Abaddon hissed with excitement when they came to the door leading to the security checkpoint. And it wasn't just "Abaddon", either. Apollyon was practically howling inside their head, impatient for the battle to begin. As Abaddon covered their ears, Apollyon said, <Hey, chicka, let me control. Please? I'll leave you and Az along for two hours for just this one chance. I won't intrude.> there was a brief pause, then she added, <Well, as I much as I can, anyway, I'll stay away.>

Abaddon laughed. <No way. I want to have some more fun. I'll let you control on the way out, how's that work for you?> Abaddon could feel a grudging acceptance inside her head. <Hey, I won't get myself killed. If I feel that I can't handle it, you can step in, OK?> There was a bit more of a positive feel to Apollyon's reaction that time, so Abaddon smiled.

By that time, Mas was slamming into the doors, shattering the rock around the frame to pebbles and dust. He charged in, and Abaddon was fairly quick to follow, a gleam in her eye that hadn't been there in ages.

OOC: finish later...