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Thread: How did USA become such a messed up country?

  1. #226
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    Every country and every culture has idiots, we are just better at showing ours off.
    And everyone else is better at pointing the finger at us :P
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  2. #227
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flutterby View Post
    Sorry, my ancestors didn't come from Europe.
    Oh and I guess your ancestors are the sole creators of USA as well?

  3. #228
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    hate him if you want but hes right. if we didnt jump into that fight and send our millitary that you hate, you would be speaking russian or german right now. you wouldnt have a luxury to be pissing in a forum saying what ever you want. honestly i think its just envy with you people , dont know why. i think when people like you see something strong you have to try and break it down to your level. fact is if you spent that time doing something productive then you would be better off.sure America has its problems, we have alot of them but we are good at solving them. Americans are probably the hardest working people. we work at it thats why we are so strong. a nation that was born less then 250 years ago became The super power in a short time. we have maintained being the superpower for a long time. why , because we work our @#$@ off thats why. we strive to better our selves while you sit arround and complain

    korp if it takes you 14 years to build an opinion of someone then you are slow lol

  4. #229
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    hate him if you want but hes right. if we didnt jump into that fight and send our millitary that you hate, you would be speaking russian or german right now.
    The irony in all this is that US didnt give a **** until Pearl Harbor when they were forced to attack otherwise they would just kept not giving a ****. The only thing US had going for them is that they were so cut off from Europe and the warzones that they didnt get affected by them and thats why they had a chance to build stronger country.

    Americans are probably the hardest working people. we work at it thats why we are so strong. a nation that was born less then 250 years ago became The super power in a short time. we have maintained being the superpower for a long time. why , because we work our @#$@ off thats why. we strive to better our selves while you sit arround and complain
    As mentioned above, it was just luck. :)

  5. #230
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Oh and I guess your ancestors are the sole creators of USA as well?
    I'm claiming the asian today :P
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  6. #231
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    yah we didnt want to get involved you brought it on yourselves. eropean commanders had such arrogance towards american fighter in ww1 that they wanted us commanded by thier commanders. so we attacked a german fortress and took it something the eropean command couldnt do. they then finaly figured we were good enough to lead our selves. we sent alot of men to thier deaths for you in trench warfare whitch must be the closest thing to hell. in the end you gave us a weak roll in the league of nations, so we opted out.
    hitler comes to power and you sit on your hands while hes attacking people. when it reached england we stepped in even though most of the country didnt want to war because you brought it on yourselves. we still suplied england with countless weapons even sent our own pilots there to get drunk and oops i left my fighter or bomber soon as england asked we had american pilots fighting under english colors. not to mention we were aiding them with our navy the whole time. wasnt til the japanese bombe us that the whole country wanted war. oh yah they bombed us because we cut them off from oil to help china.

    we never had a chance to help the french much they fell in 46 days. have any idea how long it would take to deploy a force large enough to hold back the germans back then. we sent over 400,000 kids to thier deaths for you ingrates

  7. #232
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Please stop making the rest of us look bad....
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  8. #233
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    WWII isn't the slightest bit relevant now. Why is it even being discussed? The US had hugely closer ties to euroland, ties which are not as strong now. WWII was also widely considered to be a fight against a clear aggressor - unlike some current conflicts. Selective memory is just dumb.

    not a lot to be proud of there.
    Last edited by Bishop; 02-04-2012 at 20:11.
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  9. #234
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Godwins law Bishop Godwins law :)

  10. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agronaut View Post
    when the viking invaded Waterford City they raped 280 women and murderd 140. if it wasnt something that was normal to them like you said why is there 2x as many rapes as murders. so there is your fact know your own history. no they killed for sport its a warriors call and even a right of passage to them. they raped so much they didnt see it as rape. you keep what you kill, they lost the women belong to them

    dont talk about piss contests with me. you were the one that talked about all them opertunities you could have killed someone .you couldnt have killled anyone you probably played flute for the military lol.sorry i dont think marching bands are special forces like you said. i allready knew the answers to the above questions i asked you and have known for some time. for one millitary dosnt use large hand guns. largest thing mostly deployed are 9mm. 9mm breaks down to about 36 cal so its small.we havnt used 45s exept special forces sometimes sence the 80s. also if you were in special forces you would have been in the millitary for alot more then a year. if i had to take a wild guess you would be one of them consripts like the sweeds use. when you are 18 you have to join the army basicly like a home guard .

