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Thread: So, who's a Republican here?

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfshound View Post
    Why would that be a disaster to the world?

    He wants the US to get back to their own land and when reading internet and watching tv i very often get the idea thats exactly what most people in the rest of the world want them to do.
    It would disable most of things people blame them to do.

    The result might well be some gratitude to their actions in the past depending on what disaster you are referring to.

    Still, Obama claimed he'd shut down Gitmo, i think even within a year.
    Gitmo is still nowhere near shutting down.
    Just to show a president can't do whatever he claims during election.

    It would have a huge impact because the US is so involved all over the world, not to mention the US has provoked pretty much every non-western country in the world and we now face a war on terror BECAUSE of the US. Since the rest of the West supported the US when they rattled the snakes in the middle east and other places, we are now involved. If the US pulls out suddenly, it will be US history all over. The US left the Kurds to be gassed to death by Saddam Hussein when they first got them to fight and then pulled out in 1991. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds were killed because of the US.

    If the US pulls out, islamist terrorists will still be upset with the West over something the US pulled us into. Also, Ron Paul wants to crash the economy. If the US falls, the world will be heavily affected. Also, Americans who are not middle class or rich will be screwed. In other words, we're all fekked. In addition, we'll see the Chinese and Russia gaining ground.

    What the US needs to do is to secularise and make friends with the arabs and other muslims.

    USA made terrorism, now they need to unmake it.
    ABS vs Rangers

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    If the US pulls out, islamist terrorists will still be upset with the West over something the US pulled us into. Also, Ron Paul wants to crash the economy. If the US falls, the world will be heavily affected. Also, Americans who are not middle class or rich will be screwed. In other words, we're all fekked. In addition, we'll see the Chinese and Russia gaining ground.

    What the US needs to do is to secularise and make friends with the arabs and other muslims.

    USA made terrorism, now they need to unmake it.
    Not just the U.S.

    Our prime minister is extremely religious and it shows in his foreign policy.

    He's definitely one-sided in favor of Israel.

    My guess is that voters will tolerate it until he starts getting Canadian soldiers killed over his convictions.

    And yeah, Ron Paul is scary because of the extent to which he wants to deregulate the economy.
    Last edited by Magn; 19-01-2012 at 00:46.

  3. #33
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    US and Canada didn't 'make terrorism'. Islamists made todays terrorism. Any excuses they give are lies and propaganda which i'm not sure why you believe. And what's the problem with favoring the only country in the region that doesn't aim to kill its citizens or the citizens of other countries?

    From Wikipedia:
    Libya 25,000?30,000 killed, 4,000 missing
    Syria: Total: 5,000 killed, over 30,000 kept in detention (as of October 2011)
    Yemen: Death(s) 1,784-1,870 (by 25 September)
    Egypt: Civil war came and went. Now the new leadership is killing people too. Change is good though.

    Show me how making "friends" with arabs and muslims will change anything regarding what's happening today or terrorism in general...

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meeni View Post
    US and Canada didn't 'make terrorism'. Islamists made todays terrorism. Any excuses they give are lies and propaganda which i'm not sure why you believe. And what's the problem with favoring the only country in the region that doesn't aim to kill its citizens or the citizens of other countries?

    From Wikipedia:
    Libya 25,000?30,000 killed, 4,000 missing
    Syria: Total: 5,000 killed, over 30,000 kept in detention (as of October 2011)
    Yemen: Death(s) 1,784-1,870 (by 25 September)
    Egypt: Civil war came and went. Now the new leadership is killing people too. Change is good though.

    Show me how making "friends" with arabs and muslims will change anything regarding what's happening today or terrorism in general...
    Um, if you're aiming for Israel, Israel DOES kill its own citizens and have been doing so for decades. Palestinians and Beduins are Israeli citizens and they live in an Apartheid society, harassed for their racial profile. Rasism in system.
    Do you remember the last war against Gaza? When Israeli for example attacked UN schools filled with kids with Fosphor grenades, knowing that the kids and civilians were inside?

    Muslims never hated the West, but US involvement with Israel and other countries have provoked pretty much everyone down there. USA is the Iran of the West, a religious nutcase country.
    ABS vs Rangers

  5. #35
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    I've been watching some of the Republican stuff and I have to say that it's pretty sad when you look at the candidates and the MOST you can hope for is the one that scares you the LEAST.

    I also don't understand the Obama hate.

    The Republicans under George Bush Jr screwed up the country for years. They are the ones who drove the US into debt, but Obama is copping it coz he hasn't cleaned it up?

