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Thread: T/M war strategis, overall strat.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    T/M war strategis, overall strat.

    I am now leader of our t/m squad.

    I would like to read a few of your pre-war and war strats as t/ms, to give me some insight.
    I'm looking for coordinated t/m strats.

    I would also like to read about your general war strategies if you feel like posting them.

    Ty :)

  2. #2
    Strategy Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Generally speaking you want to do damage your attackers cant or dont have time for. There's many different ways to do that and the most typical ways are MS/riot coverage, NS, Prop, NM. However it depends on kd size (25 players?) and composition of your kd and your enemies.

    If u want a specifics look at your kd mix and size of your t/m's. The best "coordinated t/m strats" are kd wide efforts; you cant simply run a t/m "squad," instead you need your t/m ops to be part of your overall war plan. Examples include large t/ms that acts like a brick wall early=>bank later. Or with midsized t/m's on mediocre def but very very high raw wpa/tpa such that a few massacres dont hurt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Netherlands
    find a way to coordinate and track duration ops like meteors, greed, riots, storms, droughts, pitfalls etc. You can try to get your kingdom to post ops in utopiapimp to track em or download a bot if you use irc.

    Also communicate with the monarch which provinces need to be softened up for the attackers. ALso make sure you know what numbers your provinces run and determine how realistic it is to let em perform certain type of ops. Often its better to switch to plan B if plan A is too difficult.
    Last edited by Humanoize; 17-04-2013 at 03:32.
    My former contribution to a kingdom known by many names
    [ Palindromes - Stuck inside my head - Dinner is Served - Doom & Bloom Seed Co. - Foxtonomy - First Impressions ]

    =^..^= SPGC !! =^..^=
    It is I the Three Musketeers, Alpacahontas, Appetitical ManiaC, Twerk it Harder Make it Better


  4. #4
    Post Fiend
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    Apr 2013
    land of the free
    Its all dependent on your kingdom setup and the kingdom u r facing. Every kingdom uses there tm's in different ways. Ops should be focused and coordinated but through war the situation is going to change and fighting a good kingdom your plan cant be stagnant, often you have to switch stratagies mid war, you have to be careful though as a leader because switching targets or focus 2 much can be counter productive... im afraid your question is far to broad for a specific answer...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Alright ty for your answers. We just finished a war and it went pretty well.

    I was wondering, do you think having MS on most of the ennemies is very effective nowadays? Or should we only keep MS on a few provinces, those that the t/ms are targetting? Like instead of wasting mana and runes on random MS, maybe concentrate on fireballs? What do you think?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You'll want to keep an MS blanket on as many provinces as you can 24/7 as it kills peasants and military (except thieves). This will drain their defense allowing you to hit the target harder in a shorter amount of time with your attackers. Lets use the following example.

    Lets say they lose 60 def specs per tick (It's random but going with an estimated average)
    12 hours: 60 * 12 = 720 specs (2880 defense lost)
    24 hours: 60 * 24 = 1440 specs (5760 defense lost)
    36 hours: 60 * 36 = 2160 specs (8640 defense lost)

    This is for approx 3 MS spells. Multiply it by the number of provinces you have successfully casted MS on then check how much they are losing per tick as a kingdom.
    T/Ms apparently = black sheep of Utopia.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I'm actually very interested in the same type of question... The past 4 wars my kd has changed t/m strat a few times, based on the diversity of our opponent, dragons, chaining, etc... For the most recent wars we have kept our t/ms focused on the specific wave target, using NM/NS with a blanket op to cripple that prov, so if we waved twice a day thats only 2 provs that were really getting hit by our t/ms per day...

    this was effective for a while but in the long run were not seeing the results we wanted... is everyone spending their mana stealth on specific groupings like AW, PROP, ET(to reduce enemy T/M power) or FB, GR, RT, CH, MS, STR(to stop income and attacking ability) or NM, NS, MS, EX(to lower target def) ...?

    my question is should these groupings of ops/spells be spread out to reduce every angle or is it more effective to be specific and selective?

    any feedback would be greatly appreciated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    To answer that question you'll want blanket MS on all targets you can easily keep it on 24/7. After that you hammer certain targets with leftover mana. Most kingdoms can't utilize NM effectively as you only have a 3~4 hour window to take advantage of NM. Greed only on targets you know will have issues paying wages to attack. Fireball key targets to reduce their economy. Riots is similar to MS since it will hinder enemy economy by a large scale. Explosions and Pitfalls you plan to chain so it's harder for them to rebound after being chained. Chastity to me isn't really worth the runes and mana cost. AW is decent but Prop is a better op to run across the board if you have skilled Rogue provinces. ET should be done by your attackers on enemy thieves since they have spare mana to burn. MV should also be done by attackers.

    Focus on utilizing every resource efficiently. Sorry if the format is a bit hard to read.
    T/Ms apparently = black sheep of Utopia.

  9. #9
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    my personal favorite against an average KD:

    - (MS+Riot on all for 24/7) : even on enemy T/Ms

    - (FB + Storm + Explosion + Greed + Chastity on attackers w/ highest offense) : 1 target at a time, once got his peasant to less than 10% of total pop, change target but maintain Greed + Explosion for 24/7

    - (NS on attackers with highest defense) : 1 targets at a time, once got his nwpa drop below 100, change target.

    - (PT + Explosion on chain targets) : 1 target at a time for deep chain, 2 targets at a time for semi chain for as long as they remain as the chain targets.

    - (Explosion + Greed for 24/7 on enemy T/Ms)

    P.S. :Durational spell must be casted 1st, remaining mana/stealth can used for FB/NS...

    So this is a basic T/M strategy that we use in our wars for sometime now but we often change the strat according to situations and improvise them.. for instant, if enemy KD is stronger in its T/M power, we'll have an anti-T/M strat which includes AW, Prop, ET and SW..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    ty this is very helpful !

  11. #11
    Needs to get out more
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    As an attacker with somewhat functional wpa I attempt to cast explosions on enemy HA. Getting 12-15 hours/success to allow our t/ms to focus their % bonus where it hurts most. I'm not sure if Faery bonus applies to explosion % loss, but I'd happily step aside if asked. ;-)

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