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Thread: Archangel Protocols: Revival IC

  1. #61
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Casper was silent in the lift, preferring instead to listen, as he often does. The group seemed volitle. Any attempts at a subtle side of the mission may very well be impossible, especially with the large, aggressive GELF among them, and the considerable firepower packed in the cyborg girl. He assumed the Pure Ones could exercise some self control, and Longview was literally born for covert ops. Definately, this would be an interesting mission.

    The life stopped and parted the doors. The group made its way to the small armory of weapons attached to the sim room. Casper noticed Azreal had already loaded a sim before they had arrived; the scenario known only to him. Casper donned a suit of light armor, mostly useful for lessening the damage from direct fire and possibly mitigating glancing hits. He took a tactical helmet, though the computer inside would not be needed for the mission once he synced his internal processes with thier tac-coms. For now, though, it served as viable protection to his most valuable target.

    For weapons, Casper took a medium range semi-automatic carbine with a scope. It was more powerful than the average assault rifle and could be loaded with a variety of ammo types (explosive, AP, incendiary, stc), though it was limited to encased plasma slugs. He also took a pair of laser sidearms and a combat knife. His particular weapons were made with andriod interfaces, using the same universal plug in his wrist. Standard weapons didn't have these modifications, for they only served the purpose of better allowing the andriod (or cyborg) to make use of thier targeting capabilities.

    Casper approached the door to enter the sim chamber, and activated combat mode. His sensors and audio/visual recordings ceased and his tactical components came online. He turned to face the group, capturing each of thier faces and appearances as they were fully geared. He entered them as temporary hostiles in his mission database. The paramaters for thier hostility were simulated environments. He turned back to the door and patiently waited the sim to be started.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  2. #62
    Post Fiend Mireldeyn's Avatar
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    It was the first time since they were thawed that Apollyon took control of their body. She glared at Masraik like he was a stupid rhino, which he looked like, and said, "There's a reason they called me Abaddon or Apollyon, or the Angel of Pestilence. I am a creature of disease and poison. Within moments my body can fight it off, no matter the combination of chemicals. Do not treat me like one of you later generations, unable to fight off even a little bit of E. coli. If there are any consequences, then I will take personal responsibility for it, and will stay locked up in my freezer for the rest of effing eternity." Abaddon wrestled control from her more violent counterpart, and made their body relax a little. She breathed deeply, not taking the proffered vial, and leaned against the wall, ignoring him, wishing that Azra would hurry up and start the sim so that she could let Apollyon go without any limitations.
    I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my....LASER!!
    ~Some random deviation that my brother showed me one day, once upon a

  3. #63
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    Kindle saw the lift door shut, and the group go up "Damn! I thought I'd get back in time." She makes a pouty face, and waits for the next lift to take her up to green level.

    She pulled out her energy bar, and took a couple bites. Although most of her energy could be replenished in the same manner as an android, nothing could beat the taste of good food, NOTHING. She went the rest of the way to the sim room in unusual silence, enjoying her trail mix bar.

    When she arrived at the sim room, she saw everyone already assembled and geared up. Kindle wanted to get her gear in order quickly {Wow, looks like everyone's energy levels are up a bit, that's good}. "Mas! Ya'll totally didn't wait on me for the lift" She laughed, as she knew she hadn't actually asked him to.

    She walked over to get equipped, though she wasn't entirely sure what equipment set to pick from seeing as she didn't know what the simulation was. {I'll just have to get the usual for now}.

    She requested a S.J.3 (smart jolt, 3 pulse) Plasma Rifle, and immediately checked the safety on it before linking it to her system. Next she went with a smaller pistol than usual, a .45 and strapped it to her thigh where it could be easily taken out for a quick shot, albeit unlinked aiming. When looking at the options of her usual choices she shook her head "No, i'll get the blaster when mission starts". "Where's my Jackal?" She asked through a com, referring to her sword. When it was immediately brought to her, Kindle felt a sense of purpose {For me to get such prompt responses, this is a doomsday mission indeed} The sword did not have a sheath, but rather when she put it to her back side, her frame adjusted and trapped the hilt in a circular grip.

    "Commander Azrael, sir, have you decided what type of Simulation we are running, and would you like me to equip any seige firepower?"

