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Thread: Age 55 Potential Changes

  1. #1
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Age 55 Potential Changes

    Here are the preliminary changes for Age 55. As you will see the racial and personality bonuses are relatively unchanged. The big changes will be the lowering of spec values to 4 with a drop in elite values. This should open back up some old tactics and strategies that fell by the wayside with the elite number creep. We will also be adding in a number of mechanic changes to address issues and to facilitate kingdom goals via warring.

    Please use this thread to comment, thanks.

    Racial Changes

    - 30% attack time
    +20% Sabotage damage*

    - 10% attack gains
    No Access to Stables

    Town Watch, Vermin, Mystic Aura
    Elite: 6/3, 700gc, 5.25NW

    + 20% Building Efficiency
    Free Building Construction
    Can use credits to raze buildings
    + 30% Spell Damage (Instant Spells)

    +50% Food Consumption
    Can't use Accelerated Construction

    Quick Feet, Fanaticism, Fools Gold, Clearsight
    Elite: 6/2, 650gc, 5NW

    + 1 Mana Recovery / Tick in war
    + 50% WPA
    + 1 defence specialist strength

    Pitfalls, Mages Fury, Amnesia, Nightmare
    Elite: 5/3, 650gc, 4.75NW

    + 30% Spell Damage (Instant Spells)
    + 20% Sabotage damage*
    + 30% WPA and TPA

    - 3 generals

    Access to All Racial Spells
    Elite: 3/6, 800gc, 6NW

    +50% TPA
    +1 stealth
    - 50% thief cost

    -15% birthrate

    Invisibility, Town Watch
    Soldiers: 2/2**; Elite: 4/5, 550gc, 5NW

    +5% Population
    + 30% Sabotage damage*
    + 40% Spell Damage (Instant Spells)
    + 1 Offense specialist strength

    Tree of Gold, Fountain of Knowledge, War Spoils
    Elite: 4/4, 600gc, 4NW

    + 20% Gains
    Earns Elite Credits

    -75% Combat Instant Spell Damage and Duration
    -75% Sabotage Damage

    Bloodlust, Fanaticism, Aggression, Reflect Magic
    Elite: 7/1, 850gc, 5.75NW

    -50% Offensive losses on attacks you make
    Converts some Specialists into Elites on successful land attacks
    Spreads and is Immune to The Plague
    No Food Required

    - 25% science effectiveness

    Greater Protection, Town Watch, Animate Dead, Chastity
    Elite: 7/2, 1000gc, 6NW

    Personality Changes

    The Sage
    + 30% Science effectiveness
    -66% Losses on Learn Attacks
    Immune to The Plague

    Mechanic Changes

    The explore formula will be re-examined with an eye to allowing relatively small provs far cheaper costs.

    The reduced gains protection afforded to smaller kingdom when attacked by larger kingdoms will be removed upon reaching a certain hostility level, which is yet to be decided.

    Towards a similar end, when both kingdom reach max hostility the option to declare will appear regardless of the kingdoms networth.

    Winning a war will not grant any honor taken from your opponents honor pool. Monarchs will instead be able to set a kingdom reward for winning wars, this reward will be 10% honor or land generated based on your kingdoms current honor/land. The reward will be allocated more heavily towards provinces with less land/honor.

    * Sabotage damage mods will increase the cap, watchtowers will decrease it.
    ** halfer solds will be at 3 NW due to their higher power.
    Last edited by Bishop; 25-07-2012 at 13:53.
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