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Thread: New Genesis Idea

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    New Genesis Idea

    Well I just came back to this game, and I was reading some old threads about what to do with the Genesis Server. How about something along the lines of this:

    Whenever the WoL game ends, your kingdom will have a choice if they want their WoL account to be transferred over to Genesis as it is at the end of the round. (While this is going on, you still can play on WoL when the new round starts) Once over on Genesis, make it so that you have to be warring at all times, with a one day with one day in between each war, maybe two, and each war lasts say between 3-7 days, or once one kingdom is destroyed. Once the war is over, the losing kingdom will be eliminated from the game. During these wars make it so casualties are higher, land lost and gained from attacks are higher, and thievery and magic ops are either easier to do or cause more damage. I'm not going to make any numbers up for what they should be or not, but just make it so it is pretty much a massacre of both sides. Also, since you are going to recieve a lot of damage, the day or two in between the wars, increase birthrates, income, food/rune production, make building and training cheaper and faster. This is to make it so when you go into the next war, you arn't completly crippled.

    For deciding who will war who, the game itself should decide, just so the top kingdom in the game isn't warring all the ghettos. Also, maybe even have it where say there is a 10 million NW kingdom, have them war say two 4 million NW kingdoms at the same time, or something along those lines. This would make it so you could have a more true determination of the best and most orginized kingdom in the game.

    I know this probably wouldn't work with all the lame alliances and cheaters out there, but I think it would be a fun thing to do, atleast one time.

  2. #2
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    too long to read.

    "There are no women on the internet, only men, FBI agents and Chris Hansen."

    Baby who wants to love me sexy uh?
    Baby are you ready to lick me sexy uh uh?
    Take off your shoes and suck me sexy!
    Baby we’re naked and we’re humpin’ sexy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Maybe mommy can read it to you as a bedtime story after she tucks you in.

  4. #4
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    i wish.

    "There are no women on the internet, only men, FBI agents and Chris Hansen."

    Baby who wants to love me sexy uh?
    Baby are you ready to lick me sexy uh uh?
    Take off your shoes and suck me sexy!
    Baby we’re naked and we’re humpin’ sexy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

  6. #6
    Post Demon Jobolob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    South Australia
    I read it, the idea in *general* might work, but it sounds like alot of extra work for Omac.

    As for the 10million networth KD warring 2 4million networth Kingdoms wouldnt work. 25 provinces double the size (or more) of 50 provinces doesnt work. The bigger Kingdom would be able to attack without repercussion as none of the other provinces would be able to break even with armies out. You would need a whole week of TM ops to just get them breakable.

    It would be like a kingdom of all 1k province trying to take on a kingdom with all 2-2.5k provinces. No matter how many players stacked up you would need relentless TM work.

  7. #7
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    maybe it would work better (and be a lot more interesting) if the provinces were scattered randomly in genesis and not kept with the same kd

    "There are no women on the internet, only men, FBI agents and Chris Hansen."

    Baby who wants to love me sexy uh?
    Baby are you ready to lick me sexy uh uh?
    Take off your shoes and suck me sexy!
    Baby we’re naked and we’re humpin’ sexy!

  8. #8
    Post Fiend grimborn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sounds like the great utopia standoff, except that is better then this idea and more organized. Between wars provinces are rest to a random size the same as an enemy kingdom. anywhere between 400 acres and 3500 acres. all that matters is war losses, Get 3 and your eliminated. Your matched by people with same record as you and then by amount of people so it as fair as possible.

  9. #9
    Enthusiast 0papa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    this belongs in suggestion

    Have Fun & Prosper

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