  4. #64
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    ooc: Poor Mas, getting dissed, tsk tsk. Here's hoping the halucinogen really doesn't affect her. Anyone who hasn't made there formal appearance can post it, but I'm trying to keep us moving, hope I'm not leaving anyone too far behind. I just don't want to lose the good momentum we have going.

    Watching everyone assemble he thought about the mission. <We've got a strong group here, probably one of the most concentrated batches of firepower we've had in one place since... since ... they had been hunting someone... a threat... powerful... Deus? No. Deus had been in the base, no hunt, just fire and blood and ...> Pain in his head warned him. He backed away from the memories, thinking too hard on the things that were scattered and lost always caused him pain.

    <Our skills are many, I hope they'll be enough. Our Weaknesses are many, I hope we can cover them. Balance. Must find the balance.> When Masraik approached him with his explanation Azrael nodded and took the vial, injecting himself. He trusted his enhanced immune system as Abaddon did, but had also believed in being safe rather than sorry. "Thank you Masraik. I'll keep her inoculation just in case." He took the spine from him and added "They've upped their game on the armor I see. When they designed you they really were going for a tank. You remind me strongly of Michael I think. They made him the strongest of us in body. But the Halucinogen and the berserking... those are new. I am certain it will all come very much in handy."

    He spoke in part to try and cover any of the sting Abaddon's rash words may have caused. This one needed careful treatment until he felt secure in the group. If Azrael was right, the comparison with one of the strongest of the original seven would help mollify him. The complement of his new features should also help keep him from thinking that Azrael thought of him as a derivative or a GELF. His file listed him as a Pure One, an original of the genetic template, where a GELF was derived from the genetics of a Pure one.

    He knew there was a huge difference between how a Pure one was made and how a GELF was made, and his mind seemed to stick on it, trying to remember, but that too was gone. The pain began to return, sharper than before, and he turned his thoughts away. Finally Kindle showed up, and addressed him. He responded to her as he began to manually press into the computer his desired paramters, his nimble fingers flying over the keyboard as he rapidly programmed the sim room and told it to execute. "First of all, you do not have to refer to me by rank, We have to think and work as a team. I may be in charge, but I don't think we need those extra syllables to make sure it is known, it only slows down speech, and identifies me as a higher priority target to the enemy. Not that we'll leave any of them standing long enough to put that information to use."

    "We don't know exactly what we'll be facing in the base so I've set up a highly randomized sim for us, after we've done a little warm up sparring. Prep as you see fit. You know what you are good with better than I. Optimize yourself for versatility. We'll have access to more in the real armory, but try and be representative of what you'll be using." As he finished speaking the sim chimed, signalling that it was loaded and ready.

    "Alright, everyone in. We'll be sparring first. Then I'll change it over to a randomized scenario. Pair up, weapons safety is on full, but injury punishment is also on full." Looking them over he saw Abaddon eyeing Masraik in a surly fashion, and given her earlier reaction to the earlier inoculation discussion...

    "Masraik, you're with me big guy. I'm gonna find out what the Prots can do these days." He didn't need any stress fractures in the team, and if Abaddon let loose on their resident berserker, there could be literal fractures in the team, full safeties or not. He stepped into the sim room, which currently appeared to be an endless grey void, the only differentiation between "sky" and "ground" was a deepening of shade for the ground. Calling to the compuer he said "Simulation Modify: Outdoors, simple ." Suddenly the sky was blue, the ground was a light green, and there was a visible lightsource in the sky. "he paced away from the group, facing up some 20 meters from Masraik. He studied him intently. Once everyone was in position he cocked his head to one side and said "Ready?"

    ooc: Full safety means that weapons will do no REAL damage, hit as hard as you like, force fields prevent the force from actually connecting. Full Injury punishment means that you still FEEL the hits. IT doesn't cause damage but the forcefields activate the appropriate level and region of pain receptors, causing you to "feel" the wound even though you do not have it. In the event of an injury that should hinder mobility or some such, your movement will be appropriately hindered by said force fields.

    Description of Abaddon's action with Mir's permission. (looking at mas in a surly fashion)

    Mas, feel free to post your attack/responses to my conversation. I decide what of your hits land/ what sort of damage it does though, and vice versa. Try to be realistic enough.

    Everyone else, match up as you see fit, first come first serve. Matt I think Mir has her eye on you though.

