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Thread: Small, but deadly DE A/M

  1. #31
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Well, there's no need for all that stuff about 33% homes, since that was only temporary. Here's the new strat.

    Homes: 25%
    Banks: 15%
    Guilds: 10%
    Training Grounds: 10%
    Forts: 10%
    Armouries: 10%
    Watch Towers: 7%
    Farms: 8%
    Stables: 5%

    Max population per acre: 28.5
    Peasants per acre: 8.5
    Wizards per acre: 3
    Thieves per acre: 1
    Offspec per acre: 8
    Defspec per acre: 2
    Elite per acre: 6

    Draft rate: 60%

    Need a bit of time and gold to get to this plan, but I think it's reasonably sound.

  2. #32
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Drop wt's if you aren't at war...
    Also, drop arms for hosps :-)

    would also consider swapping 5% homes for stables, but that is just me...
    Also, you seem to be relying on homes very heavily for pop growth, should focus more on pop sci, pop sci is much better than homes :-)
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  3. #33
    Post Fiend Temper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is still not a deadly build by any standard. You should read what have been posted, you the one asking for advice. A DE has ToG, making his banks so much more useful. You don't need as many homes, think 5% or 10% max, there is no reason to have more homes then any other building, this is not Sim-City. Also with so many economic buildings this is more a pump build then a war build so it cant be deadly.

  4. #34
    Post Demon
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Realest aptly summarizes his own existence.

    Ran numbers from a different viewpoint, but reached the same conclusion. Homes < TG/Fort/Stable split, even a somewhat suboptimal one. My analysis held income constant, so homes were automatically decreasing the need for every other building - but it still wasn't enough to make them better unless you were running a huge number of TGs (pure heavy attacker strat).

    That said, I still use 10-15% because the pes regen is nice, and they make for faster converts into and out of war. But in war proper I normally don't build them, letting them drop in favor of more TG and/or Forts.

    In my one age playing anything but human, I played DE a/t/m... yes, it does work if you stay small enough. (Worse opponents, better sci) Learned important lesson there though - sci, sci, sci. It isn't just for humans, everyone needs it. (I knew it anyway cause of always playing human - but I didn't know it worked for all races.) Pop sci in particular has almost no cap beyond which it is detrimental. (In one sim for human, I found it still helpful up to 10,000 bpa in housing alone.) If you aren't planning better than average sci, you aren't planning small and deadly, you are planning either bigger, or fodder.
    it's vs. its is ambiguous - from now on I'm attempting to use the proper possessive it's, and the contraction 'tis. (Its will just be the plural.)

    Think Different

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I'm an aggressive and offencive orientated player. I value offencive capabilities over defence and always play with minimum defence or when i'm small no defence at all :)
    My advice is based on my style of play and point of view so it might not suit you ;)

    The first thing i look at is your abilities on attacking. As A/M i value offence over my capabilities as mage. In my opinion you're over defended and have way to long attack times since you have no barracks.

    My advice on your build:

    Drop homes to 15%
    Raze your forts
    Raze your armouries
    Raze your watchtowers

    Add 20% Barracks
    Add 5% Training grounds
    Add 2% Guilds
    Add 10% hospitals

    My advice on your army:

    Get yourself 35 DPA and not more. Full elite defence. You need less troops to get the number of defence :)
    Get 2TPA
    Get 4WPA
    Aim for over 70 OPA.

    Since you want to have a good amount of wizzies you can't set your draft rate to high because it will seriously hurt your BE and thus your economy. Try to achieve this with a draft rate of 60& for your army and 5% for your wizzards.

    Also get a lot of population science. You will need those extra pop to get your army and wizzies.

    You should focus your science on housing and channeling first. Tools and alchemy are important to. Crime, military and food are far less important.

    You said you're at about 600 acres. That is a nice size for plundering. The should be quite some inactive left to feed from. Plunder as much as posseble and spend it on science :)

  6. #36
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    35 dpa as a DE is asking for trouble...
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  7. #37
    Enthusiast Palar's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Behind you...
    Milkman did you overlook the fact that he'll keep 35dpa OOW as well as in war?
    Tis a dog world out there, eat or be eaten, drink or be drunk.
    Enjoy every minute. There's plenty of time to be dead.

  8. #38
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Palar View Post
    Milkman did you overlook the fact that he'll keep 35dpa OOW as well as in war?
    in war or oow, 35 dpa, with no turtling ability is just asking for trouble...

    pretty much every race could double tap that, and leave enough at home not to be DT'ed back =)
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  9. #39
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    dpa is irrelevant when comparing provinces because it depends on your size relative to everyone.

  10. #40
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Realest View Post
    dpa is irrelevant when comparing provinces because it depends on your size relative to everyone.
    he's only at 600 odd acres
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  11. #41
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    it still doesnt tell u much because 35 dpa at 600a means a double tap for someone at 1200a with 35 opa. That's all it tells u, hence why dpa is a poor comparison tool.

    its more of a guide when you compare it to ur opa and arrive at a ratio.

  12. #42
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Okay, I'm at 800 acres, bouncing around in this war. I've been sending plenty of MS around, always fun.

    Now to answer some comments:
    Science: I'm putting all my science effort into channeling and war. I can't spare it for housing at this stage. Wait until OOW.
    Defense: With the plan, I'll have 46 base DPA, around 50-52 mod DPA.
    WT: I'm in war, so they're useful.

  13. #43
    Post Fiend jimmy1234's Avatar
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    Tasmania,Sweden,uk,continental Europe,
    Suggestions: dont play DE for A\M... go elf or dwarf.

    86OPA is nothing considering you said you have over 50 opa without... weak

    1.75 raw/2.7 mod is nothing for a mage. get it to about 5 wpa mod so you can break other people with starts just like this that belive they are "small but deadly"

    common if your seriously expecting praise for playing AM go elf and get a decent turtle strat going.

    or you can be useful and run an orc attacker with over 100 opa and multi tap people the same size as you.
    Anzac ftw

  14. #44
    Post Fiend jimmy1234's Avatar
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    Tasmania,Sweden,uk,continental Europe,
    Stop spending it on channeling and war. You need the BE help.

    BE effects all % buildings including rax, hosp, TG, GS, GUILDS, ect ect all needed for war get this up FIRST. IT HELPS YOU IN ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF THE GAME

    if you want a decent turtle strat go about 40-50 dpa in d specs, rest as leets. run about 63% draft. as to my comment above, pump wizzies to 2.5-3.5 raw, get to 4-4.5 with sci.

    High pop is a good idea. i dont know if wating 33% of your land on homes is the way to go though. Invest in BE sci as said before, lessens amount of pezzies you need for you economy to function, invest in building sci, and invest (untily uo got about a 25-35% sci bonus) in food, as it will allow you to get a few more % of land into other buildings, such as TG or stables (depending on your BE) as too which, to make you a stronger attacker.
    Anzac ftw

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