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Thread: Palin

  1. #61
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Freemehul showing us all once again how dumb he is... Good job Freemehul. Can't prove anything so just puts out blanket 'wrongs'.


  2. #62
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    I'm disgusted with the republicrats ticket,all these years John has preached choice by issue and now he has a chance for that to mean something "he falls right in to the trapt of following party lines"....disgusting.To simply give in to the establishment and turn the ads into filthy mud slinging makes him look like a complete puppit canidate.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    21 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Should NOT be Elected Vice-President of the
    United States :

    1) She is a Woman.

    2) She does not believe in killing babies, born or unborn.

    3) She is NOT endorsed by Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell,
    Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Geraldine Ferraro, Barbara Walters, Helen
    Thomas, Ellen DeGeneris, Ted Kennedy, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews,
    Barbra Streisand, David Letterman, or others who fervently believe in a
    Woman's Right to Choose (to kill babies).

    4) She is married to a Foreigner—a species called 'Native
    American'—meaning her five children are half-breeds.

    5) She has on more than one occasion expressed PRIDE in the United States
    of America .

    6) Unlike decent, self-respecting Democrats everywhere, she has a
    17-year-old daughter who became pregnant out of wedlock.

    7) She is a member of the American Riflemen's Association / actually owns
    firearms / and knows how to use them.

    8) She has killed a moose, among other animals—and spreads the
    propaganda that it is hunters, through their license fees, that keep
    American wildlife from becoming extinct.

    9) She often does her own grocery and other household shopping.

    10) She drives a car, and flies a plane.

    11) She chose to give birth to a defective child, rather than allow a
    skilled Abortion Doctor to kill it for her.

    12) She refuses to apologize for seeking the termination of an Alaskan
    State Trooper just because he applied a gentle taser to his 12-year-old
    stepson (who, of course, happened to be Gov. Palin's nephew).

    13) She is inexperienced. And she refuses to admit that her duties as the
    chief exec utive in the State of Alaska are nowhere near equal to those of
    a public servant who was once a Community Organizer, or that of a United
    States Senator who has carried the awesome burden of overseeing a staff
    of political appointees.

    14) She has a son who is in the U.S. Military, deployed to the Persian
    Gulf—probably making her prejudiced against all the peaceful Muslims
    in that part of the world.

    15) She is on Oprah Winfrey's 'Do Not Invite' list.

    16) She professes to be a Christian, but has no 'Spiritual Adviser'—
    even though Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who served Sen. Obama in that capacity
    for 20 years, is now available.

    17) She isn't really a 'beauty queen,' as advertised. She was only the
    runner-up in the Miss Alaska Contest; and Alaska is not a very populous
    state, anyway.

    18) The Obama-Biden ticket is favored over McCain-Palin, 80% to 20%, by
    our friendly allies in France .

    19) Her children are not properly trained in hygiene. (Did you see her
    7-year-old daughter shamelessly lick the entire palm of her hand at the
    Convention, then use it to slick down the hair of her little brother?)

    20) She is of mixed English, German, and Irish ancestry—and you KNOW you
    can't trust the Limey's, Krauts, or Micks.

    21) Back to No. 1: This is the one that really galls modern, liberal
    'feminists.' Gov. Palin is a Woman, a female-type wife and mother, who
    shaves her legs, wears makeup, dresses smartly, often cooks meals for her
    family, doesn't give a hoot about the National Organization for Women or
    the all-powerful Teachers Unions—and obviously will never, ever fit in
    as a member of the Washington Elite.

    Do we want a person like this to be the Vice President of the Unites States?

    You bet we do !!!

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    That's a rather crappy list there in my opinion (as reasons for her being a good VP), not a lot of politically relevant things that made the list it appears. It looks more like someone took the twenty worst reasons and disregarded the good ones.

    One part of it got me thinking of something else though. That part where the author of that list cited French support of the democrats as a reason why Palin would be a good VP. This is a phone conversation between Mrs Palin and a Canadian comedian who Palin believes is Nicolas Sarkozy (French President). It is pretty funny, especially if you understand some French. What is disturbing though is that despite the many clues Palin doesn't seem to understand that it is a prank call, so in the end the fake Sarkozy has to tell her that he isn't really the French President.

    Audio of the conversation

    Article and transcript

    Oh and by the way, since Palin seems to take the friendly allies in France rather seriously perhaps you shouldn't treat their views so disrespectfully. The kind of xenophobic tendencies that sometimes pop out aren't giving such a good picture of the US.
    Last edited by AFKain; 02-11-2008 at 07:04.

  5. #65
    Post Demon
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    Jul 2008
    That was mean, but it totally sounds like a prank one of our local comedians would pull. Sometimes, I wish they'd dial it back a bit.

    Some of it was funny and disturbing though:

    His advisor, Johnny Hallyday. OMG, give me a break.

    I could get why she wouldn't know who the prime minister of Quebec is, but the prime minister of Canada... I can see why they'd say that her experience in foreign relations is limited.

    "Du rouge à lèvre sur une cochone"... tsk tsk tsk, its a bit low to exploit the fact that they can't understand what you are saying.

  6. #66
    Veteran Bluefaerydust's Avatar
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    i thought she was being very diplomatic in her responses to the comments by the prankster - I couldnt understand a lot of what he was saying - i bet she didnt either ;)

    Just shows you the cheap shots she has had to endure - makes me admire her that much more - and she will have my vote if she ever runs for president - god knows she will be so much wiser then!

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    So - “change” is code for same old same old. An inexperienced prep boy from privileged birth, backed by a DC super insider … sound familiar? Enjoy the next 4 years of the same crap. And if a woman want’s to espouse traditional values? Why you attack her on the issues. The issues for democrats apparently have to do with how pretty you are… ‘you look like a pig in lipstick’ says the Biden/Obama champagne tour - howls of laughter from their supporters. Not that it matters, at that level what ever clown gets the nod is going to be absolutely owned by those who put them there and that is not the voters - if it were the final and fair elected team would be the top two vote getters as president and vice president. Said pairing representing the will of the majority rather than a manipulation of the masses perceptions by media and insider elite bosses.
    Palin is the only one of the bunch that is remotely like any of the common people of the US, that’s why she’s attacked on the most visceral level - every one relates to her

  8. #68
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    lol canadians have a good sense of humor
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    pal in ? jack the black

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