  5. #65
    Post Fiend Mireldeyn's Avatar
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    OOC: Heck yes I call Matt. ^_^


    Abaddon was sneering inside at Masraik, and from the glance that Azra shot in her direction as he was explaining what they were going to do, she knew she was alloying a little bit of that to show in her face. <Oh, we'll just fight him in the sim. Azrael said they were doing one on one first...>

    Azra then said that Masraik was his.

    <Well, crap,> thought Apollyon, and Abaddon smiled inwardly. She knew who she wanted to fight, and as he gaze settled on him, she knew that it would be fun to see two of the fastest go against one another.

    As Azra walked into the room and called up the sim, Abaddon fell in step beside Matthias, a somewhat wicked grin on her face. "Partner up?" she asked, letting the end scythed blade of Asterael fall to the ground as she looked at him, an odd look of pleasure shaping her eyes. She knew that this would be an experience, and it would give her a chance to stretch out against one of her own "children" who's stats came close to matching her own when she had been out of cryo sleep for a longer length of time.
    I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my....LASER!!
    ~Some random deviation that my brother showed me one day, once upon a

  6. #66
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    Kindle listened to Azrael's order, and without missing a beat, "Less formal, you got it Az !"

    She surveyed the room {hmmm..sparring first} At first she though of asking Longview, but trading shots didn't seem like it would be much of a warm up for either. "HEY CASPER! Wanna spar?" Waving her unlinked arm in the air she trotted in his direction. "Techie versus Techie, whatdya say?"

  7. #67
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    He Nearly crushed the vial in his hand before Azrael took it for Abaddon. Masraik said, "Good choice..." with enough disdain for it to be easily noticed. <This bloody crew is already getting under my skin! Do I really need to do that right off the bat just to gain a little respect?! No... I shouldn't... then I probably would end up severely hurting, if not killing someone. After all, the safety mechanism only does so much for a fist, or me ripping someones limbs off...> Glaring back at Abaddon he though, <I suppose I'd have to catch them first though. Damn squirrelly agile fighters.>

    Masraik snapped out of his internal conflict on how best to inflict pain, uh I mean respect, upon his fellow soldiers by Azrael's sudden comments on Michael. "I was indeed designed for front line defense and offense, and extreme sustained combat times. As for the berserking, don't be too impressed. Its actually only an effect from them trying to put me in one of those containers with the saline gloop you are frozen in. My biochemical fungal engineering overloads from the mass of nutrients, and thus overloads my body's survival instincts. The berserking is a mechanism of my fungal DNA attempting to "leaf out" and spread its genetic material, hence the hallucinogenic spores. The mass increase is another biological function of trying to impress dominance on any nearby threats and in attempt to maximize spread of genetic material. I can't control how its released whenever I'm in that condition. It's also entirely primal and uncontrollable, so if you ever see me like that, consider me just as much an enemy as those firing at you. Trust me, it was a nasty little surprise the first time they tried to freeze me."

    Relaxed from his little science lesson, and the obvious attempts from leadership to sate him, he calmed down just a little. <It's obvious what Azrael's doing, but I'll give in for now> However, he gritted his teeth and looked around to speak to Abaddon.

    "I do not mean to suggest you could not handle it, however this is what I am, should that shine any light on your capability of enduring it. My genetics were derived from Amanita phalloides which contains two toxins and Claviceps purpurea which includes one toxin. The only ones you should be worried about, unless you feel so inclined to bite me for some reason, are phallolysin, which is a hemolytic toxin (red blood cell destroying) and alkaloid ergotamine, which is a vasoconstrictor (shrinks your blood vessels, causing no blood flow which leads to burning sensations, gangrene, or death) and harsh hallucinogenic. These injections are a nanite I acquired from the protocols and reverse engineered to immediately seek and turn those spores into adrenaline and oxygen. They won't effect anything else."

    He then turned around to watch as Azrael started the Sim. <Ah good, a pleasant battle field. Non of that concrete prison garbage I'm usually stuck in.> Masraik looked over at Kindle and said, "Sorry little Miss energy pack, it looks like I'm battling our commander today, lets hope he doesn't hurt me!" He gave her a little wink and walked off after Azrael as he got into position for their private duel.