    you try to talk about things you dont have a clue about. then when i show you to be full of $%^! you say its a pissing contest. you are some euro trash insulting a country ive fought and killed for. then you want to cry like a little brat when i insult you back. you are like the little idiot kid that throws rocks at people then when they throw back you cry to your mom.

    oh and yah i missed flutterby post, i miss read it completly. im busy im at war here and a00 and running a company so very limited on time, luckly i dont sleep much. so flutterby just ignore my whole pagan thing
    Waterford wasn't a city when the Vikings came.... The Vikings arrived, made a longport for their ships and gradually built out their base to be a city. Vikings MADE Waterford. But I am open-minded, do you have some sources perhaps? Because my professors and other authors don't know about those sources. :)

    You aren't exactly making your fellow Americans proud here, with all your ramblings, your penis-contest and your foul language and poor debating techniques.
    And you don't know sh*t about Special Forces anywhere, judging by your comments. SF definitively use bigger hand guns, for the right situations. I sense you're scared that my penis is larger than your penis and perhaps it is. As I said, a good soldier can use his brain as well as his body, not to mention he isn't arrogant. You fail hard there.
    I've been building scaffolds on an oil rig for 12 hours today, does that threaten your manhood compared to mine? Last weekend I wrestled a big guy down(we were 2 v 1 ^^) and put handcuffs on his arse and handed him to the police when I was at work as chief of security at a bar/club. Does that threaten your manhood compared to mine?
    I was a Kung Fu instructor when I was a bit younger. Does that threaten your manhood compared to mine?
    (To others reading the above, please disregard the above paragraphs as I don't post crap like that on forums nor do I act like an idiot and brag in rl.)

    And you brag about being a prison guard? That's the lowest of the low, man... Requirements: 2 hands and 2 legs + a head with or without a brain.

    This is no bloody contest. I don't care how much you could have killed someone if you wanted. I don't care how cool, big and strong you think you are. This is no bloody testosteron contest and if it was, you would quickly find out, as you have now, that other people have also got testosteron. And maybe, just maybe, when you're older, you will think back to this thread and realise how rediculously stupid you acted.

    Every country in the world has flaws and we should all be able to discuss those flaws in order to improve. (Yes, the US has flaws as well)

    Btw, War is easy for us to long for, but the one who praises war doesn't know war.

    Quote Originally Posted by excal14 View Post
    I know how you hate the hillbillies of America, but are so damn proud of your ancestors. Them rednecks of the middle ages. Vikings weren't a warrior race, not as an army so comparing them to Sparta is a joke. Spartans didn't run from fights as much as you did. You attacked civilians and avoided a real fight.

    As for America is such a bad education system, people can't move up and all that jazz. I am not one of those, both of my parents are physicians. I am in my 3rd year in med school in the midst of my sub-i's. I have seen plenty of peers who had parents who worked 2-3 jobs, who were on scholarships and are just brilliant and hardworking. Of course there are several students who come from families like mine, but living in the Midwest in a heavy agricultural area I have seen just as many families rise to the top through hard work and taking advantage of post secondary education as I have read the news about how America's education is failing.

    Meh, I blame Carter. People begged us for help and we spent a large amount of precious lives to gain other peoples freedom (aka bailout).
    Stoffi, make sure to thank us for YOUR freedom. Norway already failed a couple times, they just got lucky they had people with enough compassion and humanity to save them.

    Sie sind nicht willkommen.
    I'm coming anyways, the US is a great country in many ways.

    Also, I have said my appreciation of the USA assuring MY freedom many times.

    You sound Upper Middleclass and go to university because you come from a decent family who raised you well and pay for your education. But what about those with 2-3 jobs? They depend on scholarships, as you mention, and the vast majority won't get a scholarship, nor a chance.

