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Thread: OMAC: Please follow Gens Success! Money$$$

  1. #1
    Veteran DeVille's Avatar
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    Smile OMAC: Please follow Gens Success! Money$$$

    First off, gotta say Gen IS the most fun I've had since boats. Cudos to the developers. It was conceived well. Planned well. And it works!

    Fabulous age!

    Two Things - Wol:

    1. Gen started with a million - not 300,000 cuz it was felt it was a short age & people deserved to have some fun! And we did! That million dollars really got the ball rolling.

    So why the strife in wol. Everyone knows economically it sux to be under 1000 acres. Do we have to spend two weeks building up in a 4 week age of strife. I'm sure this was an oversight. Please give us the mil so we can have fun.


    Secondly - This huge change that will kill the accounts of the majority of the ppl playing.

    ToG taken from UD.

    UD need ToG to survive. They have to build twice the buildings, replace twice the armies - they're always double tapping & getting double tapped - not always on hand to slam animate on after the first hit.

    UD use almost every shred of ToG to keep alive. They begrudge taking cb cuz they can't afford it. The removal is going to mean a race that is forced by monetary considerations to be half as active, war half as much & the result - the age will be half the fun.

    Nothing succeeds like success. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Give us back our ToG & give everyone back their million dollars.

    Short age! Fun age! Let's do it!!
    Last edited by DeVille; 02-05-2009 at 11:22.
    Shaken not stirred.

  2. #2
    Regular elizakr's Avatar
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    United States, FL
    I disagree.

    1. 300k gc will do. And you can go up to 1k acres in a day or 2 OOP. WoL was always slower than Gen.

    3. UDs don't have to have ToG. It will be more balanced this way. You will go UD I assume, so that's why you want this race to be favored over the others.

  3. #3
    Forum Addict Dolgil's Avatar
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    A quick look at my island suggests taking away ToG from undead gave the races more balance.

    There is nothing magical about 1k acres. You can attack, war, ect just as much. That 1k acres is a good spot for the percent modifiers to have more of an impact than just raw numbers.
    Dolgil Rosethorn
    If it's broke, fix it.
    If it's not, don't.
    If you do not like the results, change your methods.
    Quit making the same old mistakes. Make new ones.

  4. #4
    Veteran DeVille's Avatar
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    Feb 2009

    Angry It is obvious you two never played Gen

    It is also obvious you don't like excitement, challenge or fun.

    Log in once a day. Push a button.

    Dull. Very, very dull & the reason Utopia was dying cuz everyone was bored to tears.

    Now, a chance comes to pick it right up & you want to wreck it.


    4 week age people! Most ppl will be having fun.

    Sounds like you two will be suffering through it.
    Shaken not stirred.

  5. #5
    Post Fiend
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    deville obviously the majority of us play this game because we hate it.

  6. #6
    Moderator for:
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeVille View Post
    It is also obvious you don't like excitement, challenge or fun.
    You're complaining that the game isn't enjoyable, so you want the game to be easier by giving Undead ToG? Idk about you but there's nothing more boring than an extremely easy game that never changes.

    You're just as well off as everyone else. Deal with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Choose merchant. Money problems solved.

    You want a challenge, yet you want enough money to start with so you can train/build/explore/etc everything without thought. This is a strategical game, starting with scarce resources forces you to plan wisely and spend smartly. If you really need 2 weeks to be war ready, then you need to work on your strategy bud, because that's hurtin/boring.

  8. #8
    I like to post MorbidAngel's Avatar
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    UD is fine, 1mil gold is too easy

    Inferno of Absalom
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    U want ToG...get DE or elf...nothing should be very easy
    PS: I'm playing elf FTW
    There is a lot of love around.

  10. #10
    Post Fiend Gothmog's Avatar
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    heh, why don't give every one 5 mill, a free dragon for the kd and about 5k solds to start with. 5 days OOP you and the rest of the people thinking that was a great idea will still be at 514 acres, while the good kds and the farmers will be 4 times bigger than usual.

    Now let me get my shell kd and I'll be seeing you Deville :)

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Post Fiend
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    Dec 2008
    I'm playing UD this round.I will miss tog,ya,but I agree,with the shear number of UD's,this will balance it out some.You should be able to tap for land,(get those leets) and plunder...It's a bit more of a challenge this way...:)

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
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    Nov 2008
    lawl, get off the forums deville.

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