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Thread: Archangel Protocols: Revival IC

  1. #76
    Post Fiend
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    ooc: Remember Mas, you aren't ACTUALLY HURT. The creates appropriate sensations of pain and heat and cold, and restricts movement through the careful use of force fields, and even the appearance of wounds through the use of holograms, but you aren't actually hurt, though we can say, I suppose that a computer smart enough to do all this would be smart enough to factor in your own personal healing factor into its simulation.

    And the grenades are fairly standard frag grenades in this instance.

    Azrael took the satisfying moment of the explosion to pull on of the many turnicate cords built into his armor, staunching the illusory flow of blood from his wounded shoulder. Checking his range of motion, he had difficulty moving his arm above his shoulder, and fairly intense pain moving it at all, but he could deal with pain. He slung his rifle into place, switching to plasma bolts, that armor had to be near its max point for heat dispersal after turning those explosions away, a few more rounds and it might just overload.

    Pearing through the already settling debri cloud he spotted a hulking black form, moving stiffly, rising up. Aiming he fired a burt of intensely blue plasmsa, moving rapidly away from the spot, he continued firing and bolting zig zagging, hoping to use the thinning dust cloud and his smaller size to keep the hopefully disoriented hulk from retaliating. His aim was good, but he was moving more than he was aiming, to keep that wicked shield blade from finding him again.He continued his tactic, waiting to see how his opponent would react, and whether or not his armor would be out done by the rapid buildup of energies.

    ooc:Not my best, sorry, but busy today and wanted to get soething posted.

    WE'll keep the duels going till monday at the latest, maybe longer if we have some good ones going, but I will likely put us into a group combat scenario sometime monday.

  2. #77
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    NZ - final destination!
    OOC: matt - balaclava. the mask thing.

    Edit: for some reason, it didn't show me this page. The last thing it let me see was Matthias' post putting on his equipment. I'm going to make more to this post as a retro-post.

    edit: done posting.

    IC: Quantas saw the move as it was happening and narrowed his eyes in irritation. The hulking beast flung it at him and Quantas flung his hand up, catching it between his index and middle fingers and spun it through the rest thereafter, diffusing it's momentum. He can't just take "no" for an answer, he thought. Looking at it speculatively he removed the vial from the injector and when they reached the sim threw it into a locker for those using it. He'd ask the doctors later whether it was necessary or recommended.

    Longview brooded the rest of the time he was preparing. He forsook his sniping equipment, save the weapon interfacing tools, and instead took on the role of assault support. Rather than front line brute force, he was the mop up and, obviously, supportive roles. Taking two combat knives, two handguns, and, as Azreal had, a multipurpose assault rifle, he gathered up more simulated ammo than either Azreal or Abaddon. Being wary of grenades since one time way back when, he decided to skip them this time. Next he chose one of his favorite newer body armor innovations. Next he put on a pair of knuckled gloves, which each studded knuckle resembling a kubatan's sharp pointed cone.

    Affixed to a spidersilk bodysuit, the pressure sensitive gels go rigid or simply absorb impact energy depending on the quantity of energy and how spread out it is. Absolutely no affect to armor piercing tungsten rounds, due to the extremely effective design of the things, but at least to the normal conventional weaponry it minimizes to convenient bruising at the most, unless point blank. Best of all, it was lightweight and better to his liking than the over-protective rigid body-suit school of thought. It was much easier to make the moves necessary at times for the missions he was given. In the situation they were going to go into after the sim, it was likely he'd have to resort to it thought.

    His eye-piece was lifted onto his forehead as he walked up to Azreal and the rest. After more brooding while Az talked, he nodded his readiness. Seeing the only one not matched up, Bryan, he raised his arms up in an exaggerated shrug while looking at him. "Looks like it's us," he said. Not too long after, he heard a couple of explosions from Azreal and Masraik's location and took a look. He chortled in amusement and looked back at Bryan. Quantas started again, "You're made for Melee. I'm made for Ranged. Should be a good one."

    He flexed his hands, tightening his gloves, and held a hand on his assault rifle in a neutral position. "Let's rock."
    Last edited by Jolly Rensha; 20-03-2009 at 21:39.

