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Thread: Undead killing

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    As long as the person is active and doesn't forget to turn off wizard production, it's hard to kill any prov...
    especially in an organised KD who will be there to accept solds when overpopped and send solds when low on pezzies, so he can release them

  2. #17
    Sir Postalot Ordray's Avatar
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    I'm afraid that people are misunderstanding the hyperbole in the title. I'm not interested in PKing anyone, I already know how to do that quite well thank you. I'm looking for ideas on how to basically disable an UD province.
    Retired at one time but no longer retired.

  3. #18
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    ns wasnt worth for anything, they train more offense that one can ns , and after a 2 weeks war, when eveyrones dpa is on the 20s , they double tap at least! bouncing all over the place, our own undeads went from 400 to 900 acres and back to 500 and up to 700.
    One of our undeads got hit 30 times!
    and we hit one of the enemy undeads 52 times between trad marches, then massacres like 14 and 9 razes, the punk had no buildings, but at 600 acres with his wages of maybe 10,000 gc theres no way he had no money to keep his army out that punk. His attack times got so slow, that everyone hit him, and tripple and quad tap him, and he didnt die!!!!

    Eventually after all the massacres they surrendered, i think that in 1 more week, we could have brought them down to 200 acres each, but we had more active provinces than them, we was about 30% more active overall. I dont want to see the war of equal activity between undeads.

    Now what id like to see too, is that all halfling kd with 2 elfs fighting a full undead kd. Now that would be a fight

    Undead just take too much pain, wasting so many attacks in a single province made us lose our focus on the rest. And they was just too many undeads. Fortunately for us, we have like 5 undead ourselves and some 6 mean orcs too.

    I would say that, the kd with the better build should win, but after everyone is getting razed, what kind of build can one have if any.

    You can imagine this pathetic war right oop, some people was even fighting with soldiers and aggression on lol.

    I have yet to see a so long war that everyone is fighting with soldiers only. that will be the day.

    We have banks too so, our economy is always stronger

  4. #19
    Post Fiend cronoz's Avatar
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    Our experience with UD was chaining the biggest UD from 1100 acres to 200 acres since he was the only one being a real threat. Forget the rest, you shouldn't focus on UD too long if there are other races in the KD. I rather take out a halfling/human or Faery which are easier to disable.
    Our enemy just released all def so we were fighting a second UD at 300 acres with 70k offense and exactly 64 defensive points.
    Things you need to do when he starts quad tapping = ambush + leave offense and generals for everyone to attack. Even if it only takes 7 acres.
    Still 50 attacks on an UD won't disable him but the NW difference between your biggies increases so you shouldn't have to worry.
    UD is just overpowered but also easy to chain down. Still it doesn't matter in the end unless you can drastically take away their ability to quad tap which you simply can't.
    Best way seems to let them outgrow and take down later when your doing max gains attacks.
    Sending 3 ruby dragons before min time also helps demotivate a KD ;)

  5. #20
    Forum Fanatic Darkz Azn's Avatar
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    i heard starving them work ... i dunno ...

    Odd of Absalom

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  6. #21
    Post Fiend Temper's Avatar
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    My experience with undead, went from around 1200 acres and 61 draft to about to about 230'ish, decent chain IMO. Two days war I lost like 5k dspecs, almost all peasants and 3k thief's, but only 400 Ghouls out of the starting 7.5k. You cant ambush a war spoils hit, so basically is very hard to make undead lose any offense, killing them is even more unlikely.

    If you play full kd undead strategies like "focus on undead's at wave" or "let them be land banks" would be ineffective or counterproductive o.o

  7. #22
    Forum Fanatic E_Boko's Avatar
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    me loves undead that use WS.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I was quite surprised how resilient Undead are.