    But I'm sure they will end up with the standard homophobic/war mongering/religious extremist candidate they seem so fond of. And the rest of the world will shake our heads in wonder

  6. #36
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    It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

    George Washington.

    And that's why Ron Paul is wrong.
    ABS vs Rangers

  7. #37
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Now we're talking. :)

    I'm not a socialist myself, I vote for a right wing semi conservative party in Norway. But in USA, even they would be considered socialist, if not communist.
    This would depend on how we define those terms. I see socialist, communist, monarchism and Fascism as basically the same thing. YES, i know they are not and are broken down are very different but they are totalitarian governments.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Now we're talking. :)I believe in freedom for the individual, but if you give the individual too much freedom, some individuals will seek to dominate other individuals and in the end take power for themselves. History shows this is every society and it's lead to the downfall an endless amount of societies. When ppl are allowed to do pretty much what they want with little government control, Rome falls. This was what happened to Rome btw, some individuals got rich and started dominating others. This lead to corruption, dictatorships, civil war and in the end, the downfall of Rome.
    Rome had too much government and they fell because they destroyed the family unit but other than that I agree with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    In a society, some people will succeed better than others and get rich. This is perfectly fine and how it should be. But what then when those rich people start to bend the rules to their own benefit and seek to dominate others for their own personal gain?
    Regulation is needed to avoid corruption and dictatorship. USA is already run through with LEGAL corruption(lobbyists) and certain powerful companies dictating state policies.
    True and why we need to REGULATE government for the same thing!

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    So how is it that socialist Europe has so many blooming democracies like Norway?
    Easy, Socialism is letting your government regulate everything you do from cradle to grave and the majority voted for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Okay.... But big government was chosen by you, and big company overruled your voice. Big company seeks only to increase their profits and don't care about you. Wouldn't you rather see millions of people avoid getting deceases like Diabetes or have decreased life quality because of obesity? Obesity is not a choice in large parts of the US because the most exposed groups don't know any better, they are plain ignorant.
    Not sure what you are saying here sounds like a rant. Don't get me wrong I'm OK with government its needed and I'm OK with Regulation for Companies but also for that Government. I never understood why people who want to regulate companies don't want to regulate their government unless they like being a drone to the system.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    The difference is that you have a lot more rich people today seeking to dominate you and me, so you would only replace a democratically elected government who theoretically seeks to help you with big corps who only want to keep their profits up.
    Agree with the first part. You are assuming what I want and your assumption is wrong. I just don't have a very good selection to pick from this election.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Oh? How so? Only USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other muslim countries combine religion and politics like you do. Sure we have religious parties in most western countries in the world, but they are still rather secular and usually not in power. Europe is secularising, Muslim countries and USA are going the opposite direction, towards the medieval ages.
    Its a Choice that most of us in America and the Muslim nations make. Don't think that the Muslim will sit by and leave you alone once they get the super nation they dream of. If Europe want to do away with their faith so be it but don't make the mistake of thinking it makes you better than the Christians or Muslims. Science is nothing more than the study of Gods creation, ;).

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Nice post you had though, I like it.
    Thank you, nice to see other points of views and exchange ideas.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  8. #38
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoseRedAus View Post
    I've been watching some of the Republican stuff and I have to say that it's pretty sad when you look at the candidates and the MOST you can hope for is the one that scares you the LEAST.

    I also don't understand the Obama hate.

    The Republicans under George Bush Jr screwed up the country for years. They are the ones who drove the US into debt, but Obama is copping it coz he hasn't cleaned it up?

    But I'm sure they will end up with the standard homophobic/war mongering/religious extremist candidate they seem so fond of. And the rest of the world will shake our heads in wonder
    I agree with you on the first and it seems I will be voting on the one who scares me the least.

    I don't hate Obama I just have a strong dislike on where he is leading us. I think he would be more at home in Europe, you guys want him?

    You mean Europe will be wondering I think the rest of the world will understand. Seriously you Europeans think a lot of yourselves have y'all looked in the mirror lately? Just saying ;)
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  9. #39
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post

    It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

    George Washington.

    And that's why Ron Paul is wrong.
    You know this quote is where Washington is talking about forming a Militia to defend the Colonies? Washington is talking about paying a tax to outfit the militia and why is Ron Paul wrong?
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post
    I agree with you on the first and it seems I will be voting on the one who scares me the least.