  3. #78
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    Mar 2009
    IC: Masraik's ears were ringing from the from blast. He didn't realize it until the first barrage of energy blasts connected with him in seemingly random locations. The first shot hit him square in the shield, deflecting the majority of the blast directly into the air. The second caught him in his left rib cage, jolting him around a bit, only before the third one connected with his left knee. That last one knocked his leg out from under him, and he had to catch himself, rolling quickly to his left side and taking a kneel.

    <That bastard must have his rifle on full power! He's either worried since those grenades obviously weren't enough, or I must have either nicked him and he needs to end this.> Redirecting his healing to his ear drums, Masraik was quickly able to get rid of the ringing, since it was such a small repair. Masraik continued to take random glancing blows, but now he could hear the tell-tale thwip of the energy blasts as they were being fired. The dust was also clearing, so Mas was able to see where most of the new shots would be coming from as he tracked the shadow moving through the cloud. <I'll be in deep trouble if he actually holds still and aims for the same spot!>

    Rolling over to his right this time, Mas did his best to think of something while he defended himself. <This is going to hurt... a lot.> His shield was already becoming searing red, and the areas where the few blasts had connected weren't doing so well either. Especially his knee; it was glowing from the grenades and Mas couldn't stand much more of the heat. He reached his arm back, and shoved it into the ground as hard as he could in the direction of Azrael's shadow. The razor sharp blades on the edge of his shield, with the force of a pile-driver, dug the entire three feet into the ground. As the shield was being plunged underground, he took another couple of hits to his right side, this time without the shield being there, searing him with the burning heat of the reddening metal. He pulled the trigger, which projected the blade outward while underground while he simultaneously ripped upwards. The blade extended the full 20 foot length as it tore through the earth and showered the area with dirt. <This isn't enough!> Without even retracting the blade, Masraik spun his arm overhead a full circle as hard as he could, doing a downward sweep in Azrael's direction, but aiming mostly at the ground in front of him.

    As the blade ripped across the ground in front of Azrael, Masraik retracted it and rolled to his side again to hide in the cloud as best he could. It wouldn't last though, for Mas was about to give away his position. He looked up again at where his other half hung dug into the ceiling. He made a wide sweeping swing of his shield, releasing the claw whip. The whip wrapped around the left half perfectly clasping onto itself. Masraik retraced the blade as he ripped backwards, effectively yanking it free and right into the ground at his feet. <Perfect!> Masraik dove to reattach the other half.

    OOC: I understand this is a bit cinematic and flashy, so if you feel so inclined to stick with the cinematic concept here, you're welcome to shoot at the left half and knock it around or something (ya know, while its coming to me mid air and all). If this wasn't going to be your action, then go ahead with part two (an if / then statement meant for if I acquire my other shield).

    IC (part two! if then): As Mas rolled forward he slammed his left arm into the back of the shield. It immediately wrapped its self around his forearm and re-released the handle for the blaster. Masraik held his right arm up in a horizontal position in front of himself to block any lucky blasts that may have found his upper body in the dust cloud. With his left arm still leveled with the ground, Masraik proceeded to rapid fire the blaster in a quarter circle pattern along the ground, blasting more dirt into the air and hoping for a leg hit. Just for good measure, he sacrificed defense long enough to do a another ripping swing in a larger half circle swing in front of himself. This was also aimed for legs, but this time he hoped that the dirt from the blaster and noise from its continued explosive shots would drown out the clinks of the whip mechanism releasing and ripping through the air.

  4. #79
    Post Fiend
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    OOC: sheesh Ren, just take the bloody thing why you always gots to be obstinate? ;)

    Azrael was continueing his dodging, expecting some sort of retaliation as the dust cloud settled and he became increasingly easy to track. He wasn't sure what exact armaments Masraik had, and he didn't want any nasty suprises. He continued firing, peppering the form before him with hot plasma when he recieved such a suprise. A thud followed by an explosion of dirt. He had to change course abruptly as his ears detected the whistle of the blade seconds before it passed through the space where his shins had been. Mas was doing the opposite of what he had expected, renewing the dust cloud rather than letting it settle and trying to close range with Azrael.

    <He must be hurt, mobility limited. He's tryign to keep me at a distance and hide until he can get himself back together.> Azrael considered throwing a couple of nades over to flush him out, but decided against it. He'd need them for the general battle he had planned, and he didn't like using the same move twice in a row. His general pondering was cut short as the blade suddenly lashed out towards the shield fragment that had embedded in the cieling. Pulling it back. He let it fall. It was too heavy to be deflected signifacnatly by any of his armaments anyway.

