General Train didn't even bat an eye as Marsaik hit the ground. Azrael however stood and walked over, reaching out hand to offer to help Marsaik up. AS he moved, Train gave his answer. You're it. We need to move fast and troop transports take too long. If you can't handle it we don't have enough normal troops to make a difference anyway. You won't exactly be covert once you hit the ground. You have been authorized full armory access, this includes high explosives, and if you deem fit, anti matter bombs. All yields."

WE've been watching them through our satellites, and it seems they've been maintaining a relatively small military presence there. They have their most elite troops and scientists there though, so while the odds will be closer than most of you are used to on your missions, the troops will be better and more than likely much better equipped. As to them being strong enough to find and take the base we aren't sure how that happened. We found out when our satellites detected a massive power surge in North America. Intel was then confirmed through a very reliable source."

"What we think happened is that somehow the NAC found the base, powered down and dormant. Once they found out what they had on their hands the set about covertly preparing the base to go online. They then spent an undetermined amount of time repairing the Generator within the base, and we found out about it all when they powered it all back on. That was 1 week ago. We haven't sent in any drones or any other force in an attempt to maintain the element of surprise. I know we're sending you in on little information, but what we have suggests that this is serious."

"Anything else?"