There's room for all players.

@ Billah, you can find a good adoption or random and explore. In the lower tier you have to step away from the intensity of the game. Take a breather. I travelled for several ages helping distressed kingdoms: kingdoms suffering exodus, or long losing streaks. I recommend trying Pillz and Korps kingdom. They admit their activity isn't great, but I think you could enjoy the company. I've played exclusively on an iPad since age 53. Recruiters either need help or they're just kidding.

@ Crystopher, I wish your kingdom a successful age. I can honestly say that every kingdom I've been in I've had players criticize my build strats. They're admittedly an acquired taste. So it's all around ;-)
It's obvious Billah isn't staying since the signs are posted here for all to see. I hope you can both part ways in a manner of mutual respect. You have a kingdom to run and that's something to be proud and humbled by.

Take care and may the sensitive sweet noobium find his answer within lol