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Thread: Japanese whaling

  1. #76
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    greenpeace have completely distanced themselves from sea shepherd due to their violence and law breaking.
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  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfshound View Post
    I agree with that, have the same problem over here.

    I think Japan should stop whaling, even when only for a certain period, so the number of whales can rise.
    But before they do i would love to see them sink all them environment polluting Sea Shepherd ships with all them idiots on board and turn them into an artificial reef.
    That would be a genuine win-win situation for the environment.
    Norway also kills whales, you can buy whale meat at the local fish market in my city, I've tried it a few times myself.

    Unless whales are endangered, I don't see why we shouldn't kill and eat them like any other animal, we all eat meat every day. Some whale types are endangered and are not being hunted though.

    "Only Minke whaling is permitted, from a population of 107,000 animals in the North East Atlantic and is argued by proponents and government officials to be sustainable.[6] Still, it has been frequently criticized by the international community, environmentalists and animal rights groups as Norway, along with Iceland and Japan, is one of few countries that still allows whaling.

    Norway registered an objection to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) commercial whaling moratorium, and is thus not bound by it[citation needed]. In 1993, Norway resumed a commercial catch, following a period of five years where a small catch was made under scientific permit. Norwegian Minke whale catches have fluctuated between 218 animals in 1995 and 646 in 2003.

    During the decade immediately prior to the moratorium, Norway caught around 2,000 Minke whales per year. The North Atlantic hunt is divided into five areas and usually lasts from early May to late August. Norway has exported a limited amount of whale meat to the Faroes and Iceland. It has been attempting to export to Japan for several years and this was realized in 2009.[7]

    In May 2004, the Norwegian Parliament passed a resolution to considerably increase the number of Minkes hunted each year. The Ministry of Fisheries also initiated a satellite tracking programme of various whale species to monitor migration patterns and diving behaviour. The tagging research program has been under way since 1999.[8]

    Since 2006, when the Norwegian whaling quota was increased by 30%, Norwegian whalers have been allowed to hunt a quota of 1,052 Minke whales a year. Since the 1993 hunt resumption the Norwegian quota has rarely been fully met.[6]

    We've been hunting whales for 1200 years in Norway and we there's no reason to stop atm. As it is now, more and more whale species are off the endangered lists and Norway might add these species to their hunting list.

    As for the manner we kill whales, it's not worse than killing a deer or moose. 80% of all shots result in immediate death or stun. 10% survive the first shot and need to be shot again. This is nothing different than your average hunting party on land, going for deer or other big game.

    As for Japan lying, I don't like that either, but you can't really blame them.

    Let's kill some whales!
    ABS vs Rangers

  3. #78
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    I disagree. Each to their own.

    I understand that whaling is a tradition, but so was lynching african americans, some traditions deserve to be ceased.

    For food purposes there are far more viable options, growing potatoes one of them, or creating fish farms another. Sending fleets of ships sailing about the southern oceans firing explosive tipped harpoons at whales, then dragging them onboard alive, is needless and heartless cruelty. I am not sure at all where you got your statistics from regarding kill shot efficiency, i have seen footage of alive, blinking, whales being cut apart with halbeird like weapons.

    I never mentioned Norway as i live in the south west of Western Australia, i am aiming this discussion at Japanese whaling fleets operating in Australian terrirorial water's, hunting and killing whales under the false guise of scientific research.

    Ofcourse i can blame them. They are at fault.

    Let's kill some humans!
    Last edited by scorpio86; 14-01-2012 at 09:53. Reason: i added a bit

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    I disagree. Each to their own.

    I understand that whaling is a tradition, but so was lynching african americans, some traditions deserve to be ceased.

    For food purposes there are far more viable options, growing potatoes one of them, or creating fish farms another. Sending fleets of ships sailing about the southern oceans firing explosive tipped harpoons at whales, then dragging them onboard alive, is needless and heartless cruelty. I am not sure at all where you got your statistics from regarding kill shot efficiency, i have seen footage of alive, blinking, whales being cut apart with halbeird like weapons.

