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Thread: The Climb to the Crown - The SWEA Story

  1. #211
    Post Fiend
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    /raise hand

  2. #212
    Forum Fanatic gergnub's Avatar
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    /raise hand

  3. #213
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  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by baka View Post
    Lets do a vote... who here thinks Proteus is actually pretty bad at this game... talks too much bull.. make up too much tripe about himself.. has no leadership qualities and has done nothing but stepped in to a kingdom that was already established. Who here also thinks he has no credibility in what he says and repeats the same stuff over and over again because he has nothing better to validate himself with.

    Raise your hands please!

    /me raises hand.
    So you got farmed out 4-5 times by someone really bad then lol

  5. #215
    Veteran PhoenixScorpion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustinSane View Post
    You can pretend that all you like, but again, I have seen the logs - both with regards to Rage and the post-SWEA debacle and Absalom as such. That said, I have nothing but respect for Drixx; while he may not yet be a very good leader, he - unlike propronub et co - comes across as a standup guy with potentially to actually turn the kingdom around. So in that sense, best of luck.

    P.S. I never lost a war vs. Rage and never will. <3
    I'll believe it when I see it. Your KD has to last more than an Age or two first.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
    My argument was SWEA has no reason to be cocky or to think they are good. They do not have an established record of doing well on any stage. Do you know what the term is in sports when someone unexpected/new/not-that-good wins something, they call it "an upset." They do not call it "ownage" or say the person making the upset is "better." Back to my example in tennis when Federer or Nadal lose in the early rounds to a much lower ranked player, it is an upset and it can happen..NO ONE will ever say that lower ranked player is BETTER than federer/nadal. One-off things happen all the time. Why are Federer and Nadal better? Their record. They have many titles and win/make finals consistently. If the person who upset them wants to become established as being better than that person needs to beat Federer/Nadal consistently or atleast win the grand slam while someon else beats federer/nadal. SWEA has no consistent history of beating top kingdoms nor do they have a history of crowning. Therefore SWEA can't say they are "BETTER" than kingdoms with a stronger record (AMA/BB/Havoc/Sanc/Rage). The other point is pewpew donated acres to SWEA to spite AMA. This was done by pewpew hitting outside of war instead of hitting SWEA, everyone knows this was not a legitimate war but a intenntional farmout to shape the charts.


    Again you are missing the point people here have tried to make for weeks.

    Nadal/Federer do NOT trash talk anyone who beats them. Whenever they loose they are very gracefull in defeat. (" He played better than me today")
    They dont call them noobs, poor players, and generally treat them with disdain. If someone asks federer "are you the GOAT / Greatest Of All Times"?
    He usually answers " i dont know, there are many other great players that need a mention".
    Here nobody needs to ask you, u are posting every day that you are the best player in the modern era, and that all others are crap.

    Like i wrote earlier - you act more like my 13 year old nephew who feels the urge to "over promote" every success.
    If you are so sure of yourself... let the records/Hall of Fame/honor speak for itself.
    Try not to be so insecure all the time, its kind of annoying.

  7. #217
    Join Date
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    Please, lets be honest about last age. SWEA won't be remember for their crowns. The only thing that will be remembered will be the way they won the crowns. By deal-breaking and arranged farms, nothing more.

    Move along people, nothing more to see here. The age is over.

  8. #218
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    We didnt dealbreak until last day, that was after knowing ama would have done it to win. Everyond will remember swea a kd full of players who log in twice a day crowned. A new kd who crowned first full age and outplayed everyone. =)

    See how much proteus is crying =)

  9. #219
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    We got deal broken, gbed and etc. for the same thing (preventative action). You got crown and 150k free acres :).
    A Mother's advice - #forfun

  10. #220
    Post Fiend guard14n's Avatar
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    15 pages of all swea and co trolling Proteus and yelling we are the best. The drugs in Sweden are surely cheap i suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by JustinSane View Post

    1: Joke or not - we did not break it. We never had to. Would we have? Maybe. Did we? No. So yes, I am certainly for real.
    2: While we got 100k acres, we did not cheat while getting them. If my word is not good enough, ask Bishop - he cleared us from any wrong doing. What more could you possibly ask for than that?
    3: Evidently, we outplayed everyone. As just noted, we even got enemies to turn against their friends to hand us the crown. If that isn't to outplay in an essentially social game, what is?
    4: We won. You didn't. Ergo, we are better. Maybe you should go for the war chart instead, if you think that winning wars is what truly matters.

    nuff said.
    Keep saying that to urself. If u keep repeating it every night it may come true (at least for u i suppose).