    I don't hate Obama I just have a strong dislike on where he is leading us. I think he would be more at home in Europe, you guys want him?

    You mean Europe will be wondering I think the rest of the world will understand. Seriously you Europeans think a lot of yourselves have y'all looked in the mirror lately? Just saying ;)
    Actually, I'm from Australia. But I don't see what is so bad about Obama? It's nice to see somebody over there trying to get some health care for people who can't afford, or aren't able to get insurance.

    I mean, it really amazes me that a country like America can have such a bad health system that people can drop dead in a waiting room because they don't have insurance. To me, that is unbelievable.

    It seems that Americans tend to view Obama as left wing, and Republican's as right wing ... whereas I think a LOT of the rest of the world would see Obama as fairly moderate, and a lot of the Republican candidates as EXTREME right wing.

  11. #41
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoseRedAus View Post
    Actually, I'm from Australia. But I don't see what is so bad about Obama? It's nice to see somebody over there trying to get some health care for people who can't afford, or aren't able to get insurance.

    I mean, it really amazes me that a country like America can have such a bad health system that people can drop dead in a waiting room because they don't have insurance. To me, that is unbelievable.

    It seems that Americans tend to view Obama as left wing, and Republican's as right wing ... whereas I think a LOT of the rest of the world would see Obama as fairly moderate, and a lot of the Republican candidates as EXTREME right wing.
    Sorry for the mix up that, was outline by me anyway.

    Health care in America is outstanding its just the cost of it that suxs. You go to a hospital without insurance you get treated the same as everyone, been the law for some time. Don't believe everything you read and some do fall threw the cracks but not that many. Obama didn't give us health care he gave us a monster that will drag the whole system down. Its still NOT FREE!!!!
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  12. #42
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Conservatism Top of a pie chart, Totalitarianism left of the pie chart, Regulated Government dead center of the pie chart, Chaos right of the pie chart and Liberalism bottom of the pie chart.

    Maybe this will help for this is how many in America look at the parties.
    Last edited by Rockie Cantais; 01-02-2012 at 12:59.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  13. #43
    Forum Addict Scavenger's Avatar
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    Rockie Cantais
    Are you able to differentiate the extreme totalitairian idiologies from the current ideologies wich only share certain common grounds? If you share a thought with someone it doesn't mean you will become him.

    I just don't have a very good selection to pick from this election.
    Stop voting for what you don't believe in. Stop settling. Start your own parties. Democracy ftw.

    PS: The Roman family issues were caused by the power strugles. Don't skip cause and effect steps eh.

  14. #44
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scavenger View Post
    Rockie Cantais
    Are you able to differentiate the extreme totalitairian idiologies from the current ideologies wich only share certain common grounds?
    Lets take this part first. YES. like I said I understand the difference of the ones I listed but you have failed to see the similarities of each of them. Open you eyes the common ground of each that you speak of is the Elite few ruling the masses. For in each of them the few fell that man cannot rule himself and the few must do it for him and now best. Man can rule himself and as our society grows and becomes more intelligent the old ways will die hard. Long live the Republic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scavenger View Post
    If you share a thought with someone it doesn't mean you will become him.
    True but the first step in that direction has begun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scavenger View Post
    Stop voting for what you don't believe in. Stop settling. Start your own parties. Democracy ftw.
    Its the hated and wonderful 2 party system we have. I have voted third party more than once. This time Obama needs to go so I'll vote for who can beat him even if they are only a little better than he is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scavenger View Post
    PS: The Roman family issues were caused by the power strugles. Don't skip cause and effect steps eh.
    Nay! Rome always had power struggles, civil wars, rebellions and invasion and yet they conquered their know world. Only with the break up of family values did they start to fall.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  15. #45
    Forum Addict Scavenger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post
    True but the first step in that direction has begun.
    Yeah... I'm gonna skip the first part since the above quote clearly shows you are not fully able to differentiate. I didn't place that trap by accident.
    Is there a bad guy in every alley? (Watch it. Another trap)

    Its the hated and wonderful 2 party system we have. I have voted third party more than once. This time Obama needs to go so I'll vote for who can beat him even if they are only a little better than he is.
    Man that's so messed up. I'm glad you realize. Too bad you stopped acting on it.

    I'm reluctant to give you a history lesson of the why and what of the Romans (could do it in their own language too). It doesn't matter. Lemme respond with yay vs your nay and leave it at that. No wait... use wikipedia. That's probably a good starting point. Endless power strugles.. man away from home.. etc... go see.

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