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Thread: Waving with 2 dragons...

  1. #16
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gojete View Post
    Anyway my point was that warrying inferior kds is the best way to learn how to play the game and gain a lot of confidence .
    Once you know what your armies are capable of , its going to be a lot easier than give away targets and win wars with ease.
    There is nothing to learn from beating ghettos. You learn more warring equal/better kingdoms and yes sometimes losing, you learn how to beat them next time.
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  2. #17
    Post Fiend
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    It's called practice. You don't wait until there's an actual fire to go through the motions of how to evacuate.

    DHaran, why do you bother posting in these threads? Do you have alot of pent up frustration you need to get out by constantly telling people how wrong they are? It's not like you actually care about what happens to players in the ghetto.

    If people in top KD's actually cared about the ghetto and had an interest in helping them improve, they'd all disband their KD's for an age and random around. There a whole lot of knowledge and experience bottled up at the top which is going to waste for 85% of the player-base.

    People don't learn best by playing someone better than them and getting the crap kicked out of them constantly. They learn by having a coach, someone with knowledge and the willingness to help them through their time of sucking.

    Everyone's too concerned with someone else getting a crown for this to ever happen though.

  3. #18
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    Sandwich im sorry for hurting your eyes with my BS. Its really not the intention. I got + 15 war wins and more than half of them were gainst kds of same and better skill . Ive been in the gaming world for years . My strategies work not because they are tested against bad kds but because im a pro strategiest. Im normally around the top 20% players in most games ive played, thats online world war games like warcraft 3 , command and conquer, age of empires all the series and many others . I just kick ass at strategy man, believe it or not .

    Dont be closed minded in your views, we ended up 114 in land, 117 in networth and aroudn 57 in honor , out of 700 something kds. And 7 war wins undefeated, we warred everyone smaller , same size and bigger than us. I think were pretty much one of the best ghettoes around if not the best.

    You are stucked , but i mean no offense sandwich and i might be completely wrong , i want to go into this because most ppl makes the asssumtion that one " has to come out of the ghetto and become a decent kd" ?
    What is in your opinion ghetto and decent kd?
    If a decent kd means you are top 50 for top 20 for that matter, There are 700 kds, lets say many of them have 0 provinces, so lets say that theres 650 kds that actually exist.

    Do you call non ghetto those who are above the top 50?
    or top 40?
    what in your view is a decent kd?

    For me a non ghetto is anri?s monkeys , the archangels ,melee weapons and kds of those skills. 25 players.
    Top kds imo are the absaloms , fratzias, dreams , and all those that are only around less than 1% of the players.
    And the so called decent kds like the ones first mentioned are only like 4 % of the players in utopia?

    So why the hell would i want to belong to the 4% if the cost of doing so is spending 1/3rd of my real day life playing this game?
    For 3 months per age for 10 years?

    I mean really sandwich, do you understand what this means?

    To be a decent kd you need 25 provinces that spend a lot of their time playing the game and following orders, like brainwashed zoombies, " you have to play this race, this personality and this build strat, and ai want you doing your attack at 2 am, then at 12 am, then at 22 pm and so on, and you have to hit this target and that target, etc ,etc."
    Im not up for zoombie mentalities, there has to be certain discipline , but i rather play in a kd that having ppl logging only 1 time per day, creative builds and everyone else having fun and still manage to be top 114 land, top 117 netwprth and tpp 50 something honor, 7 war wins no defeats

    If theres 700 kds and im top 120, that means im better than 82% of the rest of the kds in utopia.

    Your complete disregard and lack of respect of 82% of the server calling them pathetic ghettoes means that you have a very sick mind which lacks the skills to anayze reality.

    It is pretty clear that around 90% of the ppl who play utopia like playing casually and are not up for spending 1/4 or 1/3rd of their real life day into managing a procince in a virtual computer game .

    With my numbers its pretty obvious that my strats work for being better than 80% of the server, not needing to have your players spening vast ammount of time playing the gmae, and stil lbeing succesful.

    If we was talking about time efficency , and properly using the resources one has, i think my strategies are the most time efficient, result giving , succesful of all utopia.

    If you think im wrong in what i post, 85% of the server , shown by my results, begs to disagree. And you stip calling us pathetic ghettos, many of us love playing at this level and we are aware that we would have to spend a lot more time in the game to get higher in the ratings. And all for what, for a virtual number on a screen that doesnt mean anything other than what you feel about it? And if you feel just as good as a top 5 kd player feels playing in your little ghetto, isnt that just right?

    Utopia is a game that delivers fun at any level,. you dont even have to be in the top 300 kds to have super fun, and my strats are designed for this. If i was interested in climbing up in the ladders id be doing so, ive been a top player in many games and know the commitment and effort that it gives, and i also have felt the satisfation of beating some of the best players in the world in some games ive played as well.
    I tell you, its all in your mind, and now that i understand that , playing in the ghetto makes me just as happy as when i beat up on top players.

