Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
Well, if he creates some ghetto province just to dick around, that kingdom is automatically doing to be a part of "Absalom", so given the choice between that and running a top kingdom that's actually capable of defending itself against kingdoms like feyr play, then yea it's either run a top kingdom or not play.

Also, of those 10+ posts a day, maybe 2-3 were long. The rest were the type that take a minute or less to type up. Still not anywhere near the kind of time it takes to run a kingdom.
You know, you dont have to lead to play in a good kd, I didnt realize this was such a strange concept for you. Either way, if he played in a ghetto just dicking around who would know it was ASF if he didnt say anything? Making your point rather moot.

IF you have take in factor that you have to be around to reply to those posts as well, its not like it was 8 posts after each other then gone. In fact, ASF hasnt lead any kd for along time as I understand it. Hence nubs like Proteus and Drixx getting spotlight.