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Thread: Simians Vs. HoH (Round 1/20)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Thumbs up Simians Vs. HoH (Round 1/20)

    This is going to be an eventual farm war for us.

    At this moment, we're slightly down and most of their acres are stacked on their big humans. Our halflings are doing great at destroying their big humans farms, with starvation their troops will drop and their NW will drop drastically to our orc's range. Our orcs will soon be in range to farm their big humans. At the moment, HoH is up slightly by 3k acres from hostile.

    But with our orcs farming ability, those acres will eventually belong to us. On a side note, stoffi would be happy that we are prepping HoH for Stoffi's alliance takedown later.

    War summary to come soon after our wave is done.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Total land exchanged: -1,223 (25/26)
    +327 but now youre giving (2 [1]/0)
    +237 WE wont take anymore (1 [1]/1)
    +156 dont try (1 [1]/0)
    +107 and that is for sure (1 [1]/0)
    +17 say goodbye (1 [1]/1)
    +2 to KILL (1 [1]/1)
    -6 one thing (2 [1]/1)
    -23 been taking (2 [2]/1)
    -67 until our dreams (2 [1]/1)
    -79 cause YOUre the one (2 [1]/2)
    -141 there is no escape (2 [1]/1)
    -156 play in (3 [1]/1)
    -181 you have always (1 [1]/2)
    -204 we will find (1 [1]/5)
    -304 running away (1 [1]/2)
    -418 on our minds (2 [1]/5)
    -449 this is the end (0/2)

    ** The kingdom of HoH **
    Total land exchanged: +71 (1/0)
    +71 An unknown province (1/0)
    Total land exchanged: +1,152 (24/24)
    +505 Papa Romeo Oscar (2 [2]/0)
    +324 Charlie Papa Uniform (1 [1]/0)
    +297 Lima Oscar Lima (2 [2]/0)
    +296 Sierra Tango Delta (2 [1]/1)
    +234 Oscar November Echo (1 [1]/0)
    +223 Oscar India Charlie (1 [1]/0)
    +219 Delta Oscar Sierra (1 [1]/0)
    +215 Romeo Xray Juliet (1 [1]/0)
    +205 Charlie November Yankee (1 [1]/0)
    +204 Golf Oscar Delta (3 [1]/0)
    +197 Echo Tango Charlie (1 [1]/0)
    -1 Whiskey Tango Hotel (2 [1]/2)
    -174 Bravo Alpha Hotel (3 [1]/2)
    -757 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2 [1]/6)
    -835 Charlie Alpha Tango (1 [1]/13)

    As you can see we are only down slightly, in fact, not counting hostile, we're actually up. This shows that we are without doubt the BEST warring kingdom on the server, whoever says otherwise, Simians will fight you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    oh great, the one trick pony is back..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    an other one relly close this one 2

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NoseBlood View Post
    oh great, the one trick pony is back..
    Welcome back to hogwart's, Mudblood

    Quote Originally Posted by calle View Post
    an other one relly close this one 2
    Aye, it is true, it's a close one this one, though it can go both ways, but do not be afraid, calle, we are simians, we will win this one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    This right here is why I consider Simians the best warring Kingdom on the server. They don't back down from fights (even when the odds are stacked against them), and they don't need their allies waving their enemies during their hostiles to win fights.

  7. #7
    Forum Fanatic Binar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    3 of 3 last age.
    Bring it siminubs

    Non of my nubs speak for my KD

  8. #8
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    Quote Originally Posted by KWA_WickedBurn View Post
    This right here is why I consider Simians the best warring Kingdom on the server. They don't back down from fights (even when the odds are stacked against them), and they don't need their allies waving their enemies during their hostiles to win fights.
    Perhaps the fact that they have no allies is the reason they can never win.