    Everyone that has a brain should just skip this (as well as any SWEA/Simians) thread from now on. 80% of the people posted here have less IQ than my dog ... (or just troll or w/e) :D
    Sinner for life baby <3 Now AMA slacker!

    BF, Sinners, OS, RA, DW, EJ, PB, AMA

    Awesome since age 1 !!!

    Elit lost a chess game vs a 9 year old girl !

  11. #221
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Proteus apparently has a lot of free time he posts here more than I do these days.. lets get to business then.

    My argument was SWEA has no reason to be cocky or to think they are good. They do not have an established record of doing well on any stage. Do you know what the term is in sports when someone unexpected/new/not-that-good wins something, they call it "an upset." They do not call it "ownage" or say the person making the upset is "better." Back to my example in tennis when Federer or Nadal lose in the early rounds to a much lower ranked player, it is an upset and it can happen..NO ONE will ever say that lower ranked player is BETTER than federer/nadal. One-off things happen all the time. Why are Federer and Nadal better? Their record. They have many titles and win/make finals consistently. If the person who upset them wants to become established as being better than that person needs to beat Federer/Nadal consistently or atleast win the grand slam while someon else beats federer/nadal. SWEA has no consistent history of beating top kingdoms nor do they have a history of crowning. Therefore SWEA can't say they are "BETTER" than kingdoms with a stronger record (AMA/BB/Havoc/Sanc/Rage). The other point is pewpew donated acres to SWEA to spite AMA. This was done by pewpew hitting outside of war instead of hitting SWEA, everyone knows this was not a legitimate war but a intenntional farmout to shape the charts.
    You should notice that the only thing people from SWEA is doing is mocking you cause its fun to watch you get upset. Your Tennis example is illogical, the player that beat Nadal or Feder or any other hotshot tennis player was playing the better game that time. What people has been pointing out here is that SWEA did played the game best last age due to them winning even if the odds were against them.

    The other point is it is easier to join a good kingdom that has a strong record than making one from scratch and doing the same thing. However, in both cases the person leading the kingdom regardless if it is new/old gets credit for leadership that results in success
    There is a difference between getting handed a billion dollar company or creating that billion dollar company. Its not the same thing, you can try and keep telling yourself that to make you feel good but we both know thats not the truth.

    ou can't crown every age but being in the top3 places every age is obviously not "average" or "bad" its good. Yes people want to win gold in the olympics but winning bronze and standing on the podium is a big achievement.
    Its not bad but its not good either that means you just dont have the necessary skills to win anyone winning bronze would ofc be happy about it but not satisified I hope cause you failed the goal to win the gold.

    I don't see you knocking flogger for *joining* Pulse instead of starting it and using that shell to make BB. You arent knocking trollfags for reforming new kingdoms with the exact same core of players+ leadership and doing well.
    Flogger isnt on the forums running his mouth telling how hes Gods gift to Utopia, its your cocky attitude that is the issue nothing else. And ive flamed Realest plenty for his arrogant behaviour but even hes not in the clouds like you are.

    Look at Apple, it is one of the greatest companies out there but whoever runs it has a huge task filling the shoes of Jobs and continuing that streak of innovation.
    But in your world anyone taking over the Jobs job would be as great as Jobs cause there is no difference in creating a company or just taking it over.

    Whoever becomes a president or congressmen or other elected official is obviously a joke too right since they did not start their own country. That argument makes no sense. Its harder to create something from scratch than join something regardless of what it is but it does not mean that joining an existing entity (kd, company, political body) and doing well is a joke.
    Let us sport examples instead, cause your examples are ridicoulus. A person that manage a football team that start from the bottom of a ****ty league then proceeds to win the Champions league is certainly better than a russian that buys a premade team. Cause the first scenario you have put in all the hard work into it while when you just buy something you havent lifted a finger to achieve the sucess the team has. You would be the russian in this case and hey its not hard to keep being sucessfull when it was already successfull from the begining.

