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Thread: To Sum it Up!

  1. #1
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    To Sum it Up!

    Lets look at the facts as we know them.

    Germany declares war on Russia and France August 1, 1914
    August 1914 Bulgaria and Turkey join Germany and Austria-Hungary
    in the Central Powers. France, England, Russia (later Japan and Italy) join the Allied Powers

    Wilson declares U.S. neutrality August 4, 1914
    Wilson calls for "peace without victory" January 22, 1917

    Zimmermann note discovered February 1917 Berlin to Mexico City
    Foreign minister Zimmermann asks Mexico to join Germany in exchange for return of southwest U.S. British intercept message

    Selective Service Act passed May 28, 1917 Washington, D.C. Nearly 10 million men are listed and a lottery chooses first 687,000 to serve.
    Eventually 3,000,000 men serve as draftees in the war

    Cantigny May 28, 1918 North of Paris First victory for American troops
    Chateau-Thierry May 1918 France French and American troops block German advance
    Belleau Wood June 1918 France American forces suffer heavy losses but defeat Germans
    Second Battle of the Marne July 1918 France Allied forces defeat Germans who begin retreat east
    Sedan October 1918 Eastern France American troops cut German supply lines 50 miles behind German front

    Germans surrender, expecting a peace drawn up under Wilson's generous 14 Points November 11, 1918 Compiegne, France
    Worst war in world history is over. 10 million soldiers killed, 10 million civilians die from disease and starvation

    (It took America 6 months to defeat the Germans the first time) After trying to avoid the war and while negotiating for peace for 2.5 years
    to no avial.

  2. #2
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Pre-war Timeline :
    1933 - Adolf Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany. He abolishes democracy and becomes a dictator. Japan and Germany leave the League of Nations
    1935 - The German military enters the neutral Saar region, Hitler resumes conscription to the German military.
    1936 - The German military enters the demilitarized Rhine region. The German-Italian "Axis" is formed.
    1937 - Japan, which already occupies Manchuria, invades central China
    1938 - Hitler annexes Austria and western Czechoslovakia.
    Mar 1939 - Czechoslovakia surrenders to imminent German invasion
    Apr 1939 - Hitler cancels the German-British naval agreement and the German-Polish non-aggression pact. Italy invades Albania.
    Jul 1939 - Polish intelligence passes all its knowledge about the German Enigma machine to British and French intelligence
    Aug 1939 - Germany and Russia sign non-aggression pact, secretly agreeing to invade Poland and share it. German U-boats and battleships sail to the Atlantic Ocean for war.

    1939 Timeline
    Sep 8 - The US remains neutral but president Roosevelt declares "limited national emergency".
    1940 Timeline
    Sep 27 - Japan joins The Axis
    1941 Timeline
    Dec 7 - The Japanese Navy attacks Pearl Harbor and the Phillipines, and the US joins the war
    With the German failure to defeat Russia, which is marked by their failure to take Moscow, and with the United States joining the war a day later, This date marks the main turning point of World War 2.

  3. #3
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    1941 Timeline CONT
    Dec 11 - Germany and Italy declare war on the US.

    1942 Timeline
    Jan 26 - US troops begin to arrive in Britain
    Apr 18 - Doolittle's raid - US bombers bomb Tokyo.
    Jun 4 - The battle of Midway. Four Japanese carriers are sunk, and one American carrier. Japan's naval superiority is lost.

    1943 Timeline
    Nov 19 - The Marines land in Tarawa

    1944 Timeline
    Jan 16 - Eisenhower becomes supreme commander of western allies forces
    Jun 6 - D-Day. American, British, Canadian forces invade France at the beaches of Normandy

    1945 Timeline
    Apr 25 - American and Russian forces meet
    Apr 26 - German defense in northern Italy finally collapse
    Apr 29 - Mussolini is executed by the Italian resistance. The Allies liberate the Dachau death camp
    Apr 30 - Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in Berlin. He appoints Admiral Doenitz as his successor.
    May 8 - Germany surrenders. The war in Europe ends
    May 28 - 450 B-29 bombers bomb Yokohama
    Jun 2 - 660 B-29 bombers bomb Japanese cities
    Jun 21 - Battle of Okinawa ends
    Jul 16 - the US tests the atomic bomb in New Mexico. It works
    Aug 6 - Hiroshima is destroyed by an atomic bomb
    Aug 8 - Russia declares war on Japan
    Aug 9 - Nagasaki is destroyed by an atomic bomb
    Aug 14 - Japan surrenders. World War 2 finally ends.

