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Thread: three nine

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    dont ask me like i know the reason. stupid players exist. I am the only player Halfling that can propaganda large amounts with my 7000 thieves a time.i didn't prop him. since his net or acer wasn't good for me. he might have gave up in his account since this kingdom fell apart. When we declear then they were around our acer size no more then 5k acer difference. and all lords and a few viscount. They kingdom just started defecting and broke down. Another point is, if they were our farm. Then they wouldnt have defected.
    Last edited by SexyOne; 22-01-2009 at 15:11.

  2. #92
    Forum Addict Toadi's Avatar
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    Paris, France
    I am the only player Halfling that can propaganda large amounts with my 7000 thieves a time.
    Im not sure about why you are trying to prove here. Furthermore, I do know how Propaganda works, and have performed a bunch using much more than 7000 thieves this age. Oh, and we call them Gnomes now.

    he might have gave up in his account since this kingdom fell apart.
    Yeah, because all the players giving up their accounts release thieves and wizards before doing so. That is very doubtful, and makes little sense to me.

    Another point is, if they were our farm. Then they wouldnt have defected.
    You do not need to control a full kingdom to get farm wars. Only a few provinces giving Hostile status. None of the provinces who gave you the war button defected. These who defected claimed that they did not want to get into this war and were suffering from their new monarch who kept deleting everything in the forum.

    Also note that I do not accuse you of using external provinces to get war, Im just pointing out facts and trying to find out how things like this can happen. I have nothing against ghetto farming as long as the war is started on legit basis, ie. no multi provinces.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ok, here’s my two cents as a member of legendary Luns.

    Well, to be honest if I was an outsider I'd also think the same and accuse Luns like you did. There's nothing wrong here, because everything seems so clear and obvious. So every written critique above is welcome (except the insulting ones of course).

    But my point is...

    Why does a kingdom -namely The Luns, which exists in game since the 2nd age which makes them one of the oldest and experienced kingdoms of the community- need to do this? I mean why does a kingdom, which were already #1 at honor charts by 2k margin just before entering this so-called dishonest war, cheat so obviously? Oh c’mon, you can call us anything, but we are smart enough to know that every single eye would be on us and watch our steps waiting for something suspicious. And someone is still writing the same things, no resistance, 0 thieves, etc etc. As iamthejury stated before, the situation is not normal, but we’re not associated with that.

    And about deletions... The reason for going into mass VM was to prevent from being mass razed, not to keep ourselves at #1. “To be in VM to save honor” thing is ridiculous. No kingdom would take it, cause when you’re at VM, your honor stalls there (for at least 3 days) and you give a chance to your rivals to pass beyond.

    And yes, our king was warned with a msg from OMAC when most of our kingdom got into VM mode at war. But the message was like “no more than 5 provs can be in VM in WAR, so if you do that again you’ll be deleted”. And the 2nd time, we were OUT OF WAR but still got deleted. I saw lots of kingdoms with most of their provinces in VM in the past, i wonder if they’ve all been deleted also.

    Anyways, every story has an end and it seems this is the end for Luns. Best of luck to all, enjoy the game.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    People frame us warring 3 farm which is bs. How the heck can we get people to hand us thier honor so ez. Every war we massacre, aw. then DE spells with MS, fireball. Rogues all ns and prop. then acer attack. We have 50% Elf with -50% unit deathrate and they start of with the hits and get hit given us advantage cause they lose more troops for hitting us. This is our victory strat.

    Why would any one be willing to be a farm. How can one get a group of people to do reckless action on them self. specially when they have been with kingdom since start of age. And all lord and viscount kingdom be willing to give up their honor so easy? when can they get in exchange land? at 1400 acer they can just explore

    Last edited by SexyOne; 22-01-2009 at 15:35.

  5. #95
    Post Fiend
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    New York City
    you cheated, you got caught. Stop whining.

  6. #96
    Post Fiend
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    Sep 2008
    And about deletions... The reason for going into mass VM was to prevent from being mass razed, not to keep ourselves at #1. “To be in VM to save honor” thing is ridiculous. No kingdom would take it, cause when you’re at VM, your honor stalls there (for at least 3 days) and you give a chance to your rivals to pass beyond.
    Ok Ok, suddenly everyone needed a break.