    Oh and yeah, I dont really use the logic of "if I dont like someone I am superior to them." I use record. I think baka is bad and look down on him but I can say so because of record. We farmed his cows 3x when he put them up and they were played by different players like himself, kygal, flogger, hint. We never lost in war to them and even farmed them to 50% our NW. Yes, I dont like baka because he dealbreaks, talks abig game but has never backed it up as he always ended up ****playing us and losing 1v1 but he is not good because I dislike him, he is not good due to the record I mention above.
    I never lost a war against BB either, big achievement bro :) You talk big as well, you make bets you dont honor and you had a huge ego long before you joined Rage. But anyone can be cocky with having a already sucessfull kd behind them.

    There you go here is an unbiased post, I am doing this as an experience, if you ignore facts and spew some more bs ill just stop replying to you which will prove to all you do not consider facts and look at bull****.
    You dont have the ability to make a unbiased post cause you have such high thoughts about yourself.

    3) Why SWEA is better than any of the kingdoms I mentioned above when they do not have a record of consistently beating such kingdoms or crowning but the kingdoms they claim to be better than do.
    You seem to be stuck up on things that havent been said, SWEA hasnt said we are better than any kd we have said we played better than any kd last age which we did cause we won. (and a win is a win)

    If your argument holds water, than Rage as you call it should continue its T3 run and nearly perfect war record with me no longer there. Hoh who lost half of its leadership should also continue its t3 run as well. These are both existing kingdoms and anyone who joins them should be able to lead them and get the same results. Right?
    Its easy to boast perfect warrecord when you just war when its beneficial for you :) And I see being third countless times as a failure only wins counts.

    You made a very uninteresting wall of text post that consisted a lot of useless **** that had no relevancy to the discussion. Its amazing that you have so much time on your hands.

  12. #222
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    Did anyone read that?!
    A Mother's advice - #forfun

  13. #223
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    The foreplay between Korp and Proteus is creating things that are both long and hard... to imagine reading.

  14. #224
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    The only thing that Korp brings to the table is an entertainment value. If I had to choose between Korp or Proteus for a kingdom I belonged to it's a no brainer, Proteus is the obvious choice.

    Korp do you have a clue to run a cow? I think successful cow's can only be run by good players, that in itself clears up the argument.

    Pick 5 players in the game to run your cow. Elit, mango, Proteus, Flogger, and who else would fill the 5 spot. Do you even think that Mansoors name would come up in that discussion as the 5th Korp? Highly unlikely, or any SWEA player for that matter.

    If you could pick a leader to run a top 5 kingdom would Mansoor be in that discussion? Absolutely not, I would rather have Zauper, Flogger, Elit, .... heck even Cody or Petrified leading rather than Mansoor :P

    SWEA is a social club, glad you guys can find a kingdom to hang out and speak Swedish instead of English in the channel. Utopia is after all not just a strategy game but a social game also. Just like Korp, all you bring to the table is an entertainment value SWEA.

  15. #225
    Enthusiast Maximo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koodo View Post
    The only thing that Korp brings to the table is an entertainment value. If I had to choose between Korp or Proteus for a kingdom I belonged to it's a no brainer, Proteus is the obvious choice.

    Korp do you have a clue to run a cow? I think successful cow's can only be run by good players, that in itself clears up the argument.

    Pick 5 players in the game to run your cow. Elit, mango, Proteus, Flogger, and who else would fill the 5 spot. Do you even think that Mansoors name would come up in that discussion as the 5th Korp? Highly unlikely, or any SWEA player for that matter.

    If you could pick a leader to run a top 5 kingdom would Mansoor be in that discussion? Absolutely not, I would rather have Zauper, Flogger, Elit, .... heck even Cody or Petrified leading rather than Mansoor :P

    SWEA is a social club, glad you guys can find a kingdom to hang out and speak Swedish instead of English in the channel. Utopia is after all not just a strategy game but a social game also. Just like Korp, all you bring to the table is an entertainment value SWEA.

    Go home pizza boy, swea already won a crown!

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