ooc: lol Mire, this is fun :D

IC: 'She hasn't lost much throughout the sleep' He thought as she was manuevering for her attack. Reacting quickly, he brought the katana up parallel with his right arm and managed to block the majority of the blow but still have some of it dig into his arm...well illusionarily but it still hurt like hell. Watching as she jumped back, he tried to think of what she would do or how to counter. But he knew what to do almost instantly, that is until she continued.

He saw the grenade heading towards him. He muttered into his mask "Noise dampener max and visual eliminated." The mask slid a black screen over his eyes to shield as best as it could and a second ear piece fitted into his other ear and began to dampen noise. Bringing both arms up in a cross in front of his face, he prepped in case it wasn't a flash bang. Hoping to cover all bases. The loud bang and the instant flash told him his instinct was correct in it being a flash bang. "Visual normal, noise dampener remove." He spoke quickly again, however the flash bang had a good effect still. He had a slight glare going from everything that would probably last only about 10-15 seconds and his ears were ringing also. He couldn't activate the precautions quick enough to fully prevent it.

Returning his hands to his sides, he brought his right up in front of him with the katana, holding a defensive stance as he backed up a few feet. He hoped to gain enough distance to have enough time to recover completely. Pulling 2 more knives out with his left, he acted like he was about to attack. Taking a step forward before bringing his right back and throwing the 2 knives towards her. But immediately after, he brought the katana up defensively again. 'Well I may've just bought enough time' He thought as the knives soared towards her.