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Thread: UF NEWS: Interview with Godly

  1. #1
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    US now, Scottish Immigrant.

    UF NEWS: Interview with Godly

    An interview with the Utopian player: Godly

    I am hoping to have a few more interviews with players over the course of this age and the next few ages as we get to know some of the personalities within our game.

    Godly came to me about an interview and I thought that it would make for some pretty good reading. Here we are, this is the interview that I had with Godly earlier on.

    A question and answer session with Godly:

    Q1. How did you pick your nickname?
    I chose the nickname Godly because I am Godly.

    Q2. Where are you from?
    I'm from Florida

    Q3. How old are you and what do you do currently with your life?
    I'm a 28 year old software developer

    Q4. How and when did you get into the game of Utopia?
    A bunch of friends started playing in 97 and they knew how badly I dominate so they invited me to play.

    Q5. Did you play together as a group or did you all play in different kingdoms?
    Godly doesn't cheat.. I just created a bunch of provinces until I landed in their kingdom

    Q6. Which was the first notable kingdom you played for?
    my first notable was Shadowlight in round 4 after the reshuffle

    Q7. And who have you gone on to play for since then... as far as you can remember?
    andn00bs, ZZ and now Dreams

    Q8. Have you played continuously or have you had large breaks from the game?
    Godly got bored of tearing apart noobs for a few rounds in the middle

    Q9. What has your training in utopia been like?
    So I start every day with a brief warmup. This entails stretching out my clicking finger. I then search around utopia for retards who pick stupid race/personality combos like Undead Cleric and tell them that they suck at utopia and should just uninstall. I read all of my fan mail sent to my inbox. It usually says stuff like "Hey how did you get so big?? Can you help me?" Around 2pm I begin intense training. This involves putting on a blindfold and making an attack within 2 seconds. After I'm done making all of my hits, I 1v1 myself for about 4-5 hours straight. I usually win. Around 2am when I begin my first 1:59 sleep procedure, I'll drink my complex vitamin shake to make sure that I stay strong and healthy to combat the current and future noobs that plague our game.

    Q10. Have you achieved the goals that you have for yourself in utopia, both individually and as part of a kd?
    I can't think of any accomplishment that I haven't achieved. I've f*cked up noobs for honor, land, nw. I beat the crap out of Marcel in round 46 just because I don't like him.

    Q11. Do you have any sworn enemies in utopia?
    Ya I don't like Marcel or hesus. I think that they are filthy and dishonest human beings. I hit UnknownGhost one time for 450 acres and he challenged me to a fist fight in California.

    Q11. What makes you want to continue playing the game?
    Utopia is fun, really. I don't think that I've played a better game before. I could win every round and still not get bored.

    Q12. Do you agree with the general sentiment that most people continue to play the game of utopia because of friendships they have made?
    I think that the majority of the people continue to play the game to get revenge on Godly.

    Q13. If you could change anything about utopia what would it be?
    the relations system, honor system, balanced races, GBP, etc. The developers have no clue how to make changes because they don't play at a high level like I do. They should hire me to manage the game.

    Q14. Are there any kingdoms you wish would come back to the game?
    I would love to have a Shadowlight reunion. I've always said that if the core Shadowlight members were playing now with the laxed trading rules, we'd win every single round. We'd literally get #1 every round and then have 10 people deleted and still end in top 5.

    Q15. Is there anything about the game of utopia you would like to comment on or players for that matter?
    Godly is tired of people who abuse bugs and think that it is ok. Godly has never cheated in 15 years of playing and I find it disgusting that lifelong cheaters like Marcel get away with it on a regular basis. I also think that utopia should implement a 1v1 system so that Godly can just have everyone stfu after I beat them. Maybe attach have everyone who loses to me lose forum priviledges for 1 month.

    Q16. Are there any general comments you wish to make about your time playing the game, about yourself as a player, and about the interview you have just had?
    I'm pretty sure that anyone who is anyone has been farmed by Godly at one point or another. All of you noobs who can't win against me should just uninstall utopia and try an easier game like Solitaire or Tiddlywinks. To all of the people who talk **** to me all the time: stfu ok? Until you beat me 1v1, you are a nothing. We're trying to represent the utopian industry and you have loudmouths who never reached top 10 in island constantly talking sh*t to pros like Godly.

    Oh and bring back boats!!

    Reporters Note

    It was an entertaining interview and may there be many more to come with the other personalities within out game.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    of all the ppl in utopia u choose to interview this moron , gg

  3. #3
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    US now, Scottish Immigrant.
    Gotta start somewhere mate This is just the first of many.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    soul says may the force be with you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    interview ppl who have something remotely intelligent to say , or insightful , not just ppl stroking their own ego . bit of advice . but gg maddie , appreciate u making the effort , look forward to seeing u interview some of the more prominent/interesting ppl of the community .

  6. #6
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    where do I line up for autographs?

  7. #7
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Utopia 1v1 is a must, screw kingdoms, make a 1v1 variation of the game FREE FOR ALL
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  8. #8
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Also, I agree with Crimson - I think i should get interviewed.

  9. #9
    Enthusiast Cello's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    I am proud to be playing in the same KD as this legend!
    Proudly played in: Mystic Aura, FREE, Fellatio/Vae Victis, Nexus, Seasons, Dreams, Polar Bears/AMA
    Crowned with Seasons in age 37 (honor), 39 (nw/land) and 41 (nw/land)
    Crowned with Dreams in age 50 (KD nw/land)
    Crowned with AMA in age 59 (KD nw)
    Crowned with Expendables in age 65 (KD nw/land)
    Crowned with Cellos Republic in age 66 (KD nw/land)
    Now playing in: Canadian Rebellion (not to be confused with Cromulent Republic or Cellos Republic, obviously)

  10. #10
    Triggered Godly's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Crimson, more interesting than someone who had 40 people join a chatroom just to hear where he's playing next round? You are completely out of touch with what utopians think is interesting because you play in your little ghetto where an interesting day is one where you don't get farmed.
    "Godly, you do realized that you have just sealed your faith now, right?"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    @realest junk mail?
    Maza FTW

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    yea id like to see realest get interviewed . yea also godly my ghetto didnt rly get farmed for ages and ages . and also u dont know me . lol

  13. #13
    Forum Fanatic Syntico's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    This interview is great stuff. Keep up the good work Mad_Scottish. Two thumps up.
    ∙ Shadowlight ∙ A Mothers Advice ∙ Force ∙ Pansies .

    Kingdom Crown Winner with Pansies, Brute Force, Sonata, Dreams
    Province Crown Winner with Brute Force

    ∙ Brute Force ∙ Playboys ∙. Sonata ∙ Dreams ∙ Retired .

  14. #14
    Post Fiend koti00's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson View Post
    interview ppl who have something remotely intelligent to say , or insightful , not just ppl stroking their own ego . bit of advice . but gg maddie , appreciate u making the effort , look forward to seeing u interview some of the more prominent/interesting ppl of the community .
    Didn't know there is person "more prominent/interesting" than Godly is ^_^

  15. #15
    Moderator for:
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    Palem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Scottish View Post
    After I'm done making all of my hits, I 1v1 myself for about 4-5 hours straight. I usually win.
    I lol'ed

    All of you noobs who can't win against me should just uninstall utopia
    I lol'ed for a different reason
    Last edited by Palem; 29-07-2011 at 00:41. Reason: double post fail

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