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Thread: A build strat...Any suggestions?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Boy, read.
    What you planned might as well have been for DE in the middle ages.
    And your pop is prolly dropping dead because you have 0 food, or 0 gold, or they just don't like you. Also the fact that "you had no homes, or anything else" din't help the fact that you have no food.

    Sorry for the sarcasm couldn't resist.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I wish they would allow the mystic to add to how much runes towers made that would make it more useable.

  3. #18
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    In case he's still around, to answer his original question on science.

    Quadrapling the books per acre will double the science rate, i.e if you're at 60BPA for x% increase in thieves, you need 240BPA for 2x% increase in thieves.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I think i ventured too far into the unknown to make much sense of anything there, Apart from the fact that T/M is useless and along with that it eliminates another part of the "team" that should be a kingdom.
    Any other aspects of the game that are going to be dispelled? Lemme know, see if we can't just change the classic game once and forever.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    And, what is more....It's well and good commenting laced with sarcasm like you are, but i am genuinely in need of advice.

  6. #21
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gerard View Post
    I am planning my new age strategy and i am looking for a little help if someone doesn't mind?
    I'm a "newb" as it is so subtly put all over the forums, so all the language and abbreviations in the world might not help in response.

    I am planning on becoming a T/M as Dark Elf / Mystic.

    My build strat is going to be:

    20% Thieves' Dens
    20% Guilds
    20% Forts
    10% Homes
    10% Farms
    10% Banks
    5% Armouries
    5% Libraries

    The only problem i have had previously is that all the specialists and thieves i build seem to just die. I mean, no messing about, i build them, they die.
    That occurred mainly when i converted to T/M initially and had no homes, or anything else.

    Is this strat going to work? I mean, are people just gonna keep dying on me....Or should this balance be good enough? Secondly... Am i lacking anything with this?

    Another thing, with sciences.... if i maintain 4BPA OF each particular category, the effectiveness is apparently doubled. Is this something that continues no matter how many BPA i possess??

    I.e...If my thievery sciences are at +60% and well over 4Bpa, Then effectively i am running at +120% effectiveness? Or am i getting the wrong end of the stick with that??

    Finally....What is the ideal DPA? I'm thinking about 50-60 DPA but for this build should it be higher?

    Thanks in advance for any common-sense responses i eagerly await.
    Ignore the sarcasm, it's the general way they talk around here. It is true though that t/ms will be weaker for next age compared to attackers/hybrids, the defense numbers are similar but the offense is higher for next age.

    First off, to clarify science, i mentioned before 4x the books will give you 2x the effect. The current effect is always shown on your science page, this is already modified by libraries, so you needn't worry about that. T/ms usually go till high 80%s in magic and thievery, because most attackers easily get 50%s.

    Here are some comments about your build. It is mostly ok but you might want to drop some farms (you should have pretty decent food science), possibly guilds as well (pump till you reach your desired wpa) and drop it to 15% (you will get around the same durations with all your spells unless you're below 67% BE).

    If you get hit often, you will need hospitals but usually t/ms turtle and stay out of range of attackers and find them wasteful. This age though, with the boosted offense in elites, t/ms are not that unbreakable and i can't really say whether you should go higher defenses. Hospitals are useless for t/ms unless they get attacked(which they try to avoid), so maybe you want to check with your kingdom on this.

    I think you shouldn't have any difficulty maintain thieves and troops maintenance unless you get heavily massacred in war, and i doubt you can change your build much to accommodate for that and still be an effective t/m. So just take it as a risk.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Turtling??? Turtles???

    I dont get it! Lol.

  8. #23
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Turtling means to have high defenses so that others cannot break you. You need it as a t/m otherwise you'll just be free food out of war for those attackers (since you can't retal). In war, it helps you to make sure you are not so easily massacred if you are out of reach from most of the kingdoms or not worth it.

    As a t/m you should be near the top or near the bottom of the kingdom in terms of size/nw, if near the top, should've defenses just above the 2nd highest offense from the other kingdom. This may not be so possible this age though.

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