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Thread: TPA/WPA question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    TPA/WPA question

    I know this is probably a noob question, but an answer would be great =)

    I know WPA/TPA levels affect how succesful you are against an opponent when doing OPs, but does anyone know the general ratios?

    Say that you have...

    2WPA and 2TPA, how often will your ops succeed against someone with 1 TPA/1 WPA? 50% or less?

    Say you have 4 Wpa/4Tpa and they have 2TPA/2WPA, is it still 50%?

    Or say you have 5 WPA/5 TPA and they have 1/1, what would sucess rates be?


  2. #2
    Post Fiend bigboywasim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    It depends on how much TPA/WPA you have and how much your opponent has.
    It also depends on how hard the op is and the spells your target has on.

    The general rule is that attackers should keep 2 TPA raw and 2 WPA raw.

    T/Ms should keep 4 TPA raw and 4 WPA raw

    A/M should keep 2 TPA raw and 4 WPA raw

    A/T should keep 4 TPA raw and 2 WPA raw

    This is with good crime and magic science 50%+

    Thieves should keep a minimum of 15% TD

    Mages should be keeping a minimum of 15% Guilds

    Attackers do not have TD but might have WT 10-15%

  3. #3
    Post Demon Jobolob's Avatar
    Join Date
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    South Australia
    Read the guide

    This is the formulae for all thievery operations, you'll have to work it out twice, once for you and once for the person you want to op.

    No idea how accurate this actually is but here it is!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    The guide doesn't give chance of success.

    Last age I tested 5 mod tpa robbing gc from 1 mod tpa. results were 87/100 success.

    Some people are trying to form a group to do research for this type, join #utolab on irc if you'd like to help out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Not what I asked...=S

    I know success rate depends on both your WPA/TPA and opponents..

    What Im looking for is specific ratios...Guide doesnt say anything about that, I want a formula for ratio between opponents WPA/TPA and yours..and level(difficulty) of spells worked in if possible.. Something that will work out specific success rates should your opponents have 2.4 mod tpa and you have 5.2 mod tpa, like would it be 68.6% on an easy spell (obviously less on harder spells, would have to be worked out) or something like that. If such formulas exist at all...heres hoping =P

  6. #6
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Not exactly, working to decimal points requires insane mathematical diligence and time - in utopia, it is quite rare that you have the time to convert your province to suit specific numbers (numbers that are usually subject to change). Besides, how do you determine "less hard spells" without experiment and proof. People probably do this, but they probably don't do it for free. ;)

  7. #7
    Forum Addict Toadi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Paris, France
    T/Ms should keep 4 TPA raw and 4 WPA raw
    Make it 6 TPA and 6 WPA and you might have a semi decent T/M. 4 TPA and 4 WPA is a joke, you wont be landing any spell with these numbers, and most of your ops will fail. Unless you are a Gnome yourself, Gnomes will actually butcher you ...

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