    Then the real dirt storm started, blasts and blade whips kept the dust flying, and Azrael dodging, do much so that he stopped firing, letting his rifle slide back into its unused position, itsbody strap holding it in place. He was pelted by simulated dirt and rocks, recieving some minor bruises, injuring his shoulder some more. As the blade flew out he barely had warning to enough to avoid being struck. As it was he barely had time to move out of the way. As he dodged back one of the blasts caught him at his ankles, pulling his feet out from under him. He rolled in a heap, feeling the painful twist of his ankle as he came came back out of his tumble. He grunted with pain. His shoulder flaring anew, a fresh splash of blood slicking his arm.

    Azrael shook his head trying to clear it from the pain. <He really thinks he can hide from me like this?> His senses were derived from animals that far supassed humans in their abilites and had in turn been tweaked by the protocols to far surpass the animals. He normally percieved things in the visible human spectra, other ranges just tended to feel... uncomfortable, the protocol base had never been designed with ultraviolet light signatures in mind, or the aesthetics of heat signatures. Supersonics were out, the dirt would interfere too much with his echolocation, but that armor was nice and toasty at this point, and as his vision dimmed to the infra red spectra, the form of Masraik showed up a splotchy red with nearly glowing white splotches at his knee and shield.

    <Should have aimed more, played less> Azrael reprimanded himself. Then he drew his sword, and moving quickly and quietly through the dirt, circled behind his now silent foe. The dirt and dust still obscuring the air, Azrael focused on staying steady on his injured ankle. Azrael was unsure how acute Masraiks hearing was, so as soon as he was in position he put on a burst of speed, running in a flash past the back of Masraik, slicing outward with his sword hoping to catch Masraik on the back of the knee where his armor would have to be lighter.

    As he swung though his ankle siezed, the force shield, causing it to give way from its imagined damge. His stirke would be true, but he fell tumbling painfully on past his target, losing his sword and having his rifle dig painfully into his torse. He managed to roll back onto his feet, Disoriented, trying to clear his head rapidly.

  5. #80
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    Sep 2008
    He grinned, she wasn't going to let anything be easy for this. He rolled to his right to avoid the swing, drawing his katana while doing so. Holding it with his left hand towards the bottom of the hilt, his right slightly above his left, he pointed the sword behind him so he was holding it essentially upside down. Swinging upwards as he stood, aiming for a stomach slash up to about chest level. However, she was right there with her counter-measure following her strike. Abbadon blocked the blade at about her hip level and twisted her own weapon slightly to cause him to be pushed back a foot or so.

    He was happy to be sparring with her, she was good and this wouldn't be easy in any stretch of the imagination. Holding his katana in his right hand regularly now, he drew two of his throwing daggers with his left. He aimed one at her right shoulder and the other at her right thigh, throwing them one immediately after the other. The moment the second one left his hand, he aimed a side-swiping slash at stomach level aimed to strike at her left side before slashing across the middle of her stomach.

  6. #81
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Casper anticipated her first attack might be with the sword. Such archaeic weapons were, for some reason, highly reguarded among organic Protocol units, even some of the not-so-organic cyborgs. Casper saw the usefulness of a bladed weapon, but a sword seemed a little superfilous. When the strike came, Casper simply pivoted to the right, avoiding the blade and the less expected right hand followthrough. Kindle jumped back, but Casper was not keen to giving her any kind of range on him. She had much more powerful weapons in her body than the .45 pistol that came out next.

    He kept close as she moved back, swatting the pistol as she leveled it at him. Her mechanical grip didn't release the weapon, but the shots were deflected nonetheless. Continuing his foreward momentum, Casper thrust his palm into Kindle's chest with all the force he could muster. She was dfinately a sturdy cyborg, and other andriod might just punch a hole through her, but Casper was unsure of wether he could generate the force necessary to damage her armor.
    Last edited by Shari Tana; 22-03-2009 at 02:16.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  7. #82
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    A grunt! Something connected. Retracting his blade as the dirt flew through the air, Masraik strained to hear where his assailant would come from next. He never heard it. The impact from behind Masraik caused him to stumble forward. <What the hell was that?!> Masraik spun his head and caught a glimpse of Azrael tumbling. <Opportunity!> He tried to spin around and fell sideways as he attempted to take a swing in Azrael's direction with his right blade. Throwing his right foot forward he caught himself and looked back to his left leg to see what was pinning him down.

