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Thread: I'm really sick of these OOH hits.

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    On the contrary with the lower player base not every top 10 kingdom has the ability to recruit pro recruits so yes they do have some nubs in the kingdom that do use target finders, especially if they are at work , at a party or have 2 minutes to hit. All a bit of a over- reaction if you ask me. 10 hits sure, that's a bit much of a co-incidence. Two prov's hitting that's just a mistake.

    All blown way out of proportion if you ask me. They didn't farm there war win it was a legitimate war win and might I add i think they were double hostile and and still won that war while having a province raze killed, seems like a lot of speculation here with no hard facts. Larger kingdoms do use the target finder as its simple, quick and for the most part the provinces listed for the smaller guys in the kingdom are all from smaller kingdoms thus safe land grabs. Point being they could of hit 10 times or more if they were real douches, they didn't. Enough said really this is all just baseless speculation.

    And as Palem said he is sick of it because it has happened on multiple occasions this age to him. I think the kingdom name should be listed in the target finder so people tagged hostile can be clearly seen and avoided. If a kingdom is smaller I rarely if ever check their kingdom page, as lets face it they are smaller they usually don't retal . I've checked the snatch news for both kingdoms,

    They could of hit Palem more, seems that when they realized what was happening they halted hits, and that's a douche move ? were talking about 3 hits here. not a full wave, how three hits can be considered on purpose with two of those 3 hits coming from one prov is beyond me. Give credit where credit is due the fact remains they could of continued with the hits and although the situation sucks Palem has said this has happened multiple times to him, so either they were all on purpose each kingdom that did it or there are some genuine mistakes, most relating to the lack of kingdom name in the target finder. Ofc some are douche moves but considering the size of the kingdom involved. They showed restraint even when a post like this was made attempting to organize a gang bang, they showed restraint and realized a mistake had been made.

    Either way hater's are just gonna hate and there is nothing you can do about that. An no it isn't hard to snatch news before hitting but whats the point when you fail 3 sots then fail three snatch new's and loose 550 thieves or so in some cases. People rather do an SOM get the defense numbers and go from there, you can't expect people to waste stealth and thieves to losses when this could all be avoided by adding Kingdom names in a sidebar on the target finder. I rather look for solutions to problems than sitting there accusing everyone of foul play which is totally baseless.

    I do feel sorry for Palem and can understand his frustration but quite simply they could of attacked more, they didn't. When the mistake was noticed they seemed to stop. A little credit where credit is due. If the target finder is going to be a part of the game from now on surely we have to accept it wasn't going to be perfect in its first round of implementation, so lets makes suggestions and tweak it in some way so things like this can be avoided in the future rounds. I'm sure if it was a great number of the hit's early in the round Palem received it would then leave no doubt in anyone's mind that a douche move had been undertaken.

    I just simply don't think that was the case in this scenario. Sure it sucked but a lot more damage could of been inflicted but it wasn't. I do expect much more post's similar to this one through out the age as I don't think it will be a problem that is going to go away over night until the target finder is altered at the very least. It is frustrating and and similar hits have occurred against my kingdom when tagged hostile. I simply don't foresee this problem going away any time soon, unless we all start petitioning for the tweaking of the target finder by added an extra column with the kingdom name at the side. Then i do expect there will be a dramatic decrease in these types of mistakes.
    Last edited by xX NBK Xx; 16-07-2013 at 22:08.

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