    Masraik took a minute and closed his eyes. He could kid all he wanted but he knew that Azrael would mean serious business. He wasn't worried about normal rounds, or any sort of energy force weapons, but any sort of melee tactical fighting that could get close and personal was always a threat. His armor was built like it looked, with loose scales so that it grew with him if he berserked, thus anyone with skills with a blade could get underneath those scales. Thankfully, it was linked to his nervous system so that it did move when he wanted it too... providing some measure of force holding the scales in place.

    Masraik opened his eyes, reached around for his shield, and split it in two. The pieces wrapped tightly around each of his arms. Masraik leaned forward in his normal combat stance, which looked almost like he was ready to sprint; and he was. Masraik closed the short distance between himself and Azrael as quickly as he could for weighing over 600lbs in full gear. He held the pieces in front of him in a large X pattern in front of him, leaving only enough room for him to see where he was going as he ran forward. <I'm not holding back, I hope you're ready old man> At that point, Masraik swung his right shield downward in a hacking motion while still holding the left piece upright and close to protect the majority of his body. <He dodged right! He only thinks thats an opening. Dodge this!> Immediately leveling out his left arm, Masraik aimed the tip of his shield at Azrael and pulled the trigger, letting out a large area force blast.

    ooc: Just redirect any of your movements you wish if I overstepped here, not exactly sure how I can do anything but blow by blow unless its live action.

  8. #68
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    ooc: everyone you do NOT have to keep up but since Mas's time is going to become very limited soon, and he needs to become more familiar with the PvP combat dynamic before we get into real combat, so I'm gonna try and post quite frequently and have a good sparring match with him. If we finish up before the others, we I may go ahead and spar with someone else... or do something more... interesting.

    Alright so I'll let the description of my reaction pass this time, but essentially it does sort of boil down to blow by blow for right now. when its a Player controlled (or Gm controlled) baddy that your up against the other person has to decide how they react and what damage they take. This means deciding that I dodged to the right before I say so is at least a little bit of a no no. Its reasonable, so I can work with it. Generally what you'll want to do is describe a series of actions that you perform, or perhaps, even some if then statements. If he reacts like ____ I'll ____ that way the other person can reasonably fill in your actions and it wouldn't be a power play. That's one of the reasons I'm sparring with you. Help you learn the ropes.


    Azrael let himself relax. He even closed his eyes, he let his senses extend, let his muscles go nearly limp. Just enough force in them to keep him standing and stationary. He heard the click as the shield split, felt the thundering vibrations as Masraik charged him. His eyes opened. He stayed still until the suprisingly fast giant reached him. The shield on Masraik's right arm swung out, slicing the air, whistling as it moved. Azrael jumped back and to the his right, diagonally away from the swing. While it was a dodge, its main purpose was to give him the room he needed.

    Bunching his legs, his muscles cording he launched himself into the air, the concussion from the force blast barely passing beneath the edge of Azrael's boots. As the charging warrior passed on beneath him, carried forward by his own momentum (since no matter how strong you can't stop on a dime) Azrael flipped, a couple of small snick sounds followed by two light thuds coming from him as he passed over Masraik. He landed lightly and spun, wipping his Rifle into place, flicking the button to high velocity flechets and firing a series of bursts towards the head of his armored foe, hopping backwards some 3 meters as he fires. He doubted the bursts would do any real damage if they hit, whether they hit him in the front or the back of the head, but they might throw him off balance or distract him if they did hit. Halting both his fire and his movement, he waited for the results of his actions, once again assuming his relaxed state.

  9. #69
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    <Bloody grasshopper! Maybe thats why he's REALLY green.> As Mas continued to charge forward due to momentum, he felt the pounds of high velocity rounds connecting with the back of his head, knocking him forward faster than he wanted to move. Swinging his left shield back around in front of him, he aimed it at the ground in front of himself and slightly to the left. Pulling the trigger before he fell forward, he blasted himself backwards and into the air in a clockwise spin.

    When his opponent was within view, Masraik swung wide with his right arm, releasing the massive claw whip mechanism at the same time so that it swung very swiftly in a large sweeping radius towards Azrael. Masraik landed with an earth shaking thud about six feet away from where he'd been shot in the head, plowing dirt into a large cloud in Azrael's direction. <Damn it, I can't see if I connected!> He pulled his left wing back to his body to defend against any unseen attacks and strained his ears for any noises that could give away a position.
    Last edited by Masraik; 19-03-2009 at 21:07.