  4. #4
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Once again I see no where on these time lines that the US started any war,only finished them.
    We did not invade Kuwait,Kosovo,Vietnam,Korea.....but we did and will continue to respond to those conflicts as needed when needed.

  5. #5
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    You declared war on Iraq twice, and both times because your corrupt and stupid leadership suspected that they had 'weapons of mass destruction.'
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by VT2 View Post
    You declared war on Iraq twice, and both times because your corrupt and stupid leadership suspected that they had 'weapons of mass destruction.'
    Actually the 1st Gulf war was over Iraq invasion of Kuait(sp?). I have no problem with that one.

    The 2nd one was due to a President that wanted to be known as a 'war president' and to avenge his Daddy. Weapons of mass destruction was a lie so he could go forward with his plans.

  7. #7
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    VT2 that was a terribly ignorant response. The first invasion of Iraq was in defense of an invasion of an ally country and was entirely justified. The second was the failure of bad intel and an Administration determined to finish the work of George H W Bush regardless of what it cost.
    S E C R E T S

  8. #8
    I like to post MorbidAngel's Avatar
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    He was right about 2nd invasion on Iraq. US started that war, reasons aren't important esp cos it was fail intel (cmon plz)

    Inferno of Absalom
    The Gay

  9. #9
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Wrong,the second (war)police action, was a result of Iraq not following UN Sanctions over and over and over,compounded by a U.S.president wanting revenge for the attempted assassination on his fathers life..speaking of which ,being that his father ran the CIA, don't you think if they were( pencil whipping the intelligence just to go to war) they could not have planted raw material/tactical crude cover their asses? I did not like GW for reasons based on the economy and his (connections along with his staff) to corporate money and the abuse of Federal contracts!

    That said,If I had the power and Saddam tried to take out my old man I'd hunt his ass down too!

    And that second action was not a war, that was a police action, Iraq could not fight the local girls volley ball team with what he had left after the Gulf war!

  10. #10
    Post Fiend
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    Again, is there a point to this topic?

  11. #11
    Forum Fanatic gergnub's Avatar
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    Negative, Autoband0

  12. #12
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    You say was as if it was in the past. The war in Iraq is still going on. George W. Bush was a fail president. The worst in history by far.

  13. #13
    Post Demon
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    Quote Originally Posted by khedrei View Post
    George W. Bush was a fail president. The worst in history by far.
    Say he was the worst president in the history of the US and you may have a point.

    In the history of the world, he was probably outclassed by Hitler (who I would like to remind you was democratically elected before he became a dictator) and some of the fine presidents in Africa who abandonned office and ran away with the people's money.

  14. #14
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    I did mean the U.S. Sorry about that.

  15. #15
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Yes.the point is every war we've been in was started by others,tho some have been unilateral action due to the UN's failure as a world body to deal with the situation.

    As long as Russia and China vote/veto against everything the U.S and or it's allies take up as a actual legitimate cause the UN is useless and needs to be disbanded at the very least/blown up at the best.

    And just because the US did not find WMD's in Iraq does not mean they were not there at one time,Iraq moved all it's air power (what was left) to Iran,there's nothing to say those WMD's are not in either Syria or Iran.

    You Euro's need to think where you would be if not for Americas intervention in WW1 and WW2 ,try talking to some of your older relatives and see what they think what America means to them.

    To be the big boy on the block you have to maintain an attitude along with confidence in your ability to control the neighborhood from other bully's and yes that means sometimes being the bully yourself!

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