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Thread: All halfer Kd

  1. #16
    Strategy Moderator
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by pathetic sheep View Post
    I am not seeing how this is a good thing. Your attackers drop from 5 offense to 4 offense in addition to troops lost in combat. Brutes cost the same as strongarms so you could train replacements into either. In the early war you can use the elites as soon as the enemy commits to chaining someone else.
    if u dont get it i shouldnt share ;)...gets moar wars if i try to run it in the future :P.

    First that 8 dspecs...would probubly be more like 4 leets 4 dspecs so i have the flexibility to suicide a bit harder than the standard 8 dspec/acre if im like 5-10k offense short of a triple/quad.

    Secondly and im not going to explain WHY this is important only note that the nw/point on a off spec is 1 point of offense for 1 nw. The NW on a leet is 1.31 nw for point point of offense. Implications arise in sustaining NW, chaining, Max off/nw....

    Third conceptually what im having you do is run offspecs as offense so you have as much offense as possible. You ALWAYS want as much offense as you can when a war starts. BUT as wars progress what becomes more important is who can pack on more def and build unbreakable, secure econ. So a FREE way to transition my offense into def is having my offspecs convert to leets. This means as the war progresses and my nw stays high, my defense is rising FOR FREE. I dont have to have any econ, peasents, credits or solds i just natrually train def via conversions. Theoretically, sure if i wanted to boost my def i could do that by training dspecs using credits. However by converting im geting FREE def and can always take the small hit to use leets as offense as needed(not as effienct but how many people would really expect this to work anyway). Similarlly i'll still use my credits/gold to just train offspecs and can do things like attack with 90% off specs 10% leets where boom i just trained my def...instead of needing to "wait" for my def to come in.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Don't knock it til you try it.. takes a certain kd dynamic to do it though

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by TommyB View Post
    Couldn't you just feed off the other kingdom until they either roll over or max meter for auto-war? :)
    Halflings have no hospitals. So they would burn there army out against any real attackers out side of war. Halflings can't trade punches with avians, orcs or undead. Especially seeing most are clerics this age.

  4. #19
    Forum Fanatic
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    chillin in the sun
    that's why you go rogue. don't try to be a straight-on attacker, that's the silly way.

    merch is viable too, kidnap and steal off of other attackers to supplement your income boosts and keep drafting solds, use your bonus creds to make up for your losses. other merchants can do something similar but better though, whereas a bunch of rogues basically requires halfer.

    cleric would correct your losses relative to attackers with actually good personalities. you're left with a gimped attacker without the bonuses or spellbook of other races, but can turtle better. it's probably the only race that should play cleric this age, but it doesn't have much of a point... merch/wh/sage are all better for the kind of strategies a halfling attacker core would want to use. oh, and cleric gives you pitfalls, which you would really want. i'd still only run a few clerics, just so i'll have a pf caster in hostile. in war it's not really important, because you're using prop/ns and overpop to kill defense.

    it wouldn't be the best setup and there are ways to mess with a kingdom that can't reduce losses. just exchanging hits 1vs1 though, that's not a big deal (as far as combat losses). it's more that gangbangs and vultures hurt way more, and your primary offensive unit can't defend which has unfortunate implications. the bigger problem is that halfers don't get the useful offensive bonuses other races have, and their army is iffy with or without the hospitals penalty.

    hospitals are overrated anyway. if i were playing half/rogue core, i wouldn't always build them... halfer has better building options in most cases.


    6 halfer/mystic (a/t/m defensive)
    3 halfer/cleric (heavy a or a/m, you can get the thief part as war progresses)
    16 halfer/rogue (a/t, set as many as you'd like to superthief based on who you're fighting - you'd normally have around 3 superthieves, but they won't always be the same 3 provs)

    is how i'd go about a full halfer kingdom. merch would be nice, but you can stock and steal enough gc with proper planning, and your t/m are already tough to riot.
    Last edited by noobium; 01-09-2015 at 06:08.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    All I am saying is you will end up like TFC. Little to no war and not able to force war. Now if you wanted to run normal and grow. Might be a good setup to do that. Because no one is going to wave into you. My kingdom is a warring kingdom and a all halfling kingdom wouldn't get us enough wars.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    No hospitals is horrible when scaled. Absolutely awful. Same thing with ospecs as offense - trading hits and getting chained = losing elites and leaving ospecs only. Alternatively, turtle = eat Ms. Half/WH sounds interesting
    Last edited by Nightmare_; 01-09-2015 at 16:36.

  7. #22
    Veteran pathetic sheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persain View Post
    Secondly and im not going to explain WHY this is important only note that the nw/point on a off spec is 1 point of offense for 1 nw. The NW on a leet is 1.31 nw for point point of offense. Implications arise in sustaining NW, chaining, Max off/nw....
    Offensive spec is 4 points networth and 5 points offense. 0.8/1.31 = 0.61. Almost a 40% drop. With horses 6 offense, 4.6 networth goes to 5 offense, 5.85 net. I do not think it is a deal breaker. War heroes could compensate by training offensive specs.

    All you need to do is get 20 attacker war heroes to count.

    Offense specialist Offense Points * 0.8
    I think your unbreakable idea will lead to a large gap in networth that will be hard to fix. Will also make it harder to capture the honor you are counting on.

    Sustained offense prevents opponents from becoming unbreakable. It also allows much faster chains. It prevents them from securing economy.
    Last edited by pathetic sheep; 01-09-2015 at 20:17.

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