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Thread: The uses of Homes . . .

  1. #91
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008
    you promised to give me numbers... now work ur magic

    with the build above I dont have to change anything when i go to war, when I hit for acres in war, I simply dont build additional homes, instead fortify rax/tg/guilds.

    and you obviously have no idea if you want me to build more banks... instead of homes.

    homes and banks together work much better than banks or homes alone when it comes to making income at higher draft.

    as for aid, my tb is among the highest in the kd.
    Last edited by Micke-; 29-07-2009 at 20:44.

  2. #92
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    Math too hard for you, or does common sense hurt that much?
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  3. #93
    Post Fiend
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    sorry VT2, still not used of the tog factor for regular elves as i came back this age to play again. then i guess to put all that stuff that was in banks into guilds and rax.

    Micke. YOU will have to work magic to even get something good out of your undead. thye suck, we all explained it, and your making no point by being all like ohhh you told me this blah blah blah. ive made one for your elf mystic. undead's are hopeless. even with a 100% homes or a 100% banks. and no. homes and banks doesnt work "well" together. if ur really obssessed with meaningless bonuses that not only can be countered, can be easily re-produced at any better rate in another way. its like your trying to convince me to build u a strat because u give me that exemple of undead clerics or darkelf war hero. dont blame that bad choice on someone else. i will never choose undead in that state. so i wont waste time making something out of it. even if you werent using homes it would be useless. your fate with that race...doomed.

  4. #94
    Post Fiend
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    someone around here is obviously retarded, where did I even remotly mention the race "undead"?

    now if I am to take you seriously (for obvious reasons, when you even say that you recently got back to the game. now is the time for you to take away that 'foolish' mark you just recieved)

    and vt2, go diaf will you?, you cant even take care of a ghetto properly.

  5. #95
    Post Fiend geln0r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micke- View Post
    here is my build for elf/mystic
    sure looks like an undead to me ;)

  6. #96
    I like to post MorbidAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _greenie View Post
    vines' gnome
    another one
    there are his provs =)

    and, all time favourite, vines maths: link another link
    I know this was old but THANK YOU FOR SHARING. I was looking for that post for a while now

    Inferno of Absalom
    The Gay

  7. #97
    Post Fiend
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    sorry, got confused in btw the you and octo. octoboko or wtv his name is challenged me to find one for his sexy undead. then you posted a really weirdly set up elf mystic, i posted a strat then u told me to find one and work your magic. you my friend, your situation was already dealt with a while back. elves mystics are pretty easy to strat with in any situation. you have issues, HUGE strat issue with one of the easiest race in the game and you havent been absent at all right? lets face it,with no offense intended, but your strat SUCKS!!! so you better not come to me with the absentee thingy ok? im not on an utopian curfew, if i was away 2 ages, and i understand those principles, and you dont...then who's looking bad? . people like VT2, Realest, Dharan, CW and others could leave 15 ages and will still be better than you, than I and many others. so quit it will ya?

    EDIT: and your the one that said to be nice to ppl? if you get personal on things just after the octo and you confusion, then dont expect us to not troll. im not a troll exept on some cases. i just dont like peopl to get over excited into wanting to have 30% homes and talk crap about me being absent for one age when the person didnt even grasp the uselessness of libs, then you/they say that homes can be useful and not expect being mocked? its not like im trying to tell you to never run TG's or anything. but dont try to prove people wrong with ridiculous technicalities just because it will make you feel better in the end.
    Last edited by Lordwarallied; 30-07-2009 at 16:07.

  8. #98
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    Aug 2008
    That's post of my gnome build is misleading. After all I had just got out of war so I had gain a lot of land. At any rate that build I was using for Red Mist I was using a 90% draft. And for that post you can see I was no where need 90% draft. Fully drafted I was about to put out around 100opa while keeping 100dpa at home. That build served me well.

    The human build is also a little misleading because I was still drafting a little more and I had yet to train many of my troops. Also this province at the time was not in war build. A few quick changes and the provinces army will be much stronger.

    Lordwarallied, homes is a superior way to play. Take a look at the links that greenie posted up. The gnome province is an example of how a strong province will be strong with or without science. A weak province will still be weak with science.

    The human sage province is an example of how to play one bad-a** human sage province.

  9. #99
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    i dont believe it is Vines, any builds is better than a lot of homes. in a static environment with highly competitive play, there is now way homes can give you fast: attack times, strong pump in sci:wizzards;elites;moneys. it gives you higher nwth hence making you a weaker target to stronger opponents without penalties. they cant give you a superior and a more stable thievery ops versus a TD spammed rogue gnome. any 25 specialised provs in a top kd could rampage provs or kds set up like this with 1.5 wave minimum. and thats assuming your completly right.

    id like you to give me a case to case comparaison of a prov with the same sci, same race and pers but with a difference of homes and no homes and how ud manage it. but ofc, it has to be at the level of homes YOU usually play with. if ur numbers beat it, then ok. but its still wont do the job in the situations ive mentioned. but you can try provin it.

    EDIT: In this Utopia, its been long gone the days of just superior strats on paper but on practical kd constant warring. just have to think what would you do agaisnt a prov running ur strats and id be enough to think how really weak it is. like Realest said: mechanics are more important than mere numbers.
    Last edited by Lordwarallied; 30-07-2009 at 22:35.

  10. #100
    Sir Postalot
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    Aug 2008
    there is only 2 per acre numbers that matter in utopia
    wizzies per acre, and thieves per acre
    the rest is all absolutes
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  11. #101
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    Well that Red Mist province I was runing in the last war I went up against another gnome the same size in networth. I took around 2k acres from his province.

    The situations you have mentioned are putting 1 province against 25 provinces. Now if you were to put any top kingdom against a kingdom running my breaker and keeper strategy any top kingdom would lose. I'm not going to go in to the breaker and keeper strategy. I will just say that it has to do with high homes.

  12. #102
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    Just no.
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  13. #103
    Post Fiend
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    I know a secret.... LWA(lordwarallied) uses homes in his gnome rogue... /me hides

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I've seen most (all?) undeads and gnomes running homes.
    I have yet to look at any with huge % of them, perhaps the inflated nwpa makes me assume they have been hit and to not waste the mana/stealth...?

  15. #105
    Post Fiend
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    not for long swan :D


    tell me, which top level kd have you been part of? and i dont mean to patronize you but i find amusing that you have the audacity to say that at a top kd level ur homes strat would take up the win.

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