    I never mentioned Norway as i live in the south west of Western Australia, i am aiming this discussion at Japanese whaling fleets operating in Australian terrirorial water's, hunting and killing whales under the false guise of scientific research.

    Ofcourse i can blame them. They are at fault.

    Let's kill some humans!
    I've seen pictures of Deer or Moose being cut apart as well. I've also seen pictures of humans being cut apart, or chicken, cows, sheep, etc. What's your point here? That all killing methods are not bullet proof?

    90% of all whales die immediately, just like any other big game hunt. The harpoon will explode on impact, thus killing the whale on impact, just a like a bullet would. I really don't see the problem.

    Do you eat meat? Are you a vegetarian? What meat do you prefer to eat?
    If you are a meat eater, you're a big hypocrit.

    Comparing whaling with lynching blacks and killing humans in general makes you sound like a fanatic animal activist. Are you an animal activist who refuses to eat meat and feels animals should be treated the same as humans? No? I didn't think so, no. Your comparisons are way, way off.
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  5. #80
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    I eat meat, i have worked in abbotoirs mate, i know where meat comes from.

    If you actually read my post, instead of just qouting people as everybody here seems to, my point is the cruelty with which it is done and the fact it is done under the guise of scientific research, this bothers me.

    When deer or moose are cut up they are dead, when whales are cut up they are alive and gasping for breath.

    Whaling is not big game hunting. As far as big game hunting is concerned i think it is done by men trying to make up for 'something' they lack in their own masculinity.

    SIGH The comparison was in the sense of continuing whaling as a tradition, in that not all traditions should be continued 'just for the sake of cultural tradition'.

    Please read before commenting, i have already said i an not an envionmental activist.

    How am i am hypocrite because i eat meat? I have worked in abbotoirs before mate.
    Last edited by scorpio86; 14-01-2012 at 12:13. Reason: damn typos

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    I eat meat, i have worked in abbotoirs mate, i know where meat comes from.

    If you actually read my post, instead of just qouting people as everybody here seems to, my point is the cruelty with which it is done and the fact it is done under the guise of scientific research, this bothers me.

    When deer or moose are cut up they are dead, when whales are cut up they are alive and gasping for breath.

    Whaling is not big game hunting. As far as big game hunting is concerned i think it is done by men trying to make up for 'something' they lack in their own masculinity.

    Well, likewise, please read before you quote. When whales are cut up they are dead, just like deer and moose. Killing a whale is just like killing a deer or moose. In the past, this wasn't so, but today, the harpoons EXPLODE on impact, killing whales instantly just like big game hunting. Sometimes though, the animal is only wounded and you will have to shoot it one more time. This goes both for big game hunting and whaling. You should get your facts straight instead of listening to Greenpeace and other fanatics.

    I agree that Japan should do it openly, like Norway does.

    Big game hunting is a hobby, just like football, basket, fishing, cricket, etc. I'm guessing you have hobbies yourself, do you call those hobbies penis enlargers as well? :) Personally, I've never hunted anything except as a child, but it looks fun and the populations need to be kept in check.
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  7. #82
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    My hobbies are reading, astronomy, camping and Utopia. Nope, they don't seem to have placebo effects upon my manhood, unlike those that go hunting for 'game'.

    Whales are not killed instantly. Fact.

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    My hobbies are reading, astronomy, camping and Utopia. Nope, they don't seem to have placebo effects upon my manhood, unlike those that go hunting for 'game'.

    Whales are not killed instantly. Fact.
    Maybe a fact amongst the ignorant, but the world might be flat amongst them for all I know. You're acting rather immature. "My hobbies are the best, other hobbies are penis enlargers", "I'll claim whales are being tortured although they are not".

    You claiming something doesn't make it right just because you put your head in the sand.