    That was funny =)

    And someone is still writing the same things, no resistance, 0 thieves, etc etc. As iamthejury stated before, the situation is not normal, but we’re not associated with that.
    OK OK, again conspiracy theory about someone baiting you with their farm!

    Why would any one be willing to be a farm. How can one get a group of people to do reckless action on them self. specially when they have been with kingdom since start of age. And all lord and viscount kingdom be willing to give up their honor so easy? when can they get in exchange land? at 1400 acer they can just explore
    Yeah, because a farm by defintion is a province created by yourself for farming purposes.

    Do you need some kind of dictionary?

    We have 50% Elf with -50% unit deathrate and they start of with the hits and get hit given us advantage cause they lose more troops for hitting us. This is our victory strat.
    OMG , I think it is quite clear u farmed your way to a spot in the charts now.

  7. #97
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    I am VT2, and I approve of this thread.
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  8. #98
    Post Fiend
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    Sep 2008
    Just a fast respond not that i care what some people here think but Freedom is not leading the Honor chart the honor already genereated will drop due to this is a fw, and the real nr 1 Evulut will be back on top.

    they wanted a fw, we wanted to keep our honor and we will have when the war is over.

    And no we are in no way the same as lun, they cheated using multies, getting people to release, we are doing a kingdom an favor while keeping the honor we had.

    Go go Decay.

  9. #99
    Sir Postalot
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marcuria View Post
    And yes, our king was warned with a msg from OMAC when most of our kingdom got into VM mode at war. But the message was like “no more than 5 provs can be in VM in WAR, so if you do that again you’ll be deleted”. And the 2nd time, we were OUT OF WAR but still got deleted. I saw lots of kingdoms with most of their provinces in VM in the past, i wonder if they’ve all been deleted also.
    so... those 17 odd green provs with a little red "This kingdom is currently at war with (##:##)" was all in my imagination...

    oh, and people dont realise, that cause sexyone and marcuria deny any knowledge of multi's doesnt mean they are lying, back when i was more ignorant than i am now, i got into a gen kd where similar things happened to what is happening to them... and at the time i didnt know any better =)

  10. #100
    I like to post MorbidAngel's Avatar
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    Yap _greenie... Your imagination is weird.. Soon you will manage not to see few hits in paper too.. It's time to visit a doctor..

    Inferno of Absalom
    The Gay

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    3:9 isn't a cheater and LUNs are:D:D
    You make me laugh..
    Last edited by AceAce; 22-01-2009 at 21:47.
    In the name of all Mc_Evil family

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I guess i will just take it as our tatics Were are so good that you guys cant comprehend and logic to accept. Just call it cheating cause thats the only way to comfort yourself. Just like how an C student would say an A student cheated on thier test when all they did was studied.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    greenie i completely understand what u mean, but those ppl claim they are luns monarchs

    and even if they are not, wouldnt they be at least a bit suspicious? i mean xlogging or stealing from farms is one thing, but got declared by a ghetto that release all thief/mage and dont fight back is another

  14. #104
    Post Fiend
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    Sep 2008
    This will be the only Comment from me regarding the 3:9 War - FW what ever, we are gonna give the honor back that was taken (decay and WD) - we provided a FW for some friends, while we the same time was thinking the 2 kingdoms to beat in honor was Lun - Saints and we had decided no mather what we wouldent let them win for there CLEAR cheating, so we where ready to sink to new LOW to prevent this, in the mean time Lun has been deal with and new top kingdoms is Elvut who we repect alot and have no plans of taking a win away from , so we are gonna drop out and give back the Honor - and try get a real war before eoa to give Elvut a fair run for the honor spot.

    Again im sure will think of us as Farmers so be it, well deserved but atleast we dident Multi, Xlog or get kingdom to release to get here.

    There is No honor in going for honor.

    p.s the dession to do what we do was 100% mine, no one else in my kingdom had a say, so people flaming them on irc it is pointless, you can point it towards me, as even tho my kingdom dident agree i told them to shut it and do as told, Hate me not the players. Peace out.

    Last edited by Michael; 23-01-2009 at 00:55.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    LOL @ Michael

    yeah i am sure 3:9 has never multied or xlogged before. yeah right, and u guys are just the cleanest kd around =))

    Omac should just delete the honor chart, useless nowadays.

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