  10. #70
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    Azrael watched with some satisfaction as his enemy began to topple, and was pleasantly surprised when Masraik used his force blaster to propel himself backwards. He was rather unpleasantly suprised when the blade came whipping out of the shield, had it been real combat, and had he been a normal human he would have had his head cleaved from his shoulders, if not split right down the middle. However thanks to both his lightning reflexes and the fact that the clockwise spin gave the blade an upward motion as well as an outward motion, he was able to avoid fatal injury. As it was he felt a firey line of pain etch across his face and shoulder as the sim enforced the punishment for a realtively deep cut he would have recieved as he ducked underneath the blade.

    Rolling away he came up in a crouch. Mentally checking the count he had been maintaining since he had jumped over Masraik's head. He was pleased to see where the dust cloud had formed from his large foes landing. It was almost exactly where they had been originally when he had leapt over the charge. As he completed his count he quietly said "Boom." whirling around and curling into a ball to put his back to the blast as the two grenades he had dropped as he had flipped exploded in simulated fire and shrapnel.

    He felt a few pieces glance off of his armored back, and then uncurled rapidly, assessing the situation he had created.

    ooc:note that this is not a PwP or God modeing, I did in fact drop the grenades before that was the Snicks and thuds posted previously.

  11. #71
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    Having heard the beep of the grenades as they blew, he couldn't even finish his curse. One of the grenades had been directly beneath Masraik's left foot, while the other had been right in front of his left shield. Flying backwards through the air back to where he had just flown from, Masraik thrust his arms backwards so that the one foot brace of the shields past his elbows would absorb most of the crash backwards. Unfortunately, the left shield had been ripped from his hand with the simultaneous explosions. The other shield, having not retracted its blade yet jerked him around so that he landed hard on his left side.

    He rolled to his back, and tried to use his left arm to pick himself up. Fire, immeasurable fiery pain. Masraik did a quick check of what had happened to himself. His left hip was on fire, it'd have to be a deep bruise, probably to the bone. Forcing himself to move, bearing the pain from the searing heat that his armor was providing after taking a full frontal explosion, Masraik managed to get a look at himself. <Good... the armor held up. My foot is still intact, albeit a bit twisted.> Trying to retract his blade, it wouldn't budge. <It must have really dug into something when I was blown backwards.>

    Ignoring what he could of the pain, he stood gingerly, putting most of his weight on his right side. He gave the shield one final hard jerk on the blade, retracted it, and used it to protect himself again. He looked up and saw his left shield sticking out of a cloud. <Ya know... in a real battle that would have landed.> Mas just stood there, beginning the regeneration of his hip with all his pent up energy, waiting for all the dirt and smoke to clear to find where his opponent was this time. <It won't heal before Azrael shows his face, but maybe I can stall him long enough to be able to run again>

    ooc: minor edit, I apparently hurt myself too much pre-edit, killing some of the fun. He's a not so shattered Masraik still waiting to finish his duel. I apologize ahead of time for bad form, but I'm learning what I can handle (It would have helped had I known exactly what kind of grenades they were!)

    ooc2: Sorry, I'm just edit happy here, but I guess I left out the details on my armor for personal combat. As far as extremities go, my helmet resembles that of a riot police's mask, with a full plate coif around the neck and back of the head. It extends its ventilation down around the front of the neck. Gloves and boots are designed similar to each other, both like that of a knights full plate greaves and gauntlets, but with material, flexibility, and scale design of the rest of my armor. The entirety of the inside is lined with a body armor kevlar tight suit, with neurological fibers that connect to my nerve endings in skin. The treads of my 'boot' (kinda missing some now! lol) is a rubber-metal synthesized compound that becomes a hardened metal in soft terrain environments such as this, and a soft sole for stealth and traction on solid surfaces like rock and metal. It's controlled by the same neurosystem link.
    Last edited by Masraik; 19-03-2009 at 23:39.

  12. #72
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Tokyo, Japan
    Casper looked to Kindle, and smirked at her enthusiasm. Melee sparring was not his purpose, but the programming was still there nonetheless. He nodded at her and stepped inside the sim, shouldering his carbine and moving away from where Azreal and Masraik were beginning thier own party. Azreal's purpose for single combat was lost to Casper, but as the mission commander, his orders were to be follows. At least, that's how this android saw it.