    There is a huge misconcetion, and i think a lot of people want to relate the results of this game to real life?
    Just because you are a top player it doesnt mean that you own a company or are a boss of many ppl.

    Spending so much time in this game and not seeing the great oportunity it offers you , not only the game itself ,but to see how ppl are like and so on, youre missing a lot out of utopia if all you think is acre size. The politics, the conspiracy , the plotting ,the persuading, man this game is huge, it not only involves strategic skills, but leadership, and so on.

    If you think my advice sucks , thats your point of view, my results beg to differ.

    I remmeber the first age i played utopia i joinded in the last 2 weeks of the age, in wol, the king had defected, the kingdom was in trash, i took over just the same, without even knowing what i was doing, i just made my political campain and told everyome something like this

    " This are desperate times, we are on the verge of death and damnation if we do not move now we will all be dead, our people will be massacred, blood will run through the streets ,all you have will be burnt and you will commit suicide, If you vote for me , i proimse you greatness and the suffer of the enemy and joy from their pain, the drinking of their blood and them fearing us foerver"
    They vote for me , i got king and won 2 wars,
    Next age i joined genesis, played all age, became mnarch after the first one sucked , we made it top 50 in land , 6 war wins, 0 losses.

    Ive learned a lot more about the game , but really its a strategy game, you can be closeminded in your strategies, because its what people have been using for years , i come from a whole different background of games and see the opportunity that different build strats and warrying tactics give me.

    Unlike most games, where your army is what is normally between the enemy and your city, unless you flank them and get them frombehind, here in utopia there is nothing between you and the enemy, They hit your land over and over and over.

    This is hardly seen in most real strategy games, where you take on strategic locations , to see where the enemy is coming from, what army they have, what can they do, are they going to attack now?`do i build defense do i attack, do i go around the enemy and destroy their town?

    Usually when you destroy the enemy town, the army dies , and since your city is intact you won.

    Utopia is a far simpler and easier game man, its all straight forward, you take a spy on throne, you know exactly what the army has, you know that you can attack and destroy their town and crush their eco.

    Sandwich i understand that you think and believe that everything i post is wrong, because you are stuck with a fixed way of playing the game, its the only way you know, and its how you like playing and you are too hard headed to open your mind and try other things.

    I can see things from your point of view, if i step inside you, and see all i post from the way you see it, its obvious that it will sound stupid and wrong, and all your prejudices and beliefs and ideas kick in, and block you from acquiring insight.

    Insight which if without youll always be a follower and not a leader.
    Or it will make you lead by from what you already know never being able to change.
    Then of course if you are winning a lot of wars by the way you play.

    How many war wins did you have this age?? im sure you didnt have 7 like me, so you will go and try to undermine my success by saying my enemies suck or whatever

    Haters gonna hate!
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  4. #19
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashar View Post
    It's called practice. You don't wait until there's an actual fire to go through the motions of how to evacuate.

    DHaran, why do you bother posting in these threads? Do you have alot of pent up frustration you need to get out by constantly telling people how wrong they are? It's not like you actually care about what happens to players in the ghetto.

    If people in top KD's actually cared about the ghetto and had an interest in helping them improve, they'd all disband their KD's for an age and random around. There a whole lot of knowledge and experience bottled up at the top which is going to waste for 85% of the player-base.

    People don't learn best by playing someone better than them and getting the crap kicked out of them constantly. They learn by having a coach, someone with knowledge and the willingness to help them through their time of sucking.

    Everyone's too concerned with someone else getting a crown for this to ever happen though.
    There are numerous ghettos with former top-kd players who are no longer competing for crowns. Every age at least one upper-level kingdom disbands, usually leading to a merge with another, and several players being moved back down to lower level kingdoms, new knowledge in tow. Every age players retire or semi-retire into ghettos, or take an age off like I am this age, further expanding experience into the ghettos. The more players who play at the top level, the better it is for the game.
    Last edited by DHaran; 20-07-2011 at 14:50. Reason: additions
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  5. #20
    Post Fiend
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    Gojete@ you're a strategist, not a pro strategist. A pro would have known the mechanics behind gaining/losing the war button before just a few weeks ago. It's a pretty important part of war strategy.

    Also, please please please work to limit yourself to three paragraphs. I'd like to read what you post but will not do so when I consistently see a huge novel of text.

  6. #21
    Enthusiast fausto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    There are numerous ghettos with former top-kd players who are no longer competing for crowns.
    Exactly... my KD was formed 4 ages ago, I play since age 13, some of my mates played in Top KDs, we merged last age with some nice dudes and fought 8 wars... Top Kds sucks... and I didnt read all... too much.
    "There's no Knowledge that's not Power."

  7. #22
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    You're both using specific examples as a generalization for all kingdoms.

