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Thread: Suicide Squad VS FReakstyle

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Hitting to 148 point still consider nice ppl?? Lmao. Wake up your little mighty small 'peanut' and get all your defination correct pls.

  2. #62
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoRD_SaMPuaN View Post
    what are you talking about? we cfed you when you filled the meter to 148, and didnt even hit you further while we could - i guess i should listen to others more, and stop being nice to ppl..
    hahahaha stop being nice to other people?!?!?! omg, thats gold

  3. #63
    News Correspondent protector's Avatar
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    Hohoho and then people claim the top is dirty /rolleyes

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    So many threads, so confusing. What the hell is going on?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Have to say, the honor bottom feeding mechanics are pants on head stupid.

    FS waved us while we were fort at 11m nw vs them at 24m ish and single hits into our TMs though fort were hitting for 400 honor.

    Now on one hand, age is almost over, we weren't finding a war so it doesn't matter per se.

    On the other hand, wtf. Is there a reason as to why a KD should be able to bottom feed like that, though fort, for that much of a benefit? It looks like honor gains/losses are not calculated through the standard NW ranges (or fort) that all other gains/losses are?

    Seems illogical that the honor crown competition comes down to farming smaller high honor kds vs actually you know.. honorably.. fighting kds your size.

    Either way, I don't mind eating waves - it is part of the game. The losses just seemed to heavily favor the bottom feeding behavior.
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  6. #66
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    Spot on Cyr0....same thing happened to Ruthless.

    Can Bishop or the devs fix this problem? It's not fair game-play. How can they Honor crown by waving KDs 11mill smaller than them?

    we can't expect people to play honorably, its not human nature. They will abuse the system until people unite and stand up to them or until the problem gets fixed by the game developers.
    Last edited by bandarkayali; 22-12-2015 at 00:49.

  7. #67
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    I'll remind users that target sharing (encouraging others to hit a common target), is against the rules.

  8. #68
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    Stop arguing....the ultimate winner will be BB.You all pathetic warring ghetto...the almighty protector will show u how easy to secure the honor crown without that much drama and in a legitimate way.

    Well, I was guaranteed a safe charm for next age if I become the crown maker. If lucky, BB shall be the first kingdom getting a crown for all the categories. Behold.

    Upcoming War: Birdie vs BB
    Outcome: BB will win-WW, Honor, Land, Networth
    Reason: Birdie will play according to rule. Fight at all cost even it is a loss. Sorry to those kingdoms I have rejected because BB has booked me till of EOA.

  9. #69
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    So did FS initially ultimate plans of securing CFs with threatful top kds (that can actually beat them) backfires when they hv no one left to effectively war with (and has a decent chances to win) so they hv no other choices but to feed on kds ranked smaller.

    Last age outcome inspired them to decide to grow this big so that no bigger warring kds can pose a much advantegous over them if war comes knocking.

    Now this age might hv taught them again not to grow that big n to keep themselves within medium warring tiers thinking they can pridefully beat the others honorably. I guess payback will come next age seeing biggies feed on their sweet honors.

  10. #70
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    We did email Bishop regarding this. So far, no reply.
    Question was: if BB keep waving Birdie, and Birdie retal back to max meter and war. Result is obvious due to size difference. BB will win the war.
    EOWCF 96h over, wave again. Birdie retal again. War again. The cycle continues. I think this isnt against the rules i supposed.

    Well, I am not from BB. I cannot stop them. But from my kingdom stand, we wont bow to power play.
    That's all I got to say.

    Also, thanks to someone. He has been pm-ing me, alerting me what will happen. I appreciate it but there is nothing I could do to prevent.
    Last edited by Feint; 22-12-2015 at 02:33.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feint View Post
    Stop arguing....the ultimate winner will be BB.You all pathetic warring ghetto...the almighty protector will show u how easy to secure the honor crown without that much drama and in a legitimate way.

    Well, I was guaranteed a safe charm for next age if I become the crown maker. If lucky, BB shall be the first kingdom getting a crown for all the categories. Behold.

    Upcoming War: Birdie vs BB
    Outcome: BB will win-WW, Honor, Land, Networth
    Reason: Birdie will play according to rule. Fight at all cost even it is a loss. Sorry to those kingdoms I have rejected because BB has booked me till of EOA.
    Its people like you that sabotages the age for other players. Your ego deters you from just cutting your losses where its due. Eat a wave or two, CF and move on. There is no point fighting a lost crusade and bringing down the entire kingdom with you. Im sure top tier has better things to do.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by s7ark View Post
    Its people like you that sabotages the age for other players. Your ego deters you from just cutting your losses where its due. Eat a wave or two, CF and move on. There is no point fighting a lost crusade and bringing down the entire kingdom with you. Im sure top tier has better things to do.
    EGO? Hello bro, we gave them a war and wd within 3 days. Not a happy ending for BB apparently. It was them who wanted Round 2? U sure they have better things to do...
    They are the one with EGO. They demanded us to reset our provinces in exchange for a CF. SO who is sabotaging who now.

