Lil Rascals are currently recruiting.

We use StingerNET/KD forum and mIRC for intel/communication/order.

The KD just started up last age and we are still building up keeping good players and getting rid of bad kids.

We are tired of doing the lottery of taking in randoms the game gives us. We thought we'd try this forum out instead.

We are aiming to be a semi-pro KD. No crazy 10 wars and alliance political stuff. Or waking up at odd hours every day even when not in war.

We aim to be good enough to kill any ghetto and be somewhat of a challenge to top KDs for when we want fun challenging wars.

Casual times to pump and war requires army in/out and 100% obedience in orders.

Right now we are in absalom server, but you can find me idling in utonet server in #LilRascals still if you are interested.

This is a great KD if you are from a top KD and retired but still need to scratch that utopia itch all us long time players get.

We are NOT looking for any T/Ms right now. Mainly hybrid a/m or a/t or heavy active attacker.
