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Thread: So, who's a Republican here?

  1. #136
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P_J View Post
    There are some people who live by the morals of the Bible -- so yes - it is because "God says so". If you disagree, that is fine, but please respect other people strong foundation of living just as others respect your views.
    Well, I don't have anything against religious people(of any religion), but I do despise people who feel that it is their right or even obligation to force their religion and/or moral views onto others. As long as it doesn't put others at risk or cause harm to others I think people should be free to do whatever they choose(within reasonable limits)

    Quote Originally Posted by P_J View Post
    I would also like to point out... <read the original comment for the full text> ...Always look at the fruit of a situation.
    No I don't think that christians in general go around hating LGBT persons, I do however think that quite a few very vocal and very public christians do, and that the christian community in general has been very quiet about condemning(at least in public) these people thus giving the general image that christians are intolerant.
    As in pretty much any matter, if you let the extremists of any group go unopposed then eventually the public will eventually start to think that they must be speaking for the entire group since nobody in the group is objecting.

    Quote Originally Posted by P_J View Post
    What is the debate and the battle of ideas... <read the original comment for the full text> ...then keep trying through the legislature and the battle of ideas and morals while extending respect towards others.
    Like I said earlier I think that people should largely be allowed to do what they wish as long as it doesn't put others at risk or cause them harm, and therefore I think that if two LGBT people can find a priest of whatever religion they like who will willingly marry them then that's their business and theirs alone, neither you nor I have any right to forbid or prevent their actions because they think that it is immoral or offensive. What I think makes these people bigots is that they think it's their right to force their moral and in my opinion antiquated views onto others, they're free to believe whatever they want but when they try to force it onto others I think that they've crossed a line.
    If you're talking about the president I think you are then he had been a senator before he became president and he has an advanced degree in law which are fairly significant credentials, moreso than those of his predecessor.

    Quote Originally Posted by P_J View Post
    If you have an issue with gay marriage, seek to change it. THe problem is that it is not so easy as saying I am a victim of discrimination and marginalizing Christians as hate mongers... which is the complete opposite of reality (their are always exceptions... Westboro baptist Chirch ect ect ect).
    Yes actually it is as easy as that because it is discriminatory that you may not do X because of your sexual orientation just as it is discriminatory to say that you may not do X because of the color of your skin.
    What the law says is irrelevant as to whether it's discrimination or not because discrimination simply means prejudicial treatment because of X, it isn't open for interpretation because it is immutable fact, now as to whether it's prohibited discrimination or not is an entirely different case. But then again there were once laws that allowed for the discrimination of people based on the color of their skin, in most civilized countries these laws are gone.

    It also seems to me that the first Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

    And therefore any legislation that makes use of religious reasons or morals as to the proper establishment of marriage should according to a strict interpretation be forbidden, and as marriage is inherently a religious concept it seems to me that if the state legislates on the issue at all it is in breach of that amendment and should therefore be unconstitutional.
    Jefferson also wrote on the subject that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship. Thus if christian LGBT persons think that they have a right to marriage that is between god and them, not between them and other men, or between them and the state.

    PS. I am not American so I have no idea what news you're referring to on the issue of the Federal Government denying state rights.
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  2. #137
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elldallan View Post
    PS. I am not American so I have no idea what news you're referring to on the issue of the Federal Government denying state rights.
    I will try and explain, In the beginning (chuckle) there were 13 Independent colonies. Each was separate but had a common bond to England and a stronger Bond to each other. Then the Monarchy (original BIG Government) decided they had to pay for the French and Indian Wars so came the Taxes. This happen and that happen and then came a war and the Articles of Confederations (not the CSA later), they formed a lose decentralized government. Then after the war was won for Independents a new government was formed. (what power not given to the Federal government is reserved to the States and Each State is to be considered a sovereign Nation State. Over the years that has been eroded and the cry for State Rights is heard a lot.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  3. #138
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I don't watch/read American media because much of it is probably the most biased in the world, and I'm Norwegian.
    Neither do a lot of Americans, Local news is the most unbiased.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I've not read much about what people SAY about Ron Paul, I've read what he STANDS for. Even though he is a sensible guy unlike republican candidates, his opinions are quite out there.
    First you say the media is most biased and yet I would venture you based your opinions of a group on that very information. Each American Party is a mad house of different types but the partisanship is ripping America apart.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    But seriously, who the hell votes republican?
    I do, unless I want the Evil minded Democrats to take complete control and impose their on views on us in America. I do not hate them, I don't want to silence them, I want only to maintain the Constitution and the God given Rights all Americans should have.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I can see why people would vote for a lot of political parties in my own country, but I really cannot see why anyone would vote for ignorance and fundamentalism unless they are ignorant themselves, which probably is a key factor here....
    What if we took all the different parties and said you can only have 2? Then you would have American political system, LOL. Your buying into the media and Hollywood stereotypes.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Why can't we just raze the House? Homes are bad.

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