  13. #73
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    Aug 2015
    citadel from you I will take that as a compliment :)
    And I don't even blame you that you cannot understand that someone may not do something for themselves but for a game they like. Yes, I know it's shocking that I have to inform you that it is a game. I know you put all your hopes and dreams into this honor crown and your ego will be crushed without it.
    You guys brought up our war, I did not.
    Fact is we have nothing to gain but we also have nothing to lose. It's not about my kingdom, it's not about our war. It's about Utopia and what you and some others do to it.
    You are killing the game by full on waving smaller kingdoms which makes new players get frustrated and leave.
    It is not the top acre kingdoms that do this crap it's the top warring kingdoms.
    People tell me I am too nice because we don't wave smaller kingdoms. You tell me I am stupid for warring up instead of down.
    Well I don't think I am either of those. I think I have my reality/game ratio right to where I don't lose my integrity over a silly crown.

    This is about fairness and not forgetting where I came from. I have been lucky enough to play with some of the greatest players this game has and had. Not everyone is that lucky. I am willing to bet if the top players now hadn't at one time had someone show them the ropes they would still be in what you refer to as ghettoland. So giving those players a break is just common sense really. Like I said in the other thread, instead of just laughing at the guy that has no guilds, write a note and explain things, ask if they would like help. Instead of waving someone (anyone) below declare range, stop being lazy and random. Every kingdom can deal with a random hit, a full on wave not so much.

    You made the choice to grow. It's not like it occured naturally. So all this time while you keep saying that the others could have also had the choice to stay smaller. No one told you you had to explore. You knew the other warring kingdoms wouldn't grow that big. And yet you grew. You knew at the beginning of the age that you were going to vulture honor of kingdoms that wouldn't stand a chance against you. And as soon as someone does pose a threat you make sure you get an eoacf with them. If need be with the help of your even bigger allies.

    So tell me again how FS isn't a bully?

  14. #74
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    People have to understand that there are 2 legitimate ways to secure honour towards the crown. #1 war for it and get the war win bonus (plus whatever you gained if any during the war) and #2 hit outside of war for it (pretty decent gains this way tbh). Both are legitimate. If you put yourself in a situation without protection because you failed at diplo, especially by having a blank cf, and it allows for someone in the honour race to hit you for a ton of hard fought/earned honour, even if it is bottomfeeding, then that's your own damn fault. If you guys wouldn't land drop all the time maybe you'd have been big enough to defend yourselves? You're all competing for the same crown. You gotta know where the competition is and what position they're in. You can't let your competition be in a position above you like FS was and then constantly try to run. All of the old utopia players will tell you that being in the "top" (usually in the 1 through 10 spots), be that honour or land, means you gotta be ready to defend your position at all times unless you've secured the proper cfs. Why? Because it's a competitive place to be and the mechanics of the game allow for you to get taken in a variety of ways. Getting waved outside of war is pretty brutal for honour loss, fortified or not, bottomfeeding or not. It's mostly about prov to prov nw. Throwing a hissy fit and organizing a gangbang just because someone else is smarter than you and put themselves in a better position to secure their goals and win just shows you haven't learned anything from any of this. Some lessons are learned the hard way. Learn from what happened and move on. You bring in help, bad things will happen to anyone who breaks the 1 v 1 fight. That is a promise. This has nothing to do with friendship, relationships, etc. When eoacf deals can just be broken without any kind of retaliation and gangbangs are allowed when someone just put themselves in a better position to win and the sore losers throw a hissy fit and decide to band together, then the game is truly dead. It's already half dead, let's not go all the way. The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win. That's the nature of war. Next time prove you're the stronger and smarter kd.

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    People have to understand that there are 2 legitimate ways to secure honour towards the crown. #1 war for it and get the war win bonus (plus whatever you gained if any during the war) and #2 hit outside of war for it (pretty decent gains this way tbh). Both are legitimate. If you put yourself in a situation without protection because you failed at diplo, especially by having a blank cf, and it allows for someone in the honour race to hit you for a ton of hard fought/earned honour, even if it is bottomfeeding, then that's your own damn fault. If you guys wouldn't land drop all the time maybe you'd have been big enough to defend yourselves? You're all competing for the same crown. You gotta know where the competition is and what position they're in. You can't let your competition be in a position above you like FS was and then constantly try to run. All of the old utopia players will tell you that being in the "top" (usually in the 1 through 10 spots), be that honour or land, means you gotta be ready to defend your position at all times unless you've secured the proper cfs. Why? Because it's a competitive place to be and the mechanics of the game allow for you to get taken in a variety of ways. Getting waved outside of war is pretty brutal for honour loss, fortified or not, bottomfeeding or not. It's mostly about prov to prov nw. Throwing a hissy fit and organizing a gangbang just because someone else is smarter than you and put themselves in a better position to secure their goals and win just shows you haven't learned anything from any of this. Some lessons are learned the hard way. Learn from what happened and move on. You bring in help, bad things will happen to anyone who breaks the 1 v 1 fight. That is a promise. This has nothing to do with friendship, relationships, etc. When eoacf deals can just be broken without any kind of retaliation and gangbangs are allowed when someone just put themselves in a better position to win and the sore losers throw a hissy fit and decide to band together, then the game is truly dead. It's already half dead, let's not go all the way. The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win. That's the nature of war. Next time prove you're the stronger and smarter kd.
    ^this is the best comment so far.

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