I'd better start. What follows is an experiment in letting my mind drift along a vague theme and writing about the images that come up.


These are the tales of the twisted scrolls that lie where man knows not.

Hallowed is this place and cursed
A bleached white skull sits on ebon sands
It is caressed by wind and rain and sun and moon and yet it feels not
There is no care in its empty gaze nor smile in its toothsome mouth
Time has forgotten it as it has forgotten so many of the lands
There are places that we can no longer reach
Places that have been denied to us
Places we once roamed freely
Places we once called home

These were lands of dreams and dreamscapes
Distorted through a frosted glass of twilight
Rolling green beneath the black skies, clouds low and grey
The moment before the storm shook the heavens
Worlds of silence, worlds of potential
They wait for a single word, lost to the human tongue
Written on the twisted scrolls that lie where man knows not
And on that word?

Is this knowledge forbidden?
Is this knowledge forgotten?
Why have they been taken from us?
We are lesser now than what we were
If it is forgotten it is because we have failed
We will never see that like again
Never walk the ebon sands
Nor dance over the rolling green beneath the black skies
Never savour that moment balanced on the edge of a knife

All that is left now is a bleached white skull
We have failed.

Such are the tales told in the twisted scrolls that lie where man knows not.