    Facing Kindle, Casper raised his hands in a defensive martial arts style. It was really all he had to go with. "I'm afraid my style is a bit robotic still. Most of my experience is in avoiding fights," he said as he waited for Kindle to initiate her attack.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  13. #73
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    "Well, melee isn't my strongest suit either", Kindle replied to Casper {That's not to say I'm not strong at it though..hehe}, "I've never trained Martial Arts before, so this'll be interesting...atleast it'll pass the time until the group sims happen, which I think'll be more benefial for the both of us".

    While speaking Kindle had unlinked her plasma rifle, unsure if Casper knew what she was doing "It's more useful for group action or against multiple targets".

    "Here I come, Techie-o-mine". Kindle activated her energy cells, she limited her maximum outputs to 20% (7mph) speed and 5000lbs of force. She targeted Casper and rushed at him dead on, allowing her back grip to release Jackal ((her sword, 5 1/2 inch wide blade longsword)) into her hand, bringing it over her head in momentum-built-up down swing towards the android.

    Expecting him, as per his description, to avoid the attack, Kindle at end swing let the grip of her sword go solely to her right hand, drawing her .45, and using a backwards springing step, let loose 4 shots.

    *edited strength from 500 to 5000, it is in pounds per square inch*
    Last edited by Asvarlindae; 20-03-2009 at 01:34.

  14. #74
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    OOC: lol that didn't take much convincin her to go for me. Mire why the interest in me? :P I'm just your friendly neighborhood replica of you lol

    IC:Watching the spectacles before him, he grinned beneath his mask. He thought of who he'd personally like to spar against at this point, but she beat him to it. He remembered working with her on one mission before and that it didn't end well...but that was it. Every time he tried to remember more, it felt like his head was getting split in half. So he often just ignored trying to have many memories. Glancing her up and down as she spoke "Partner up?" an interesting look appeared on her.

    "Well, I must say that you were who I'd be hoping to spar against. So the answer's a yes." Walking alongside her into the room, he stopped a couple feet inside and rolled his neck. Crouching slightly, he held his right hand slightly back and his left hand held forward. "Ready when you are."

  15. #75
    Post Fiend Mireldeyn's Avatar
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    OOC: Even tho I should be sleeping, I decided to post...bleh. I guess that my professor is lenient if I accidently sleep through class tomorrow....


    Abaddon didn't give him much of a chance, once he said, "Ready when you are." Asterael, previously held haphazardly in one hand's fingers and leaning against the ground, lept up as if alive into Abaddon's waiting left palm, her doubled grasp tight against the leather grips in the hand holes. She angled the contraption so that her right hand was up next to her ear, and her left was far in front of her face. She brought it down in a sweeping motion, bringing the scythe of the right handed blade perilously close to Matt's body. If he was as skilled as she remembered, he would dodge that blatant move fairly easily, as Abaddon's reflexes weren't up to par yet, and her speed was only about a quarter of what she could usually squeeze out of her limbs.

    Apollyon growled at Abaddon, almost breaking her concentration. <You could've used that upstroke with the left to aim for his groin, then follow up with the down stroke to the neck and shoulder. Now your feet are sloppy...just let me take over.> She could feel Apollyon wrestle for control as she watched for Matt's counterstrike, if there was going to be one as she lept backward, attempting to get out of his range.

    Abaddon sighed, both mentally and physically. <Go ahead...but go easy on him, unless it is possible that you'll lose.>

    Apollyon snorted, and this time it was physical as well. <I don't go easy on anyone. You ought to know that by now.>

    As Apollyon took control, the Asterael came down from being parallel to the ground with a left-handed sweep, twisting her left wrist and forcing her elbow out while making the blade perpendicular with the ground((EDIT OOC: AKA, she just drops it from her right hand. Only the motion is controlled and...graceful. Sorry, felt like writing it that way. ^_^)). Her stance relaxed, and her form shifted to the proper stance. With her free hand, she made an old-fashioned goading gesture, lifting the index finger towards Matt and gesturing him forward.

    All of this happened in the time it took for Masraik to unclip his shield, and for Azra to jump over him, without the grenades exploding.

    OOC: Go ahead and say she blocks if you use your blade. That is what she is prepared for, after all, and I won't mind a slight PRP. I give you permission in order to write out a longer post. ^_^
    Last edited by Mireldeyn; 20-03-2009 at 06:09.
    I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my....LASER!!
    ~Some random deviation that my brother showed me one day, once upon a

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