  9. #9
    Ignore Lemans he's not actually in our KD. Yes it's a slow start for us but this war without a doubt will end up with HoH withdrawing and begging for a CF.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Houston, Texas
    hmmm... cocky for not even a full day into war

  11. #11
    Veteran jamin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    this is stupid. this retard lemans should have been banned long ago, it was funny at first but in the words of kuhan "sn0re". simians shouldn't make any predictions just yet :)
    since we're updating the thread...we have sent a sapphire dragon which i believe theyre tanking. into day 2 now and we have not received a dragon yet due to blanket riots/greed and fb on their big provinces from us.
    Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn
    Epic White Mage

  12. #12
    Sir Postalot Lestat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Christchurch, New Zealand

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Osaze View Post
    hmmm... cocky for not even a full day into war
    Yes, it's true, Simians walks with swag, that's often misinterpreted as cocky to ppl who feels inferior to Simians.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamin View Post
    this is stupid. this retard lemans should have been banned long ago, it was funny at first but in the words of kuhan "sn0re". simians shouldn't make any predictions just yet :)
    since we're updating the thread...we have sent a sapphire dragon which i believe theyre tanking. into day 2 now and we have not received a dragon yet due to blanket riots/greed and fb on their big provinces from us.
    No, you're stupid, just because you bounce on the ingame intel I msg you, and got chained to ****s without incoming acres, don't blame me for your stupidness at not taking your own intel and end up at - Charlie Alpha Tango* Human 473 acres 94,914gc 200gc . Don't start calling ppl retard for pulling a hellrazor on you, you should have known better than to talk smack against Simians, jamin - perhaps now you'll learn to be more respectful when addressing your superiors in Simians (basically everyone). Talk smack about Simians again, we'll raze kill your crappy prov.

    Quote Originally Posted by KWA_WickedBurn View Post
    This right here is why I consider Simians the best warring Kingdom on the server. They don't back down from fights (even when the odds are stacked against them), and they don't need their allies waving their enemies during their hostiles to win fights.
    I agree with you. We are undoubtly the ultimate best kingdom since the formation of Utopia, we are tough as nails and ppl have to form alliance to gangbang us. Yet we're still here and owning those alliances one by one - AS A SOLO KD. As Ozase said, we're cocky? GTFO, so what we are, we don't need friends, WE ARE SIMIANS. The mere mention of our name should send you pissing uncontrollable in your pants. We are the nightmare of all the superkingdoms in utopia for ages now, none wants to mess with Simians, just look at jamin's prov for talking smack about Simians. He'll probably have to reset now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Binar View Post
    3 of 3 last age.
    Bring it siminubs
    You're going to end up like jamin, if you call Simians nub again. Your last warning before we gangbang you.
    Last edited by Lemans; 07-03-2013 at 02:54.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Update :

    June Papers

    Total land exchanged: -507 (29/30)
    +232 An unknown province (2/0)
    +227 been taking (3 [1]/0)
    +197 WE wont take anymore (2 [1]/0)
    +189 we will find (5 [2]/0)
    +175 until our dreams (2 [1]/0)
    +152 dont try (3 [1]/0)
    +151 one thing (3 [1]/1)
    +126 there is no escape (1 [1]/0)
    +106 cause YOUre the one (1 [1]/0)
    +82 play in (2 [1]/1)
    +80 and that is for sure (2 [1]/1)
    +78 you have always (1 [1]/0)
    -85 to KILL (0/1)
    -103 running away (0/1)
    -163 but now youre giving (0/2)
    -275 this is the end (0/2)
    -598 say goodbye (1/7)
    -1,078 on our minds (1/14)

    ** HoH **
    Total land exchanged: +507 (30/29)
    +400 Whiskey Tango Hotel (4 [1]/0)
    +390 Echo Tango Charlie (3 [1]/0)
    +240 Sierra Tango Delta (4 [1]/1)
    +222 An unknown province (3/0)
    +211 Charlie November Yankee (2 [1]/1)
    +167 Oscar November Echo (1 [1]/0)
    +145 Golf Oscar Delta (1 [1]/0)
    +108 Romeo Xray Juliet (1 [1]/0)
    +106 Papa Romeo Oscar (4 [1]/1)
    +29 Whiskey Hotel Tango (1 [1]/0)
    -399 Charlie Alpha Tango (0/14)
    -548 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (5 [1]/7)
    -564 Bravo Alpha Hotel (1 [1]/5)

    We are actually up in acres atm by about 1.5k from our landlust. I love how jamin keeps convincing his kd that sapphire is great. Yes send us more sapphire dragons pls!

  15. #15
    Moderator for:
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    Palem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    How about we stop calling people stupid?

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