Age: I am 27 years old

Location: I currently reside in St. Louis, MO...... it's the Central Standard time Zone

Experience: I have about 7 ages of experience under my belt.... however the last age I played was in 2001.... my then Province was known as "The Dark Syxx"... as I said it was a long time ago.... so I'm a little out of practice.... but I will definitely be an essential asset to whomever chooses to recruit me

Activity: I will most likely be playing off and on all day every day.... the things and actions I take on a daily basis will most likely differ depending on the strategy I am running for my province at that time, as well as taking into consideration my role in the kingdom and the kingdom's present strategy and how it relates to me

Goals: as far as goals.... I'm not positive yet, I need to learn the newer version of the game for sure... but I catch on pretty quickly and I generally like to grow powerful.... but I also don't like to get too big at the same time... I generally like to maintain a medium to large size while being a powerful asset at the same time

Preferred type of kingdom: I want to be a part of a kingdom that is active, but doesn't necessarily live, breath, eat, and sleep the game... cause let's be honest... we've all gotta have some kind of a social life as well

Contact methods: I use all of the following

Yahoo: tayntid_fayt(AT SIGN)yahoo(DOT)com
MSN: suicidal_fatality(AT SIGN)hotmail(DOT)com
ICQ: 615207747

Facebook: I have a personal one... I will however be creating a new Facebook when accepted to a Kingdom
Myspace: Same as above

I hope to hear from someone soon... I wanna get a good fresh start in the new age