    He saw what had hit him. Azrael had taken a slice at the back of his leg, and the thin glowing hot metal ribbing behind his knee had been fused into one smashed plate. He wasn't pinned down, just stiff. <Oh thank you kevlar.>

    Masraik jerked his attention back to Azrael in frustration and growled. "ARRGGGGG!" <I'm getting tired of this little cricket hoping around!> He gave a hard grunt and ripped his leg into a straight position, popping a couple of the ribs off the armor all together. With that he charged full speed into the direction of Azrael, leaping full bodied with both blades in front of himself in a large X pattern in an attempt to scissor Azrael in half if he were lucky enough to land on him.
    Last edited by Masraik; 22-03-2009 at 04:47.

  8. #83
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    Mar 2009
    Kindle watched the androids choice of actions. {hmm, more nimble than powerful}

    As the android deflected her bullets {he knows what advantages to not give his opponent}, she prepared herself for the retaliation. Focusing her energy on her frontal body, nanite swarmed to her chest, stomach, and shoulders hardening as a wall of skin-fitting armor. The attack ended up going for her chest.

    Kindle felt the impact like a sudden jolt, and while her armor kept her safe from any penetration, she felt a burning sensation through her lungs. {I'm not done yet!}.

    She smiled, an unusual thing for her to do in combat, which she considered a serious thing, but sparring was fun and enjoyable. Kindle dropped the gun, and grabbed Casper's arm, concentrating a burst of energy in her left arm (her left side being the most heavily technologically implanted side) directly onto Casper's.

    The drain from using energy twice so fast caused her to let out a "Aaaaa" as she attacked. Her lungs still stinging, she did not maintain her grip on Casper's arm, rolling on the ground to go with her momentum, switching her weight from her right side dominant (offsensive) to her left (defensive).

  9. #84
    Post Fiend
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    Feb 2009
    OOC: I'm using a weapon that while I never mentioned I completely intended to have, I cleared it with Mas first, and I promise to try and be more clear on my armaments and abilities in the future, I know I was really lazy with my char sheet.

    Azrael shook his head, trying to get his breath back and clear his thoughts. A wenching mettallic sound snapped him out of his momentary stupedfaction, as he pushed himself to his feet and turned. As the thundering giant charged Azrael clicked his heels together, feeling his dorothy system catch he set his feet about hips width apart and felt the carbon nanotube wire spool loose and the draw back tight. < Only one chance at this...NOW!> As Masraik took his dive, surging forward, shield blades out in fron of him, Azrael jumped as well, towards Masraik.

    As he jumped he rotated so that he and his foe passed back to back, his head and feet barely clearing the top of the shield. As his feet passed the shield edge he dropped them down slightly, and braced himself. With a jerking snapping impact his dorothy system caught Masraik around the throat, sheerign through the marginally lighter armor around his throat with the aid of their combined momentums. From the fact that the red force shielding indicating a fatal injury hadn't popped up around them Azrael could only assume that some of the armor had held at least.

    The pain in his ankle roared to life, if it hadn't been seriously injured before it was now. Pulling furiously with all his might he pushed the wire into Masraiks throat. He pulled himself up into an almost sitting postion and grabbed at the helmet, seeking to rip it off. He kept pressure on the garrote even as he sought to rip the helmet free before they hit the gorund.
    Last edited by Goldeneyes; 22-03-2009 at 22:24.

  10. #85
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    <Bloody jackrabbit! Quit hop-> Masraik couldn't finish his thought as Azrael sailed over him. Something had snapped around his throat, hard. It didn't feel like his armor stopped it. As he neared the ground, he thrust his blades into the ground lower than he had them aimed initially so that he could roll forward on impact. "You could hold s!" Masraik's words caught in his throat as his face shield flew off and he started to gag.

    Mas rolled forward and head first, hitting the ground hard on the back of his neck, almost standing upright on his shoulders. <I have to get him off fast! He won't cut through all of my armor, but he's cut off my air.>

    Falling backwards with Azrael strangling him with all his might, Mas could feel himself blacking out. He ripped his left arm up out of the ground, and blasted at his feet at a 45 degree angle into the air. This sent Masraik backwards with so much force, that it cracked his left collarbone and compacting the bottom three cervical vertebrae across the top of his back. With the angle and force, Masraik slammed backwards full force in an attempt to crush Azrael with his full body weight.

    ooc: You're welcome to end this, it looks like a melee mangle and tangle and it would end pretty much anyways with my mask off.
    Last edited by Masraik; 22-03-2009 at 23:05.