    Vikings were definitively a warrior culture. Their goal in life was to die in combat with sword in hand in order to go to Valhalla. Anyone dying in their bed of old age would NOT go to Valhalla. Children were trained from young age, the warrior was worshipped. But they were also peasants and merchants and yes, Vikings never liked defeat and thus rarely fought battles they would probably lose or lose to many men in.
    Sparta is another warrior culture, the ultimate one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agronaut View Post
    vikings were riaders and plunderers nothing more. thats why they stuck to attacking vilages. they were not rome, sparta,mesopotamia, greece. they wouldnt even be mentioned in the history books if it wasnt for there seafaring prowess. if not for that they would have just been local raiders nothing more. because of there seafaring ability they were able to do it all over the world. as far as explorers, ok if you say so but i think thyey were just looking arround for more people to bushwack lol.
    Why don't you do some research next time you make claims? You're talking to someone who's studied this.

    Vikings plundered Paris three times.... Vikings plundered/took London, York, Bilbao, Pisa, Nantes, Rennes, Bordeaux and EVERY french city worth mentioning. Vikings FOUNDED Russia, held Britanny and Normandy(look the names up on a map to see where, big regions), held most of England, FOUNDED Dublin, Waterford, Limerick, attacked Budapest(Constantinopel) but that city proved too strong and they rather joined the Byzantine empire.
    Vikings plundered all of France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Russia, parts of Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Marocco, Turkey, turkemenistan, Kazakstan, etc, etc, etc ,etc. Vikings made realms/kingdoms in parts of France, Ireland, Scotland, England, Russia, Iceland and Ukraine.

    The Vikings who reached America were Norwegians who had moved to Greenland. On Greenland only a few thousand vikings settled and therefore only few ships went to America and they gave up after fighting the natives.

    Raiders and plunderers and not more? Not true. Read some history before you make claims.

    Btw, Mesopotamia was never an empire nor a country. It's just a region were cities like Ur and Babylon were located.

    Quote Originally Posted by excal14 View Post

    Oh yes, America bringing freedom and justice to third world countries. We most likely do go about that a wrong way; I cannot see better alternatives.

    All that really needs to be said is to show some respect. We may not be the most honorable, moral, or compassionate nation. Feel free to show me one that exists. I do know that without America, you (as a whole) would not be as well off as you are today. You can curse at us, burn our flag, and spit at the soldiers, but you cannot deny that one fact.
    America also brought tyranny and opression to third world countries. Know your history, the US threw down many democratically elected governments to put dictators on their thrones. Since 1970, self-interests have decided who to invade or who to support, not anyone's freedom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Godwins law Bishop Godwins law :)

    Hahaha, so damn right. :) If the debate is long enough, it will happen!

    Agronaut, here's a challenge for you:

    - Is there NOTHING wrong with your country? Is everything perfect? Are you the blind follower?
    ABS vs Rangers

  11. #236
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    WWII isn't the slightest bit relevant now. Why is it even being discussed? The US had hugely closer ties to euroland, ties which are not as strong now. WWII was also widely considered to be a fight against a clear aggressor - unlike some current conflicts. Selective memory is just dumb.

    not a lot to be proud of there.
    It ended the war for Japan. Nothing about it was something to be proud of, but to claim it didn't end the war is naive. All the stuff about air supremacy and the bombs being militaristically unnecessary may be true (in the long run, but why make it longer), but that's like comparing death by a thousand cuts to a shotgun to the face.
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  12. #237
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    It ended the war for Japan. Nothing about it was something to be proud of, but to claim it didn't end the war is naive. All the stuff about air supremacy and the bombs being militaristically unnecessary may be true (in the long run, but why make it longer), but that's like comparing death by a thousand cuts to a shotgun to the face.
    Or murdering babies to not murdering babies.
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  13. #238
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Or murdering babies to not murdering babies.
    In war, everyone murders babies. There were babies at Pearl Harbor too.
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  14. #239
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    In war, everyone murders babies. There were babies at Pearl Harbor too.
    Yea 2 of them,

    How many did you think died in Hiroshima or Nagaski or how many babies were born deformed due to radiations, or how many died from radiation posioning? And how many of them were civilians, in Pearl Harbor there was 68 civilians that died..

  15. #240
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Is there a threshold where infant death is acceptable in war? How many would have died in the ensuing invasion or continued bombing of Japan? How many more US troops would have died? How many more Japanese troops would have died? Would there have been another attack on US soil? Perhaps a civilian target? I'm not saying one way or another what the "right" thing to do was, but when facing an enemy who refuses to surrender, why take a course of action that extends the war and puts your own people at further risk?
    S E C R E T S

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