fireworks.
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by allonons View Post
    Hamas broke the cease fire agreement (again),they fired rockets and motars for two weeks non stop and had established tunnels for cross border incursions for kidnapping again ,while Israel more or less begged them to stop to no avail,if the only thing Hamas understands is terror, then terror they should have!

    Clinton brokered the best chance for peace giving Palistine virtually everything they wanted but Arafat trashed it by not getting Hamas under control!

    If the only negotiating point Hamas has is the elimination of Israel ,then I say burn them all to hell!
    No, Hamas did not break the cease fire. Israel kept bombing and killing Hamas members, but you won't hear about that in your american medias. After a while, this became intolerable for Hamas, and they officially ended the cease fire and RETALIATED against Israel.

    Also, Israel broke the oslo-agreement back in the 90's. The agreement specifically said that NO settlements were to be expanded and no new settlements were to be built. But Israel rather built even more and expanded even more. Arafat had no choice but to say no.

    Also, did you know Hamas probably would not have excisted without Israeli support and funding? They wanted it as an alternative to PLO.

    And how on earth did you expect Arafat to control Hamas when Israel bombed every police station, government buildings, key bridges, power supply, water supply, Fatah hq's, and etc. They needed this to control Hamas, but Israel bombed that chance away, on purpose.

    Like Ariel Sharon said in 2001, "every jew has to grab every hilltop he can get, because everything we take now, will stay ours".

    Btw, if you grid the apartheid wall with water supplies, you will soon enough find out that almost all the water is located on the israeli side of the wall. The wall is there to steal water and land.

    Btw, the israelis themself said Hamas didn't follow the CF because they stocked up ammunition and rockets, NOT because they ended it by attacking back. But the last time I checked, Israel ALSO stocked ammunition and rockets....

    If you walk into a kindergarden and a 4 year old stomps on your feet, you don't break his arms...

    Hitler called partisans for terrorists. Israel calls freedom fighters for terrorists. I think both you and Israel have forgotten their history. Israel was built on terror, the IDF was formed around jewish terror groups and their leaders became prime ministers and defence ministers. Ever heard of Irgun and Stern's gang, or Haganah? Look it up. They slaughtered entire villages.
    ABS vs Rangers

  9. #9
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Stoffi get your head out of your but,theres way to many anti Israeli reporters not to have seen your so called bombing of hamas memebers not to be all over the internet during this last CF and I have found none ...thats a big fat zero numbskull......

    But I digress because Hamas are being hunted as I type and it's a beautiful day for killing terrorist!

    Enough is enough ,and I'm sick and tired of the bleeding hearts crying disproportinate response .....perhaps this will be a means to the end fire a rocket at us we destroy your city ,you kill one of ours we kill 100 of yours ,if thats what it takes so be it!

    And it's funny how you fail to mention that ground was loss during the past wars that were started by other arab states.You go to war and lose you except the losses including land!

    No problem ,you keep believing in that apeasement mentality see where it gets you!

  10. #10
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    Don't blame the UN. It was the Brits doing. At the end of WWII, the feeling in Europe was not particularly friendly to the Jewish people. To head off any more Christian-Jewish conflict, and thanks to Zionism, they dumped them on the remains of the Ottoman Empire. The Brits were seconded by the Americans and much of Europe.

    Great. Then we had an Arab-Israeli conflict. Just supply the Israeli with latest weapons and turn blind eyes to the fact that they have undeclared nukes while picking up hue and cry over the Iranians and North Koreans. When it's tanks and F-16s versus handguns, can you blame Palestinians for the only option left to them: suicide bombing?

    The British have a record of doing stuff like this. Look at India and Pakistan and all that trouble with Kashmir. Why create a partition? So that they'll kill each other, of course. The Brits never wanted their colonies to live in peace.

    I have nothing against Jewish people. Frankly, I'm horrified at what they've had to go through, but I cannot, in all honesty, support the state of Israel, it's government or it's actions. I go to England, start a business, buy off half a county and then declare it as an independent state, think the UN and the rest of the world will go along with me? More importantly, will America give me M-1s?

    Quote Originally Posted by allonons View Post
    Enough is enough ,and I'm sick and tired of the bleeding hearts crying disproportinate response .....perhaps this will be a means to the end fire a rocket at us we destroy your city ,you kill one of ours we kill 100 of yours ,if thats what it takes so be it!
    You really believe you'll stop Hamas by bombing the cities? Hasn't the last half century given any indication as to whether that'll work or not? Hasn't Afghanistan or Iraq made a point? Go read up on how terrorists work before making stupid posts.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  11. #11
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    Enough is enough ,and I'm sick and tired of the bleeding hearts crying disproportinate response .....perhaps this will be a means to the end fire a rocket at us we destroy your city ,you kill one of ours we kill 100 of yours ,if thats what it takes so be it!
    And when you kill one of theirs they kill a hundred of yours, do we have a pattern here?

  12. #12
    Post Fiend SnuggleySoft's Avatar
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    Actually the cease-fire brokered by Egypt ended a week ago. Hamas broke no agreement.

    Israel is too complicated to believe my opinion has any validity, so I usually leave that to the experts. Its basically one giant **** sandwich. Neither being Ultra-hawkish nor Ultra-dovish has worked. I believed in the giving back of Gaza and West Bank, but now Gaza is attacking Israel.

    West Bank kind of worked out though, which is good...
    Last edited by SnuggleySoft; 30-12-2008 at 23:40.

  13. #13
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    It is a **** sandwich ,but the more bread $ you got the less **** you eat!

  14. #14
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    “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

    David Ben-Gurion (Polish born Israeli Statesman and Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63). Chief architect of the state of Israel and revered as Father of the Nation, 1886-1973)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by longroad4 View Post
    “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

    David Ben-Gurion (Polish born Israeli Statesman and Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63). Chief architect of the state of Israel and revered as Father of the Nation, 1886-1973)

    Even the jews know that the propaganda they spread are lies. Of course the arab states declared war at a country who had just stolen palestine.
    Israel was founded on terrorism, they massacred hundreds, if not thousands of palestinians and they terrorized the british. They even murdered the UN-delegate. Those very men who did that, became the core of the IDF and the israeli government.
    Hamas is only fighting for freedom, just like the resistance in France during WWII and the resistances in other countries. Sending rockets into a family house though, is terror. And that goes for both sides, though the Israelis can aim their missiles at houses.

    Notice the different methods USA and Israel have when they fight "terrorism". USA tries above all to avoid civilian casualties. They do their best, and they don't bomb everything and everyone.
    Israel on the other hand, couldn't care less. Palestinians are less worth, and the jewish race is God-sent.... They don't care if there are lots of civilians if they have a chance to kill someone.
    Israel and USA are fighting two similar wars, but Israel has no regard for non-jewish human life.
    ABS vs Rangers

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