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Thread: UF News: Interview with Realest

  1. #46
    Moderator for:
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    Just because you know who someone is doesn't mean you have an extensive knowledge of their background.

    Realest - absurdly successful monarch. I would think that's about as much as I would expect a random forum goer to know.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    I know he must be successful, some people like the interview somehow and it must be because he is good at was he does and its popular around the veterans, still as a "new" player i didn't get anything out of the interview at all!

  3. #48
    Moderator for:
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    What would you like to get out of these?

  4. #49
    Join Date
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    I suppose this interview is what you can expect when a list of questions is emailed and answered. Maybe there should be multiple rounds of questions, because, to me, it seems most questions aren't really answered but merely avoided by answering something "funny". Don't let interviewees get away with empty drivel.

    For example
    What or who has been your biggest influence on your Utopia career?
    My single biggest influence in the prime of my career is called Failure. I've bounced more than 1,000 times in my career. I've lost almost all but 3 ages. 14 out of 20 times, I've been trusted to finish above 4,000 acres, and came up short. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
    This answer says less than nothing, just using many words to say nothing. So the follow up question could be something along the lines of: Why do you consider failure to be so important to your utopian career? How come that you say you only were successfully three times, yet from reading your posts it seems you're one of the best players, so what's the reason you so often come short?

    And feel free to just scrap/edit questions that are answered like this
    How do you maintain your integrity in the sea of lackluster kingdoms that feel the need to play dirty to win?
    I take utopia one day at a time and live by a simple mantra. To those who aren't as good as me, I have this to say: Rise early, work hard... and who knows, one day, you might get as good as me.
    How do you maintain your integrity in the sea of lackluster kingdoms that feel the need to play dirty to win?
    [Realest expresses again how good he is]
    There really is no need to burden all us poor readers with this nonsense, it might have been original the first time, but to read about the inflated ego's of each interviewee again and again gets kind of tiresome. If people don't want to give normal answers, just don't publish the interview.
    Last edited by Yadda9To5; 01-09-2011 at 22:53. an intel repository (or: "pimp alternative") for utopia (read the guide).

  5. #50
    Regular Grunkz's Avatar
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    i like all these interviews regardless!!! but as an on-off social player i would appreciate a bit of background if possible. I did go and look up Mehul myself - I dont think these interviews are here to please everyone - but I like getting in on a bit of the background and events that I have missed.

    Not sure why some peeps wanna go over the top in their responses - keep them coming.

  6. #51
    Post Fiend Lilith's Avatar
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    I stopped reading the comments halfway, but I 100% agree with Dharen. The interview questions could have been much better. It's often not a good idea to let yourself be lead by the masses because then you get useless questions like that. Next time I would advise to go for more quality. Realest is an interesting person I'd like to know more of, but the one thing I did know is that he has a big ego. And that's all this interview shows.
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    What I want to know is why people put my interview in the same "egocentric" category as all of the Dreams players, considering I never once bragged about how amazing I was or anything. The closest I have come to "bragging" was saying that I have been successful. Granted, perhaps I measure success in a different way than some. I do not have any crowns, however it appears that no one in Dreams has won a single crown without other good players around them. I have had successful kingdoms without having any of the "name" players. I have led kingdoms into the top 10, and been part of top 5 kingdoms, without having the support of other top players, or even having a particularly focused kingdom. I'm not the best player in the game, and I will admit that, but I'm one of the good ones and active. And I push my kingdoms, hard, to be the best they can be. I've gotten more out of nothing than most of the "trollfags".

  8. #53
    Sir Postalot Lestat's Avatar
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    Is getting to 4k acres good?

  9. #54
    Forum Fanatic octobrev's Avatar
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    Why is DHaran so jealous?
    theHERETICS - Brute Force - Sonata - Dreams - The Pulsing Trollfags - The Expendables
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  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Come on news team - enough of this egotistical rubbish. Please try interviewing someone who has something interesting to say about the game

    This was pure drivel.

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    I wouldnt blame goodlilwitch for a lackluster interview, she could ask the best questions in the world, if the person being interviewed doesnt want to give serious answers it will suck regardless. This could have been a really interesting interview imo. Unfortunately it seems people do not wanna divulge too much information for whatever reason

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Did anyone actually read this interview with utopia's greatest trollolololol? lol

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    To an extent, this interview was funny and mildly entertaining... but other than that it provided nothing material and for a player like myself who has never been apart of this "inner circle" of elitists and socialites I fail to learn a thing about Realest.

    He is correct in the sense that this community requires more character and more characters and Realest definitely defines the latter. However, as an interviewer, one must approach the inquiry as though he/she either knows everything about the interviewee (as is not the case here) or approach it as though they know nothing at all and seek for answers that validate the claims and rights of such self-proclaimed elitist.

    I appreciate the work of the UtoNews team and I hope they can continue to improve and connect the different tiers of this community.

  14. #59
    Sir Postalot
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    The questions that were asked were designed to allow him to boast about his accomplishments, there was no challenge, no controversy, just a lame questionnaire that looks like Realest was asking himself rather than an interview. Here is a person who has been involved in plenty of controversy in Utopia, and not a single shred of it is in this interview. He even has an interesting personal life aspect through Utopia (Versace) not mentioned. Someone should know something about the person they are interviewing so they know to ask the right questions.
    how i miss DH rantings...
    lack of versace and realest ftl
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilith View Post
    I stopped reading the comments halfway, but I 100% agree with Dharen. The interview questions could have been much better. It's often not a good idea to let yourself be lead by the masses because then you get useless questions like that. Next time I would advise to go for more quality. Realest is an interesting person I'd like to know more of, but the one thing I did know is that he has a big ego. And that's all this interview shows.
    yup, pretty much agree... although, havent had much dealings with him...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRock View Post
    This interview was a complete waste of my time. If it was a joke, it wasn't funny. If it was serious, it wasn't interesting. Please let me know which way I am supposed to have not enjoyed this interview, so I can properly understand how I didn't like it.
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  15. #60
    Enthusiast Al3x's Avatar
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    I think it was a poor interview and I will try and be constructive why.
    Unlike the godly one which I enjoyed this was stale maybe a few months it would have been funny.
    It was uninformative and the questioned just played to his ego. As Dharan said if someone is going to be interviewed get a UT news member to start the thread of questions and if the interview is poor don't be afraid to drop it.

    Reword your questions if you need to and because it hasn't been suggested doesn't mean it can't be asked.

    An other issue is that most players that want to be interviewed have the biggest egos in the game. It would be nice to hear from some humble people out there. I am sure there must be some players in the SKs that can give a serious interview that gives us some idea how things work up there.
    What about people that have played the game for 10 years but stayed in the ghettos.

    But thanks for you time GLW and lets hope the next interviews are better.
    all the master (can I change this back yet bishop)

    Quote Originally Posted by gojete View Post
    Most of the free time I used was to write crap here in the forums.

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