>>>>>> Whispers <<<<<<
Home of the most ghey and emo KD in utopia!
Who we are:
We are a talented active KD that is on the rise again. We enjoy warring strong opponents and still placing decently well on the charts. Our KD has a fun sense of humor (sometimes dark), and enjoys playing uno and rock-paper-scissors quite often amongst other things. We, in fact, do have girls on our roster, so even non-ghey guys can have some fun.
What we want:
Ok, seriously.... We are looking for a few good players to step up into the shoes of some of our retiring vets.
What we require:
- A sense of humor
- Willing to follow orders
- Use of IRC
- Buttsecks (I know, we keep trying.... :/)
- Strong Activity (we do realize people have jobs/school however)
- Willingness to wake up for attacks
- Strongly Recommended: A mobile # that you can be reached at anytime
- Nudies (ok, maybe not)
How to reach us:
Best way would be to contact me on the utonet server (irc.utonet.org) in #Whispers
I am a notorious fake tagger, so msg even if I am tagged |Away or |Sleep.
EDIT: For those of you who don't use IRC yet, my MSN is Fate1316@hotmail.com (You can always PM me on this forum if you need help getting on IRC)