    Ok, so top players have burnt out or gotten frustrated and joined random ghettos:

    1) Exactly how active are they still?
    2) Do they all actually make an effort to improve their kd?
    3) How many of them are there? 20? 50? Is this enough to actually make a dent in the 600+ odd kingdoms not in the top 100?

  8. #23
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    dharan a lot of people in the ghetto have not ever tried massacres in wars, or deep chains , or semi chains, 60% of the kingdoms tend to hit random targets, and maybe 30% do hit the same person, theres a lot of disorganization and low morale.

    This is why warrying someone that you know will lose, allows you to try different tacticts, like everyone hitting the same target.

    I dis this many times and it worked, in a kd where everyone first was hitting whoever and it was very hard to make ppl attack let alone the right target.,

    Training excercises were made, like
    "everyone has to hi X province once " I pick a province that everyone can break, and everyone had to hit it with aa raze , to show their readiness and will for success, whoever didnt hit was in danger of being intra killed. Strict martial laws and emergency stats must sometimes be enforced to bring order into the chaos.

    Most important players must see that things work. If you war a better or same skill kingdoms you will be too afraid to do things you have never done before, and you get stucked in doing the same thing.

    In our last war ,we warred a kd of ppl without fear. They had 9 wars, 3 wins, and they war a lot better kds than them, they went figh kds 30% bigger , and in their last war of the age, see what they did, they did what they had been doing the whole age, all attack the same 2 provinces trying to deep chaining them .
    The result was that they lost, because they have been doing the same thing every war, its very hard to make poeple change the strategy,

    1.- when they dont know anything else
    2.- when fear prevents them from doing something else.

    So if you pick on easier and smaller targets, you can test doing 10 razes, 10 massacres, 10 trad marches and so on.

    Maybe you learn tha tsometimes is best to only hit a province until you get good gains ,and then move into the other province.

    We have to try all this things for ourselves because theres no one to teach us, and the advice given in the forum is very incomplete .
    It always ends up like this " in the end every war is different and you have to use your best judgement"

    What best judgement if one already has done what has been suggested in the forums.

    I dont know why ppl here say that i dont follow advice, i try everything ppl suggest me here , What we need is top kds to disband and all the top and decent players spread 1 per ghetto and try to teach us better ways.

    But thats not gonna happen since ppl will not let go .

    I guarantee you 100% that if this happeend in just 1 age the game level of utopia would extremely and radically reach higher rounds, just in 1 age all of you are in the top, who are only around 1% of the players in the game, could change the game foerever.

    But you wont do it , and sad and truth to be told. Most ppl in the top kds are just followers not leaders, so its obvious that they wouldnt convince anyone into changing their build and war strats , even if you know youre a pro and you know it will work, you can not make yourself listened.

    But if everyone in the top disbanded and it was well known in the whole world, im sure most kds would listen and the gameplay would reach sky high.

    I bet you that the great old days where utopia had most players and so on would be easily eclipsed by this event.
    The past times and long dea glories utopia has seen would be nothing compared with this.

    Man up and disband your kds fools.
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  9. #24
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    gojete nobody is going to read your crap if you keep posting full friggin pages. How hard is that to comprehend?
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  10. #25
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    Well if the game was on i wouldnt be posting this much, so you better spam the utopia support and ask them to turn it on to keep me from being here
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
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  11. #26
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    smart ppl read a lot , im offering my posts to smart ppl that read lol, and its not like anyone has anything better to do than read my meaningless posts until the game goes back on, you should thank me instead
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
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  12. #27
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    im a pro strategiest i always beat up 80% of the ppl in most games , a super pro strategiest in a specific game is the one that not on ly is a pro strategiest like me but also knows the specific game inside out , making him better than 98% of everyone else.

    And in order to do that you gotta play 12 to 16 hours a game as all the warcraft and other mass strategy games will tellyou, this people wake up, play, sleep 6 hours, and wake up to play again.

    I cant do that anymore im not 16 anymore, but when i was under 20, id kick your ass in aany game just because icould play it 16 hours straight.

    You put this much time and effort in a game youre bound to leetness. You have a normal life, and can only play 30 mins 1 hour or 2 hours tops to any game, of course any lil kiddie will kick your ass.

    Pll in my kd have gfs, wives, jobs, and many other things to worry about other than playing utopia so
    Last edited by gojete; 20-07-2011 at 15:07.
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  13. #28
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    ....this thread is terrible, I can't believe i wasted my life reading parts of it. If you want to be a good kingdom, you must war good kingdoms...Period. Practicing on nubs is not practice at all, it just serves to boost your misguided ego.

  14. #29
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    ^ qft
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  15. #30
    Forum Fanatic gergnub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike2169 View Post
    ....this thread is terrible, I can't believe i wasted my life reading parts of it. If you want to be a good kingdom, you must war good kingdoms...Period. Practicing on nubs is not practice at all, it just serves to boost your misguided ego.
    ^ Exactly! +1
    Last edited by gergnub; 20-07-2011 at 15:38. Reason: wanted to give +1

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