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Thread: How did USA become such a messed up country?

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Okay, Vikings got nothing to do with this thread but I like history, so here I go.

    Vikings didn't kill or rape more than the next guy, they were just very efficient. If you got a degree in Archaeology, you ought to know some history and how Charlemagne fared on his campaigns on the continent.

    And yes, I think if rape was seen as okay back then, I think it's okay that ppl did it. If it was seen as something horrible, I don't think it's okay. I don't think it's okay to do it now.

    Anyways, historians claim Vikings didn't rape. They came, they killed those they needed to, they enslaved and they plundered. After a while, they colonised.

    But unlike the early Americans, most Vikings tried to live in peace with the locals in the countries they settled, though the times were unstable and warring ofc happened a lot. Settled Vikings mixed with the locals(not by raping) and for example in Normandy, they became French-Normans.

    I too have studied history and I read a lot, especially on the Viking period. Actually, I teach history at upper secondary/High school these days, just finished a chapter about the Europeans "discovering" the New World + more. Needless to say, I make them reflect, that's the whole point. I hope to see my pupils do well on the test after Easter. :)
    I know how you hate the hillbillies of America, but are so damn proud of your ancestors. Them rednecks of the middle ages. Vikings weren't a warrior race, not as an army so comparing them to Sparta is a joke. Spartans didn't run from fights as much as you did. You attacked civilians and avoided a real fight.

    As for America is such a bad education system, people can't move up and all that jazz. I am not one of those, both of my parents are physicians. I am in my 3rd year in med school in the midst of my sub-i's. I have seen plenty of peers who had parents who worked 2-3 jobs, who were on scholarships and are just brilliant and hardworking. Of course there are several students who come from families like mine, but living in the Midwest in a heavy agricultural area I have seen just as many families rise to the top through hard work and taking advantage of post secondary education as I have read the news about how America's education is failing.

    Meh, I blame Carter. People begged us for help and we spent a large amount of precious lives to gain other peoples freedom (aka bailout).
    Stoffi, make sure to thank us for YOUR freedom. Norway already failed a couple times, they just got lucky they had people with enough compassion and humanity to save them.

    Sie sind nicht willkommen.

  2. #212
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by excal14 View Post
    make sure to thank us for YOUR freedom.
    You've got to be kidding me right?
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  3. #213
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Vikings weren't a warrior race, not as an army so comparing them to Sparta is a joke. Spartans didn't run from fights as much as you did. You attacked civilians and avoided a real fight.
    Vikings were quite fearsome warriors famous for their fighting skills, for example you could find vikings in the personal bodyguard of the emperor in Byzantine for example.

    Sie sind nicht willkommen.
    Randomly putting in some german in the text makes you retarded almost like you believe that would be norwegian you are typing :)

  4. #214
    Post Demon
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    I love it when ppl glorify war. 9 times out of 10 they are adolescent kids dreamin about it or messud up unhappy adults who watched too many movies. 10th guy is just some solider too messed up in the head.

    I grew up in war and reached adulthood in it ... allow me to tell you first hand there is nothing great in it or in its consequences.

    And to all those fanboys who spread *freedom* across the world bringing *justice* to 3rd world countries ... yeah ... go **** yourself.

  5. #215
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    vikings were riaders and plunderers nothing more. thats why they stuck to attacking vilages. they were not rome, sparta,mesopotamia, greece. they wouldnt even be mentioned in the history books if it wasnt for there seafaring prowess. if not for that they would have just been local raiders nothing more. because of there seafaring ability they were able to do it all over the world. as far as explorers, ok if you say so but i think thyey were just looking arround for more people to bushwack lol.

    bishop you have your pet trolls running arround messing with people. then when someone says they will do it back to them you threaten that person? i couldnt care less delete my account if you wont. its for that kind of gestapo bull that most players dont bother to post here. you get challeneged in other forums and dont like it then wont to play king of the utopia forum.

