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Thread: Early CF:

  1. #16
    Enthusiast brickwolfman's Avatar
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    With the fake war rule being enforced you should rip them apart. If they didn't want a war they should not have given you the button. It's their own fault and you should be taking full advantage
    The 4 Horsemen

    *A cult worships their leader who is alive and well. A religion worships the same guy except he is dead.

  2. #17
    Mediator goodz's Avatar
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    I think provided the war is clearly won, no one is really benefiting in anyway, and you WD at min time, nothing should happen. It is more when a FW is used to launch a cow or escape another hostile.

    I doubt the situation would even be looked at unless someone reports it. So if you were hostile with someone else when you declared i would not stop attacking, but otherwise seems no issue.

    I believe reports of FW are looked at case by case...
    My life is better then yours.

  3. #18
    Moderator for:
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    Please don't encourage people to do things that are against the rules...

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    While i support the FW rules i think that to enforce them in situations such as this would be not only laughable but detrimental to the game. I think that when considering whether or not to implement the rules in any given situation that the question of whether their was intent of abuse or not should be strongly considered. What i mean by this is, did the two kingdoms actually intend on gaining an advantages position for themselves by abusing the warring system.

    In this case its clearly stated that a couple of new players, whom I'm amusing where unaware of the hostility system, accidentally gave the war button to a kingdom, they quickly realized, they had no chance against. upon this realization the kingdom then attempted to negotiate an early end to the war so that the entire kingdom would not be punished for the beginners mistakes. From that description it seems clear their is no intent of abuse and as long as the war is concluded at its minimum time neither kingdom really gains too much in the way of an advantage over their neighbors from the extra 24 hours of pump time.

    To choose to implement the FW rules in this situation, should the choose to call an early CF or a situation like it would only serve to punish new players and the people attempting to teach them the game. In case people haven't noticed we are rather short on new players and teachers and i don't think this game will survive endless we give them a little leeway, especially when theirs no real harm done in doing so.

  5. #20
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    War is for warring. If you are not warring then you are abusing the system.
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  6. #21
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    If you want to go easy on the other kingdom, you could stick with a max grabbing strategy which is less likely to kill provinces. Max grabbing is a valid strategy so it shouldn't get you into trouble.
    This is my province. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    My province is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
    My province, without me, is useless. Without my province, I am useless.
    I must attack hard with my province. I must attack harder than my enemy who is trying to pk me. I must pk him before he pk's me. I will...

  7. #22
    Enthusiast brickwolfman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    War is for warring. If you are not warring then you are abusing the system.
    SPOT On
    Just smash them so they learn their lesson
    The 4 Horsemen

    *A cult worships their leader who is alive and well. A religion worships the same guy except he is dead.

  8. #23
    Post Demon
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    Simplest solution - kingdom that is losing should state the following:
    "If you stop hitting/ops (except retals) now, we will surrender in min time. If you keep hitting while we have already conceded, we will consider it bad blood and will war till EOA in spite."
    Assuming there is decent reason to believe them, then the winning kingdom has 1 optimal strategy for winning the war - stop attacking/opping. Anything else is clearly detrimental, and so this lack of hits is fighting the war to the best of their ability.

    I wouldn't put it past them to punish the *loosing* kingdom, but then that's a real threat if 'tis past min time, so why can't it be made before then? And it isn't like they didn't just get smashed as punishment as well. But that situation would be one where punishing the winning kingdom is pure hypocrisy, since they were trying to win to the best of their ability by not attacking. (Collusion, of course, changes things... but afaik, collusion is only a problem if done in game, so just take it to irc or something. That one struck me as bad precedent too, but once made, can't unmake that rule.)
    it's vs. its is ambiguous - from now on I'm attempting to use the proper possessive it's, and the contraction 'tis. (Its will just be the plural.)

    Think Different

  9. #24
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    That isn't a solution at all. Both kingdoms would be under war protection while not warring. That is an abuse whether they mean it be or not.
    S E C R E T S

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    If you want to be nice, the most you can do is explain the rules to them (link them to this thread even). So that hopefully they understand why you can't let up the attacks, and take it as a learning experience.

    Meanwhile, 24 hours more of fighting isn't going to kill anyone. If you're going to go easy on them in ANY way, don't say so in game. Don't message them about it, don't post anything in forums/royal commands/etc. Saying the wrong thing in game WILL get you into trouble.
    Countess Tiffany the Invincible
    ◥Dat kungdum formerly known as HUNG3R◤
    Kingdom (now only about half) Full of Hungry Chinese Girls

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    LOL @ bishop, yes I'm sure that both the two kingdom now in question where intending on gaining a distinct pump advantage by creating a elaborate story to justify a CF 24 hours earlier than it would normally be available. I am also sure that had they been given the go ahead to form an early CF that they would have used that time to be SUPER pumped and then would have jumped strait to the top of the charts upon dropping out of EOW CF. good work on preemptively putting a stop to their plan!

    I mean seriously this game is dieing (the developers can spout what ever they want about the player pool growing 40+ players in 3 age or whatever but its just BS) for multiple reasons but mostly because people tend to treat new players like dirt. Newbies get made fun of in forums more often then they get good advice and the kingdoms where they find homes are constantly punished for the new guys mistakes. As a result new players tend to get frustrated and quick before they ever pick up the game and the kingdoms who try to teach them end up loosing their experienced players to more competitive kingdoms.
    Worst of all the developers don't even seem to care with this being a prime example. It would be soooooo easy to just say "sure give them the early CF if you want" and it wouldn't really harm anyone either. Instead the response is essentially "F U. you chose to have nubs in your kingdom now you must pay the price!"

  12. #27
    Moderator for:
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    Yea...that's definitely what they're saying. Not "Use the game mechanics for their intended purposes", but definitely "Haha, you have new people and now you will suffer!"

    Yep, that's definitely why. That's definitely why they deleted a huge bank last age. To punish the nubs for being new and not understanding.

    Go spout your crap somewhere else please.

  13. #28
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    LOL Palem and we couldn't have even the slightest bit of understanding for the new players or those trying to teach them? we couldn't say "hey the new guys made a mistake lets give them a break"? instead its "Just smash them so they learn their lesson". which indeed teaches a lesson but just not the one i would assume we wanted taught (an understanding of hostility mechanics) instead it teaches the new players that the people with the most experience in the game don't give a damnd about their learning curve and would rather see them quit over giving them a break and it teaches the guys trying to help the newbs that they are far better off just killing the newbs and recruiting a more experienced player. if this kind of atmosphere is not only allowed but encouraged eventually you will end up with only the top 10-15 kingdoms left.

  14. #29
    Moderator for:
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    It teaches them that there aren't exceptions.

    Regardless of the reason, it's not fair for one kd to be able to get away with something that another kd can't get away with.

  15. #30
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    My kingdom is new too. I am going to fake war right now. But its ok, cos I am new and I shouldn't be punished. I like this game, it is exciting - I will also make multiple accounts with one of each race. LOL look at me, i don't know any better \:D/
    Support email: <- please use this and don't just PM me| Account Deleted/Inactive | Utopia Facebook Page |
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