  11. #86
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    Azrael felt the roll starting and threw the helm away as he let himself fall back, plastering himself to Masraik's back and turning his head to the side to prevent it being smashed in the roll. His shins felt a crushing agony, threatening to snap as most of masraiks weight pressed down on them, and then the pressure was spread over his body with a devestating impact as Masraik used his shield to shove himself into the ground. The impact borke several of Azraels ribs, driving the wind out of him and making him dizzy with pain. He managed to hold onto himself just enough to keep up the steady pull of the wire.

    He continued to pull grimly thinking, <Well, at least... we ... go.. down... together> The weight of the monstrosity was crushing him. He could feel it, with is legs under him he could have rolled the weight off of him, but with his feet still corded around the bull neck of Masraik, there was no way he could hope to lift that much weight unaided. Finally he felt the weight above him slack, but there was no way for him to get loose. <Damn.> Then just before the blackness claimed him he managed to mutter "Computer, full safety, erase injury punishment. Azrael, Masraik."

    Instantly he felt better, the sharp pains of illusory broken ribs dissappeared, the fire in hsi ankle disappeared. And he was able to breath thanks to the cushioning effect of the safety force shields. There was still the matter of the weight on him. Squirming he managed to click his heals together in front of Masraiks nose, releasing the Dorothy wire and said "Get off of me please."
    Last edited by Goldeneyes; 22-03-2009 at 23:24.

  12. #87
    Post Fiend Mireldeyn's Avatar
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    It was a good thing that Abaddon had quick reflexes. If she hadn't been amped up with the genetic engineering, the speed and precision of the flying knives would've killed her, with the knives ending up, most likely, on the ground behind her after bashing through her body. However, because she had been altered, when she sank into her crouch, the Asterael going into a defensive position in front of her with the bottom tip in the ground, angled back up over her head, and angled again so that she sharp part of the blade was more towards her right shoulder than in front, she would've gotten more than bruised hands and a gash on her waist. The blade that had been aimed at her thigh had done that little bit of damage. The one that had been aimed for her shoulder, however, had been the force that nearly bruised her hands, as it was blocked in the first part of the maneuver by the Asterael.

    She angled the Asterael just a bit more before leaning back slightly, to take the brunt of the blow from the katana. The force on the top of the Asterael shoved her back, and with just a bit more of a push from her own legs, Abaddon executed an untucked somersault, Asterael staying in her right hand and being swung out by the force of the swing. She used her left arm to shove herself into a standing position again as soon as it was safe to, and prepared her own strike.

    As she sprang up, Abaddon started to run to the side. It wasn't the easiest maneuver, taking the momentum you had going in one direction and changing that force to make it easier to get speed going in another. She feinted to the left for two steps, then switched to the right quickly, her cut stinging her side at she torqued her torso around to perform the feints. Asterael, having the longer reach, was flung out in Abaddon's right hand again, aiming for Matthias' chest and left arm. As she did this, she reached down for one of the flash-bang grenades strapped to her waist. She jumped backwards as soon as she pulled the grenade, not caring if her strike had hit, and she threw the device at Matthias. Covering her sensitive ears with her hands, she averted her face as the two seconds for the grenade's detonation expired...

    OOC:...and then it's Matt's turn to post. ^_^
    I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my....LASER!!
    ~Some random deviation that my brother showed me one day, once upon a

  13. #88
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    He blacked out, but it felt like only for a moment. Next thing he knew Azrael was asking him to get off. <HA! I pinned the bloody hopping bandicoot!> He grunted as he rolled off of Azrael, then slapped his shield halves together and pinned them on his back as he pushed himself up. Then he walked over and grabbed his face guard, slid it back into its grooves and snapped it back into position. Doing so reconnected the biometric net holding it in place to the kevlar armor.

    He looked over at Azrael, he had to admit he was impressed to be beaten by a half frozen relic. "Well that was barrels of fun! Ya got me fair and square monkey man." Mas walked over to Azrael with a hand extended with a friendly grin on his face, hoping for a hand shake.