    This site is made by: The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

    "Scientific data show that minke whales are not an endangered species in our areas, and that they do not belong on the most stringent of CITES’ lists."
    "In order to secure control of exports of minke whale products, a DNA register was created to determine whether whale products on the market derived from lawful Norwegian whaling, or whether they came from unregulated whaling. The register comprises analyses of all catches of minke whale from 1997 onwards. Test results are added to the DNA register as soon as possible after the whaling season has ended.
    "Norwegian whaling takes place in Norway’s economic zone, in the Fisheries Protection Zone around Svalbard and in the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen. The whaling season begins in April and ends in August/September. All vessels have an electronic monitoring system (black box) installed that registers all whaling activity. In addition, a corps of inspectors ensures compliance with the whaling regulations. Whalers are required to take an annual course focusing in particular on personnel safety and on ways to ensure that as little pain and stress as possible is inflicted to the hunted whales."
    "Norwegian whaling is based on the principle of protection and sustainable harvesting of marine resources. Management of resources is founded on scientific advice, with the objective based on the concept of an ecosystem approach. Quotas are set on the basis of procedures developed by the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). This committee has estimated that the stocks of minke whale that we harvest in the Northeast Atlantic and around Jan Mayen total 108 thousand animals For 2011, a quota was set of 1286 animals, being composed of a basic annual quota of 885 and the addition of unused quotas from previous years. This was the same as the quota for 2010. The stock of minke whales off Iceland and the Faeroe Islands, the central Atlantic stock, is estimated to number 71thousand animals.
    "By the introduction of the penthrite grenade harpoonss, the hunting methods have developed and improved extensively. "

    Now you got a choice. You can either deny the obvious or you can gain some knowledge and expand your horizon. Whaling is perfectly fine.
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  9. #84
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    There is alot of inhuman whaling thou going on.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    There is alot of inhuman whaling thou going on.

    There's a lot of inhuman slaughtering of cows, chicken, sheep or deer as well. Should we ban the slaughtering of these animals too, or should we rather try to regulate and control that animals are not victims of unnecessary suffering? I don't think anyone supports animal torture.

    I can't speak for Japan, but Norwegian whaling is highly regulated and they have black boxes reporting how whales are being caught.


    This site is probably filled with propaganda and filled with lies to aid its cause, but there's a shred of evidence in it. So let's ban the slaughter of turkeys and chicken in the US because it's inhumane.... No? It says millions of birds are tortured every year in the US. So why not ban that instead?
    Last edited by stoffi; 14-01-2012 at 13:58.
    ABS vs Rangers

  11. #86
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    Well i disagree with modern whaling practises and that is that.

    Check the title of this thread, it is to do with Japanese Whaling, i have no knowledge whatsoever os Norway's policy on whaling.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    My hobbies are reading, astronomy, camping and Utopia. Nope, they don't seem to have placebo effects upon my manhood, unlike those that go hunting for 'game'.

    Whales are not killed instantly. Fact.
    Dude, get your facts straight first.
    You just repeat the Sea Shepherd lies.

    In the japanese whaling fleet the whales are caught a long way from the processing vessel.
    They aren't anywhere near alive when they are processed.

    And i also worked in abbatoirs.
    I've been a food inspector in the past and i've seen many pigs who weren't killled propperly.
    So don't act as if those things are 100% fool proof.

    You should first make sure you know what you are talking about and you still think the whaling is in Australian waters which makes you only look like a fool.
    Whaling is being done in regions like the Ross sea which is claimed by New Zealand, a claim that isn't even recognized by most other countries.
    When its claimed by NZl, how in hell is it possible those are Australian Territorial Waters???????????

    Hardly anyone supporting the Environmental Weirdo's has a clue what they are talking about and its proven once again.

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    Well i disagree with modern whaling practises and that is that.

    Check the title of this thread, it is to do with Japanese Whaling, i have no knowledge whatsoever os Norway's policy on whaling.
    You apparently have no knowledge about Japanese Whaling either, didn't stop you from posting here either :D

  14. #89
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Hardly anyone supporting the Environmental Weirdo's has a clue what they are talking about and its proven once again.
    Its not like we know that you know what you are talking about since you dont provide any sources for your claim. Oddly enough only Stoffi seems to do that..

  15. #90
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    I know my opinion on the matter and i stand by it. Each to their own.

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