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Thread: Active, fun team player looking for kd off the beaten track

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Active, fun team player looking for kd off the beaten track

    Right, so here's the story so far....

    I've been playing for 7 or 8 ages, and lucked out first age....I fell into a reasonable kingdom.

    From there, I moved 'up' to end up in a good serious (but fun and cool) kd...meaning all of the things serious kds want...heavy activity, wake ups when needed, being online the tick before waves etc etc. I left that kingdom because it was too hard to square that kind of activity when Real Life (and the gf!).

    If ever I wanted to play hard again, I'd try to get back into that kingdom....but for the moment I don't...

    What I want is to play WELL in a laid-back but savvy kingdom. I'm still active and tend to lurk in IRC a lot throughout the day, I'm patient, follow orders and play for the team, and fun-wise I'm a good asset to a kingdom....

    So what's the problem?

    Well,...every reasonably laid-back kingdom I find is basically trying to 'get organised for next age', ramps up the formalized side of play (assigning roles/races/perso -erm actually I have no problem with that ;-) , increases demands on time, aims to play better, to recruit more, to play 'pro' and BASICALLY TRY THEIR HARDEST TO CLAW THEIR WAY UP TO WHERE I WAS BEFORE, BUT WITH LESS SKILLED PLAYERS AND WITHOUT THE FANTASTIC LEADERS THAT I LEFT WITH REGRET! /me waves at Tadpole and Dax

    I'm looking for an offbeat kingdom, with an offbeat approach to the game, unusual strategic choices, and a core of players that you look forward to talking to when you log in.
    Mainstream wannabee kingdoms just won't do it for me (although I recognise and respect your goals).

    All offers will be considered...come try your luck....
    Last edited by Brindleleaf; 10-10-2013 at 06:34. Reason: Looked messy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Send me a msg. I'm looking for 3 provs. And you'll like it :)
    Quote Originally Posted by vines View Post
    You just got owned again. When will you learn fool. I'm just on a different level.

  3. #3
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hmmm Eragon and myself wonder why you only wave at Tad/Dax? :(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    He already has the leaving forgetfulness. Don't blame him, blame utopia!
    Quote Originally Posted by vines View Post
    You just got owned again. When will you learn fool. I'm just on a different level.

  5. #5
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You can give it a try at making your own kingdom, Bridleleaf. For that you just have to start an account, and most kingdoms you'll join that way will have monarchs who can give up at any moment. I tried myself this age, but it was a big failure. The problem is that too many people will not do anything to cooperate unless they are forced to do it, so we find all these kingdoms that look like the army. But you can give it at least a try and see what happens. There you will be more free than in any other kingdom in utopia. And can chat all you want. They'll be happy to hear you. :)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks Alazne, I may end up doing that. For the moment, I've randomed into a very interesting kd...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Brindleleaf, maybe its too late already, but my kd might be what you're looking for.

    We avoid standard race setups, we are pretty laid back in general. I see us as a retirement place for old top players basically. our core has been together for well over 30 ages.
    Drop by in #warcry and talk to sulimo, draeney or me(Sephi)

    We do have team orders in terms of build strat etc, but input is welcome and will be seriously taken into account. So its fairly flex :)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    join #evilintentions for a chat and see what we can offer u !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Right....I'm back in the search for a kingdom. Spent 2 fantastic ages with CanWe. They are pretty much the perfect mix of playing cool but also winning wars!! If I wanted any type of normal play / values / success / gamestyle...I'd stay with them.

    ...I'm leaving them now because I want to play without any compromises at all this coming age...feel like scrapping and harrassing, playing an off-the-wall race/perso combination. I don't care about WWs, Science, pumps, honour, safety or any traditional way of measuring success in the game.

    If you have something that may interest me....come try your luck.

    All offers will be considered....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hi if u are looking for a relaxed age, I will suggest my kingdom. We have a mix of some old and new players. Our goal is to have fun and war. You can pick ur race/pers but of course I would like u either to stick to an attacker or if u are up to tm that works too. My expectation is 2 attacks in war per day and to have a friendly attitude. I am not looking for the best skill to join but want a good community of players who can win or lose and equally enjoy the war.

    I am on irc quite a bit but my teammates communicate mainly through forums and in-game chat but we are a talkative bunch and we will be adding some more friends next age. If you have good experience in this game our newer players would love to have. We just play for fun and warring, I am also retired player so that is a reason why I don't want super active expectations. Please let me know in a pm if u are interested or u can look for me on irc in #secondchances

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Okay, thanks...I don't think that's exactly what I'm looking for this age, but I'll come talk to see... ( me/ makes an unnecessary post to.......BUMP :)

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