    Winking he said, "Ya know, had you not been sitting on my back plates, that little strangle move wouldn't have worked." With that, Masraik demonstrated his with a nudge to his nervous system which popped out the plates on his back. He gave the same grunt he had given when showing his tricep gills, and the kevlar separated and showed pulsating gills between his ribs, which seemed to be connected directly to his lungs. "I don't have just one air passage."

    Mas chuckled to himself, and turned his head to look at the simulated damage they had done to the sim, and to watch what remained of the other continuing battles.
    Last edited by Masraik; 23-03-2009 at 00:10.

  14. #89
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    Sep 2008
    ooc: lol Mire, this is fun :D

    IC: 'She hasn't lost much throughout the sleep' He thought as she was manuevering for her attack. Reacting quickly, he brought the katana up parallel with his right arm and managed to block the majority of the blow but still have some of it dig into his arm...well illusionarily but it still hurt like hell. Watching as she jumped back, he tried to think of what she would do or how to counter. But he knew what to do almost instantly, that is until she continued.

    He saw the grenade heading towards him. He muttered into his mask "Noise dampener max and visual eliminated." The mask slid a black screen over his eyes to shield as best as it could and a second ear piece fitted into his other ear and began to dampen noise. Bringing both arms up in a cross in front of his face, he prepped in case it wasn't a flash bang. Hoping to cover all bases. The loud bang and the instant flash told him his instinct was correct in it being a flash bang. "Visual normal, noise dampener remove." He spoke quickly again, however the flash bang had a good effect still. He had a slight glare going from everything that would probably last only about 10-15 seconds and his ears were ringing also. He couldn't activate the precautions quick enough to fully prevent it.

    Returning his hands to his sides, he brought his right up in front of him with the katana, holding a defensive stance as he backed up a few feet. He hoped to gain enough distance to have enough time to recover completely. Pulling 2 more knives out with his left, he acted like he was about to attack. Taking a step forward before bringing his right back and throwing the 2 knives towards her. But immediately after, he brought the katana up defensively again. 'Well I may've just bought enough time' He thought as the knives soared towards her.

  15. #90
    Post Fiend Mireldeyn's Avatar
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    Her ears, though still ringing through the protection of her hands, could still pick up the external ringing of metal against skin as Matthias threw more knives. Again, she preformed a block where the flat of the weapon is facing the enemy along her body, this time knocking both knives away. Her vision was also slightly blurry. She felt a mental tap on her shoulder, and Apollyon saying, <Alright little peacekeeper. It's my turn. You said that I could practice on him, so please don't force me to fight for control.>

    Sighing, Abaddon mentally stepped back and Apollyon took over just as the knives chimed against the Asterael.

    Apollyon grinned maliciously. Aloud, she said, "All right. Time to get serious." And she charged. Asterael was a blur in the air, not all of its movements for show. The point was to be moving the heavy implement so quickly, that most people wouldn't be able to predict fast enough where the blade landed. <I suppose it's a good thing you ate as much as you did...otherwise we wouldn't have enough energy to keep this up for much longer,> Apollyon said to Abaddon, who just shrugged mentally.

    With the flashing of the blade, holding on to it with two hands since the flash-bang, she aimed rapid strikes against his defensive katana first, going for his torso and arms. Suddenly, after five rapid attacks, she went for his leg. And a few more, his head. After a little longer, she shoved the blade down quickly towards his feet, hoping that the surprise from the movement would protect the opening in her own defense that she made by letting the bladed implement get so far away from her body. She could feel her arms tiring from the rapid movements, and she knew that since her own symptoms of the flash-bang were gone, his was too, but she kept up the pace, kept trying to push him back little by little, trying to create micks here and there to either enrage him, make him loose hope, or to just simply wear him down from trying to keep up with her own odd assortment of maneuvers.

    OOC: Matt, I'll leave it to you for where exactly she aims each time. ^_- And I'm glad that you think it's fun, battling Abaddon/Apollyon and all. ^_^ I'm sure that she/they enjoy(s) it as well. ^-^

    The edit was for spelling and punctuation....tho I am sure there are still issues in here, it was the ones that even *I* noticed. ^_-
    Last edited by Mireldeyn; 23-03-2009 at 16:54.
    I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my....LASER!!
    ~Some random deviation that my brother showed me one day, once upon a

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