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Thread: Why is pew pew so mad

  1. #106
    Veteran Drug's Avatar
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    I am starting to miss Absalom and good old days when they dominated charts. So much drama nowadays ;)

  2. #107
    Regular sydex's Avatar
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    Petrified made most stupid choice in his utopia carrier too. Pew Pew never pass in past top 10 land. You are big this age only because you are part from alliance with AMA and BB. You trade your hell important relation with us for one war with Stripers. You cant make more bad choice.

    This is the funniest thing I've seen on this thread.. Come down off your high horse, elit. You've done nothing for pew other than become a problem.. Nothing good worth talking about it I can assure you.

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    Petrified made most stupid choice in his utopia carrier too. Pew Pew never pass in past top 10 land. You are big this age only because you are part from alliance with AMA and BB. You trade your hell important relation with us for one war with Stripers. You cant make more bad choice.
    We are t10 every age for a bulk of it. Half the players are from inso. We've never not been t10. We might finish ages in wars or something like that but that's just for fun.

    And the second part is quite the opposite. You would never beat ABS without us and swea. We spent more than a week early age to beat Sanc and completely screwed up our own early growth just to help the alliance. We chose an early age setup just to do this for the alliance. You showed age after age you can't beat ABS without help. This age you finally get enough help to beat ABS completely and then you do all this. Maybe we will help ABS next age and see how it works out for you :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    Im play game from long and have many friends and enemy who trust me too. I know you notice rage, i know you drop your notice with rage. There is no way for you send notice other kd and I wont find it.
    Nobody from my kingdom would tell you anything. That's laughable.
    Last edited by Petrified; 28-08-2013 at 16:40.
    pew pew. Absolutely none of my nubs speak for my kingdom.

  4. #109
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrified View Post
    This age you finally get enough help to beat ABS completely and then you do all this.
    thread win, gg no re

    1 pet
    0 elit
    Last edited by Sig; 28-08-2013 at 16:41.
    Every ghetto can win with cheat. SWEA is good example for it. - Elit 2013
    Tbh I suspected that Strippers cheated, when we lost war to them - Drug 2014

  5. #110
    Forum Fanatic
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    Cmon Binar where is the love :( :(

    Honestly like Pew perhaps has a right to be mad at AMA and perhaps AMA mad at Pew but I don't know why you guys can't settle **** between each other by going at it instead of getting back at each other indirectly by hitting into each others' conflicts. Jerks has had a highly clean age and I see no reason why anyone should hit into our hostile...

    if you guys were mad about AMA hitting strippers then you should have hit AMA. It's unsavory of you to hit us when your quarrel is not with us; it's just a huge screw you to people who don't deserve it and now we are enemies on sad terms. I ruv you Binbin but this is mean </3

    In closing I leave you all with this excellent quote from George R. R. Martin:

    "...why is it always the innocent who suffer most when you high lords play your game of thrones?"

  6. #111
    Enthusiast Maximo's Avatar
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    As the late Al Davis said, "Just win baby!".

  7. #112
    Veteran Drug's Avatar
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    Gotta love pewnubs. Last age they ended resetting their provs, coz their leader was dumb enuf to think they can take on Rage :) While we still managed to end in top5 while dealing with whole Absalom alliance pretty much alone.

    This age Absalom underperforms and now suddenly pewnubs r so brave. Most likely next age we won't see pewnubs in top10 again ;)
    Last edited by Drug; 28-08-2013 at 16:46.

  8. #113
    Forum Addict MrCurious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tox View Post
    That's exactly what it is, Pendel came to you whining about our notice and you organized with him to wave one hour before. That's the definition of organization.

    I might add Jerks kept at least 8 attacker armies home, for 1-2 hours after AMA hit them. Definitely an active hostile, nothing planned here to give AMA land and hit PewPew. Right?
    Or, we texted ppl to get online to hit, but they had work so couldnt drop everything to come hit? See, im the monarch, so odds are i would know whats right, and you wouldnt.
    It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.

  9. #114
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurking Ghost View Post
    I don't consider hitting into our wars is nice or fair. Secondly about backstabbing ally, nobody in our kd wanted to backstab any allies at all, but it was about choosing getting a war, or not.
    Agreed, it's neither nice nor fair but neither is backstabbing an ally, in fact I consider that worse, if you wanted to war Debauch you should have been upfront about it, tho of course Debauch wouldn't have warred you if it hadn't been their only way out of getting waved by AMA.'

    Your choice unfortunately is obvious, you chose to backstab an ally for some temporary satisfaction(acres) and you have the nerve to complain that they punished you for it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurking Ghost View Post
    It was foul play by Elit, and a pure excuse to get free extra acres. We all knew that if anyone told AMA anything Strippes would have been hit out of war, and their CF would have been broken. Ayone that claims anything diffrent is just a simple liar. If you hit into war, ofc you re gonna break the cf.
    I have yet to see Elit break any deals so your "we all knew AMA would dealbreak" is just bull**** until you can offer some actual evidence. Of course if you get backstabbed and ****played by an ally you are going to react, I know I would have, I however would have hit pewpew instead seeiing how you betrayed their trust and the spirit of your supposed alliance. Personally I think dealbreaking is much worse than hitting into war so no I don't think hitting into war is evidence that anyone would dealbreak, on the other hand it's evidence that AMA refused to be ****played.

  10. #115
    Mediator goodz's Avatar
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    Still waiting anti-abs to figure out why AMA got dealt with poorly last age?

    Perhaps they actually did hit into hostiles / out of hostiles / refuse to do any diplo


    Soon petrified can figure out :)
    My life is better then yours.

  11. #116
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    I wouldn't go that far to say that pewpew backstabbed ama although it's a douche move. They are after all still competitors for the crown despite being allies. They are not in an 'actual' alliance either and can't claim "abs win the age no matter if rage, sanc or havoc wins". With abs out of the race so early, the rest will just have to fight it out for the limited acres and thus the conflict of interest (similar to rage and hoh last age). It can't be helped, only that both sides showed less restraint than abs. Funny thing is, many people have always called for abs kds to fight among each other when they are dominating the charts but now when it's aabs' turn they choose not to fight each other either.

  12. #117
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Petrified made most stupid choice in his utopia carrier too. Pew Pew never pass in past top 10 land. You are big this age only because you are part from alliance with AMA and BB. You trade your hell important relation with us for one war with Stripers. You cant make more bad choice.

    This is the funniest thing I've seen on this thread.. Come down off your high horse, elit. You've done nothing for pew other than become a problem.. Nothing good worth talking about it I can assure you.
    Besides being their ally, otherwise Pewpew would probably make a replay of last age, "OMG WE GONNA GET PWNED QUICK RESET" stunt.

  13. #118
    Veteran Drug's Avatar
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    Butt is hurting, Goodz is hating ;)

  14. #119
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodz View Post
    Still waiting anti-abs to figure out why AMA got dealt with poorly last age?

    Perhaps they actually did hit into hostiles / out of hostiles / refuse to do any diplo


    Soon petrified can figure out :)
    Just be a man and admit you lacked the skills to take him on fair so you had to ****play him.

  15. #120
    Regular sydex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    Petrified made most stupid choice in his utopia carrier too. Pew Pew never pass in past top 10 land. You are big this age only because you are part from alliance with AMA and BB. You trade your hell important relation with us for one war with Stripers. You cant make more bad choice.

    Besides being their ally, otherwise Pewpew would probably make a replay of last age, "OMG WE GONNA GET PWNED QUICK RESET" stunt.
    lmao, yes it's because AMA was our allies that kept us from resetting. Good thing we have them.. haha

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