    Just finished a ghetto war and we lost. I ended up being mass targetted (ghetto standards) and in two days was hit 23 times. Went from 8,500 D-Specs to 3,500 but kept my 7k Ghouls. When I got knocked down a NW plateau from 160k to 100k it was easier to regain land since I could triple tap equal sized provinces with my offense that never died. The key was using anonymity to avoid ambushes and always have land coming in keeping NW low. Sure my buildings were jacked but by the end I would get hit down to 500 acers with 250-300 acres always coming in from attacks. I'm a noob but from what I can tell attempting to eliminate an active Undead attacker is just a waste of resources. The best thing you can do is knock his networth low enough so his gains are reduced on the rest of the kingdom with higher networth. 300-400 acres is probably a good target goal.

  9. #24
    Post Fiend
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    Oct 2010
    im an undead merchant this age, and we are currently warring, this is the build I have set in the foreman though it varies slightly as land comes/goes:

    10% homes
    9% banks
    25% TG
    25% Forts
    10% Hospitals
    12% Guilds
    7% Towers
    2% Dungeons

    So far it is serving me damn well

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Do you plan on replacing homes once they get destroyed in war for another type of building or maintaining 10%?

    I haven't used homes in my build yet but I'm thinking 10% might be nice to have a slightly higher BE and more military going into a war and gradually replacing them with guard stations or watchtowers as the war starts. Also I notice you have a very high amount of forts, how much DPA are you keeping at home (also what is your average D-Spec/Acre) for your province? Has your province been focused yet or are you just exchanging acres atm?

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I am surprised this topic doesn't have more interest. Maybe I just missed out and am behind the times.

    Does anyone have anymore input for disabling or severely crippling an Undead. My KD is in the midst of a pretty furious debate. Seems that many are saying that most tactics just won't work this age to disable an undead in war. The only feedback I heard from an Undead in another KD is that it wasn't until we really started focusing in on his peasants and income that he was feeling a little pain.

    So, is the strategy them to rob them of peasants? Many here have already said that they didn't care. They'd rather release dspecs/thieves/wizards than any elites and they could sometimes quadtap to regain acres.

    And why wouldn't allowing them to become bloated on land while destroying their peasants work? The more land they get, the less tpa/wpa they'd have the more that normal attackers could NS troops and begin chaining them down.

    Sorry for the rambling and randomness...but I'm very curious. What are we missing? Or is this a case of Utopia's game mechanics having unintended (or even worse - intended) consequences?

  12. #27
    Post Fiend
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    Mar 2011
    Undead were very powerful in ages past, might be why they were removed. Racial abilities like no food req and offense doesnt die on attacks are much more powerful than any other race's.

    Unless your kingdom theme was to go mostly halflings who could remain unbreakable while, I don't see any stategy for defeating an undead kd anyone could bring about aside from be larger and more active than them. You can't let an undead become landfat when it's a whole KD of them.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    to disable UDs is more about containment than PK as UDs are too resilient

    once UDs are below 400 acres, use your smaller provs to keep them small
    by taking advantage of UDs troops out with Trad + Raze tandem

    this keeps your bigger provs for more efficient purposes

  14. #29
    Post Demon
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    Aug 2008
    What's the big issue? That they keep their off too well? Is that really a problem? Most chained provs will be quad tapping other provs their own size regardless if they're undead or not. I'd be more worried if it was avians or orcs, since they're either faster or have significantly better gains, meaning they'll do more damage with their hits. Undeads using ws should be chained down as they won't have any land incoming and will pretty much be forced to release those precious elites. If they're doing anon hits, they're both slow and not gaining any honor, so what's the issue with them then?

    People seem to believe that Undead is some super race that do many times more damage than other races. That's only true if you spread out the damage over a week of warring or more, and most wars will not last that long. Your basic need is dropping them out of nw range, so they're not effective in chains, and that's easier on undeads than most other races (since they're less likely to run any significant amount of hospitals, so their def dies fast). Undeads are so overrated this age that it's extremely silly.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkz Azn View Post
    i heard starving them work ... i dunno ...
    odd... why didn't i think of this in the first place.

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