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Thread: An interview with AquaSeaFoam

  1. #16
    Enthusiast UnBan Hurlin's Avatar
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    Always interesting to read interviews with leaders from the other side and get their point of view.

    |||| Cthulhu in 2012 ||||
    ::: why choose the lesser evil :::

  2. #17
    cool. good read.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Very nice interview!

  4. #19
    I like to post
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    Mar 2009
    Again AquaSeaFoam mix true facts with pure lie for make his story real. Dreams LEADERS never hacked Rage accounts. Suspected person was regular in kd and he left irc and never gave explain what happened in real. One age later i got evidence she really logged with correct user/pass 2 accounts in rage.
    About how rage gave Dreams notice for fair war before "we did hack" its again pure joke. We had DEAL. Notice can't be given in active hostile/war/post war. All propose on this deal is to avoid dishonorable play and vulture. Rage notice us few h before start our real war with another ABS kd. Its pure abuse deal.
    How you can call me "Sonata cow" and us Sonata? When i never was in Sonata and over 2/3 from kd roster never was in Sonata.
    Go edit your interview and gave proper facts not lie.

  5. #20
    Post Fiend
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    Feb 2007
    Excellent read!

    R.I.P. DN.
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    I'm seeing a disheartening trend here. O_o

  6. #21
    Forum Fanatic
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    I'll take this one
    Quote Originally Posted by Elitbg View Post
    Again AquaSeaFoam mix true facts with pure lie for make his story real.
    From a literacy standpoint you can't mix fact with lie to make something real so this statement here is self-contradicting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elitbg View Post
    Dreams LEADERS never hacked Rage accounts. Suspected person was regular in kd and he left irc and never gave explain what happened in real. One age later i got evidence she really logged with correct user/pass 2 accounts in rage.
    "Leaders" is plural, which means two (2) people. Realest and Versace were both leaders in Sonata and Dreams and have undertaken to hack two of Rage's provinces.

    The term "hack" here is correct which means gaining access to a private account by a person who the account does not rightfully belong to (i.e. against the owner's will). So yes logging into two Rage provinces without the consent of the owner of those accounts is considered "hacking".

    Quote Originally Posted by Elitbg View Post
    About how rage gave Dreams notice for fair war before "we did hack" its again pure joke. We had DEAL. Notice can't be given in active hostile/war/post war. All propose on this deal is to avoid dishonorable play and vulture. Rage notice us few h before start our real war with another ABS kd. Its pure abuse deal.
    The deal between Dreams and Rage was very straightforward and honorably executed. At the point when notice was given we were left with a "48h notice which cannot be given in hostile/war/eow cf" clause as the duration part of the cf had expired. I myself had given notice to Dreams via irc and ingame and remember it perfectly. Dreams was not in hostile, war, or eow cf when the notice was given. Hence the deal was honored (after which Dreams hacked two of Rage's provinces as a thank you for our honorable play). You seem to be disappointed over something the that the deal between Rage and Dreams DIDN'T include. Notice was rightfully given as your kingdom was not in hostile, war, or eowcf and not exchanging hits with anyone.

  7. #22
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    1. sure you can mix facts with lie. If you don't know how ask ASF to teach you.
    2. Versace never was part from Dreams leaders and i'm guess Realest found about account login later after its was done.
    3. Gave us notice few hours before Dreams start Real war with Fury ABS is basically same with gave us notice after war is started. You didn't break deal but you abuse it.

  8. #23
    Member RomPat's Avatar
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    Great article. Great read.

  9. #24
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    umad elit? You need to let go of the past. We ended up winning that age anyway and if anything the gb made the age more interesting than just dicing the rest of the age.

    Although I do disagree with Sonata and Dreams being the same as a good amount of members of Dreams at the start of the age had no idea there was an alliance war in the past or knew what Sonata was. I definitely didn't know until weeks after the age was started. A day or two before the age a good amount of players were contacted and convinced to come out of retirement to play age 50.

  10. #25
    Post Fiend mr187's Avatar
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    wasting your time getting a phd, be a politician, u seem good at spouting bs 1v1 lols

    the funkiest channel on utonet o/

    Inferno Of Absalom
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  11. #26
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    Yes richdude I’m a bit mad because ASF with his propaganda manage to bother my happy peaceful life ever when I don’t play utopia. Last day friend contacted me and send me link with interview.
    Now 2 ages later ASF know very well Dreams and Sonata was complete different Kds and he still call us Sonata and me “Sonata cow” for “justice” his GB.

    All this “justice” is complete nonsense too. Sonata-Rage awar was age 46. ABS won awar and Sonata ended with mass self-delete his acc. If this is not surrender what is it? Start GB 1 year later for not surrender in awar is complete immature ever if its same KD.

    “Hack” story is much overrated too. GB on Dreams was planed from age begin. I got info for this week 1 and rumors keep spear around all time. I asked Dorje/ASF about it and never got clear answer they wont GB us. Playing with this kind of pressure is not so cool and can generate much bad emotion in kd. Later on age rumors start look very real. SG admitted there is planed GB on us and they will join too because they will loss land if other kd gain free land on us. For this we decide to gave notice and war Fury ABS. Short before our war start Rage ABUSE his deal with us and gave us notice few hour before our real war with Fury ABS start. This was clear sing for upcoming GB after war is over and we had info from other kds its coming. “Hack” was solo act from Versace but ASF/ABS is not less guilty for it. You both sides made so huge hate and never cleared it. You started you dirty (“justice”) actions for GB and Versace made his “Justice”(“dirty”) move too.

    Put blame on Dreams leaders for this is way so much. If ASF after plying with his kd mates for long didn’t know 2 people from Rage shared his personal info with Versace long ago how i'm/rest from leaders (first age kd) supposed to know this too? If they didn’t broke game rules and shared his account info with Versace here wont be any “hack”. Stop blame other people when you are guilty for it too. “Hack” was what ABS needed for make his GB look legit noting more.

    We made deal with ASF age 51 for move on from all this story and he gave apology for GB:
    I want to stick to this deal. If he have any bad feelings about Sonata he can talk/fight with Realest. He is still around. Just don’t put your old grudge on Dreams again.

    P.S. Are you bored when we are not around?

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elitbg View Post
    Sonata-Rage awar was age 46. ABS won awar and Sonata ended with mass self-delete his acc. If this is not surrender what is it?
    If i remember correctly Sonata kept it quiet concerning the deletions. The overall impression was they just chickened out and decided to delete in order not to get farmed. That's in no way a surrender (just a childish way to dodge actually losing - "Tag, you're it!", "No, i'm not playing anymore!").

  13. #28
    Post Demon lastunicorn's Avatar
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    Amazing interview. I feel like Abs is my friend now. I'm still going to root for the underdog though; the only exciting end to this age would be a non-abs getting land crown.

    Elit: please let's redirect that old argument to another thread.

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    But really the question is. Why does anyone care about ASF or ABS? <Removed> Let it go anyone who is mad at them. They lord over the ruins of their own creation. It's laughably sad nothing more.
    Last edited by Palem; 12-01-2012 at 04:15. Reason: insults

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Abs, the originators of fair 1v1 play style? The same ABs, the original metagamers, who wrote the book on xlogging (ccproxy + remote log in) ???????

    Nearly fell off my chair laughing at that one.

    Though to give ASF a bit of credit, I did always enjoy chatting with him, but that interview is laughable.

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