  6. #216
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    yah war sucks but when you are there deal with it . i dont look at it as the fault of the people on the ground its the governments. i would be much happier if governments would work out thier issues. putting boots on the ground should be for defence and as a last resort offence .i would like to see these politicians have to fight for once. if they had seen combat for themselves they wouldnt be so quick to send the millitary. sure sometimes some scum bag needs a good kicking and there is no alternitive but to send troups. besides that these politicians need to do thier jobs war is a last resort not a first

    i mean think about it i have seen times were peace could have possibly been agreed on. they chose to send the millitary in though. maybe a few more days of talks or some 3rd party negotiations and they may have got it. no they just said the hell with it and sent in troups. once we get there thats it peace is an after thought, once we are finished we can talk peace again. for what 1000s die because some politicians couldn't figure it out. fine if civilians are being slautered skip the peace prosses but other then that they need to exhaust all other possiblities first
    Last edited by Agronaut; 02-04-2012 at 16:27.

  7. #217
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    vikings were riaders and plunderers nothing more. thats why they stuck to attacking vilages. they were not rome, sparta,mesopotamia, greece.
    And creating cities, and being Byzantine emperors bodyguard and several other sucessfull things.

    bishop you have your pet trolls running arround messing with people. then when someone says they will do it back to them you threaten that person? i couldnt care less delete my account if you wont. its for that kind of gestapo bull that most players dont bother to post here. you get challeneged in other forums and dont like it then wont to play king of the utopia forum.
    Gestapo bull? Wake up and smell the coffee son this is nothing, i for one thing is one of the more vocal people about Bishop and the other mods. But honestly when you start calling this gestapo bull you just prove y ou know nothing about these forums history for one thing and certainly dont know what Gestapo was. Dont blame the moderators cause you cant behave yourself properly, play within the rules and you wont get hurt.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Vikings were quite fearsome warriors famous for their fighting skills, for example you could find vikings in the personal bodyguard of the emperor in Byzantine for example.

    Randomly putting in some german in the text makes you retarded almost like you believe that would be norwegian you are typing :)
    Vikings did have a lot of fighting prowess, but they were notoriously brigands and pirates. I don't believe that is related to Spartans or any of the other great military nations.

    Its German for 'you are not welcome.' It might make me retarded, but the ironic thing is, German would be the common tongue for most of Europe assuming the German Empire had lasted say 2-3 decades. Jumping to conclusions and insults makes you a joke.

    Flutter: They could thank the Russians directly, but I do believe us opening up two fronts and relieving a beleaguered UK helped the Russians with their side.

    Oh yes, America bringing freedom and justice to third world countries. We most likely do go about that a wrong way; I cannot see better alternatives.

    All that really needs to be said is to show some respect. We may not be the most honorable, moral, or compassionate nation. Feel free to show me one that exists. I do know that without America, you (as a whole) would not be as well off as you are today. You can curse at us, burn our flag, and spit at the soldiers, but you cannot deny that one fact.
    Last edited by excal14; 02-04-2012 at 16:32. Reason: giant typo

  9. #219
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    what are you talking about , i read this forum for almost 6 months before i really posted anything outside of a quick question. only reason i even came here was due to war news . my thoughts on him were established months ago not right now.

  10. #220
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    what are you talking about , i read this forum for almost 6 months before i really posted anything outside of a quick question. only reason i even came here was due to war news . my thoughts on him were established months ago not right now.
    This game has existed since 98, that you been reading these forums for 6 months is a drop in the ocean really :)

  11. #221
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    All that really needs to be said is to show some respect. We may not be the most honorable, moral, or compassionate nation. Feel free to show me one that exists. I do know that without America, you (as a whole) would not be as well off as you are today. You can curse at us, burn our flag, and spit at the soldiers, but you cannot deny that one fact.
    You arrogant americans are so cute :) Dont forget thou, if it wasnt for us Europeans you would never had existed to begin with.

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    You arrogant americans are so cute :) Dont forget thou, if it wasnt for us Europeans you would never had existed to begin with.
    I never denied it, but funny you read the word respect and think arrogant as I point out our own flaws.

  13. #223
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    I never denied it, but funny you read the word respect and think arrogant as I point out our own flaws.
    You just claimed it all thanks to America that the rest of the world is so well off and without America the rest of the world wouldnt be so well off and you dont think thats arrogant? :)

  14. #224
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Sorry, my ancestors didn't come from Europe.
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  15. #225
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Maryland, USA
    Every country and every culture has idiots, we are just better at showing ours off.
    S E C R E T S

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