Quote Originally Posted by jdorje View Post
Ceasefire was resecured 4 days ago, and Sanc and Mom were ceasefired for that duration. This was shown on your kd page, and should have been pretty evident to you. That logic does not hold, as it would imply that you would never be able to fight another kingdom this age since you're never going to ceasefire Sanc. However I now do understand why you never asked us for a ceasefire (which we'd happily have done), since you were trying to abuse your fake clause to claim that Havoc could never notice you until you ceasefired us, even though we weren't in declare range and hadn't fought in 4 days.
That's some interesting spin, I see you guys have been thinking about how to sell this for a while. First off, it's not a fake clause, it's pretty clear. The fact that it might contain a loophole that could keep Havoc from ever giving notice is just them being sloppy. MA clearly intended to resolve with you, get notice, and fight Havoc. If you weren't trying to powerplay, MA would not be 'dodging' as you claim.