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Thread: Are riots supposed to be an invisible op?

  1. #1
    At One With The Keyboard Luth's Avatar
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    Are riots supposed to be an invisible op?

    I don't recall that they are... and i have 6 days of riots, and no items in my news other than some gc stolen and some failed ops.
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    “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” ~Albert Schweitzer
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  2. #2
    Enthusiast Doom Scythe's Avatar
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    It is not supposed to be invisible. The message would be like this:

    Rioting has started amongst our people. Our tax collection efforts will be hampered for 12 days!

    Only other time when there exist Riots and not appear on paper is due to overpop.

  3. #3
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    I found this message in my news archive, so I can confirm what Doom scythe says.

    Rioting has started amongst our people. Our tax collection efforts will be hampered for 3 days!
    This is my province. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    My province is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
    My province, without me, is useless. Without my province, I am useless.
    I must attack hard with my province. I must attack harder than my enemy who is trying to pk me. I must pk him before he pk's me. I will...

  4. #4
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    riots certainly show in your province news. always have - if they didnt show for you Luth log a bug report - but make sure you check your paper carefully. I have been rioted several times this age - and i always spotted the riots as they showed up on my throne room.
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  5. #5
    At One With The Keyboard Luth's Avatar
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    QUIT MOVING MY QUESTION THREADS... this is NOT a thread about strategy, it is a thread with a question about the game functionality, so it belongs back in QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS where i put it in the first place. this is the 2nd time you've done this to me bishop, KNOCK IT OFF please

    i now have riots, and it is in my news. but yesterday's riots were not, but they were on my state page. so not sure what happened
    ~ Lúthien ~
    “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” ~Albert Schweitzer
    Words make us think thoughts... Music makes us feel feelings... Songs make us feel thoughts" ~"Yip" Harburg
    Goodnight Utopia

  6. #6
    Sir Postalot Lestat's Avatar
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    Is'nt in the state tab thing

  7. #7
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    no Luth, it does not belong in Q+A . Stop posting game queries in there please.
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  8. #8
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    I hate to agree with Luth but putting this in strategy what on earth where you thinking? It doesnt relate to strategy in any form Q&A was certainly the best forum to put the thread in. "Input and assistance from our Moderators" is the only thing that is stated in Q&A andn which is quite accurate she was looking for input and assistance. Either create a new sub category for ingame issues and be more specific for what Q&A intended for. One thing is for sure it doesnt belong in here either

  9. #9
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    Q+A is not for game questions. It might belong in bugs - but it is more likely that Luth missed the riots message.
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  10. #10
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    It doesnt say what kind of questions and answers its for, just questions and answers. Its more logical to put the thread in there than in strategy talk, still you havent provided with answer how it relates to strategy? Moving threads for the sake of moving them is kinda retarded especially when you move it to a unlogical place like this. A thread should be placed where its most suited and Q&A was the best place.

  11. #11
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    again, no - it is not. Q+A is not for game mechanic questions.
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  12. #12
    Former Community Manager Thundergore's Avatar
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    I'd sum up 'strategy' as 'game mechanics other players can help you with'.

    I'd sum up 'Q&A' as 'issues that moderators and CM's can help you with' we don't provide assistance with game mechanics - some of us <looks around nervously> aren't that great with every game mechanic.

    The boards are pretty flexible but the main problem that I can identify here is the attempt to make young Bishop feel forced to move this thread back to where the posters feel it should be. With complaints. You don't decide that. Bishop does. If you disagree you tell me. Then I get to decide.

    The complaints and manipulation attempts here sadden me. For this reason it stays here.

    This would be a petty act on my part except for the fact that the issue has been addressed already. There's no bug here - we double checked to be absolutely certain.

    What's also petty is debating where a thread (once resolved) belongs. So let's end this here shall we?

    One final note - If it were bugged then it would most likely feel at home in the bug report forum.

  13. #13
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Q+A is not for game mechanic questions.
    Please, show me where is stated what kind of questions is allowed in Q&A?


    You should make the descriptions of the forums more obvious to people then. If you have a question about the game the logical place to put a thread is in Question&Answer imho. It says "Input and assistance from our Moderators" doesnt specify what kind of input or assistance that is provided. While when you check in Strategy its "Utopia Strategy Discussions" while I think game mechanics can be discussed in here a question about how the certain mechanics in the game is suppose to work is better placed in a q&a where a moderator or a CM could provide with a correct answer.

    My only interest was finding out why he did move it to Strategy talk, but it seems its impossible for him to answer that. He just providing same answer again and again and again and that answer wasnt even related to my question. That you think I was trying to manipulate Bishop into doing something saddens me greatly :( I think i provided a sound and logical reasoning behind why q&a was more sutiable in this case. I even gave a suggestion on how to avoid such confusion in the future.

    I dont see it petty really, Bishop told Luth to stop posting game queries in Q&A like it was some absolute truth, while there is nothing that states what kind of questions are allowed within Q&A. Nobody in here is mindreaders so they dont know what you Thundergore nor Bishop thinks.

    Oh well, as I spent countless of times arguing with moderators I know this discussion is rather pointless and my dinner is about to be ready so todelo!

  14. #14
    Former Community Manager Thundergore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    You should make the descriptions of the forums more obvious to people then. If you have a question about the game the logical place to put a thread is in Question&Answer imho. It says "Input and assistance from our Moderators" doesnt specify what kind of input or assistance that is provided. While when you check in Strategy its "Utopia Strategy Discussions" while I think game mechanics can be discussed in here a question about how the certain mechanics in the game is suppose to work is better placed in a q&a where a moderator or a CM could provide with a correct answer.
    This is a sensible suggestion - the only sensible thing to arise so far. I'll see what I can do, or what I can get done in this regard.

    Do you find my reasoning about why the Q&A board shouldn't be for game mechanics query (in general) adequate? What about my summary of what I believe the Strategy board should contain. These reasons would sum up why it was moved to Strategy. They also answer some of what you quote.

    Even if you do accept my reasoning I agree no one should have to be a mind reader, and it is MY reasoning. This is of course why neither Bishop, nor I, are wildly handing out punishments for 'deliberately posting in the wrong boards'. We're trying to give you our own reasons behind why it was placed where it was and in no way do we want to say 'We're in charge, shut up.'

    You may disagree with our reasoning but then it'll be a case of 'agree to disagree'.

    Anyway the matter is resolved and what's left is trivial (I retract petty for it does have a negative connotation - which I didn't mean - but I do see it as trivial) argument BUT saved by a suggestion that may help us avoid such issues in future.

  15. #15
    Moderator for:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thundergore View Post
    some of us <looks around nervously> aren't that great with every game mechanic.
    GET HIM!

    On topic, the description of the Q&A section says help from moderators. I know bishop is about the only 'moderator' that we actually see around here and he does actually play the game, but 99% of the mods don't, so why would we ask them for in-game answers? It's clearly for board-related stuff or stuff that involves getting a hold of the devs, which the CM's can help with.

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