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Thread: Suicide Squad VS FReakstyle

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I'm not expecting you to change your honor bottom feeding techniques. I would like the game developers to create a more fair game, so that KDs like FS can't take advantage of unbalanced game mechanics. Ruthless had 22 provinces and 11 mill nw less than FS while they were being waved or 48 hours. Those 2 KDs should never be matched up against each other, there's no way they could war each other. FS should be waving KDs in their NW range!

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    People have to understand that there are 2 legitimate ways to secure honour towards the crown. #1 war for it and get the war win bonus (plus whatever you gained if any during the war) and #2 hit outside of war for it (pretty decent gains this way tbh). Both are legitimate. If you put yourself in a situation without protection because you failed at diplo, especially by having a blank cf, and it allows for someone in the honour race to hit you for a ton of hard fought/earned honour, even if it is bottomfeeding, then that's your own damn fault. If you guys wouldn't land drop all the time maybe you'd have been big enough to defend yourselves? You're all competing for the same crown. You gotta know where the competition is and what position they're in. You can't let your competition be in a position above you like FS was and then constantly try to run. All of the old utopia players will tell you that being in the "top" (usually in the 1 through 10 spots), be that honour or land, means you gotta be ready to defend your position at all times unless you've secured the proper cfs. Why? Because it's a competitive place to be and the mechanics of the game allow for you to get taken in a variety of ways. Getting waved outside of war is pretty brutal for honour loss, fortified or not, bottomfeeding or not. It's mostly about prov to prov nw. Throwing a hissy fit and organizing a gangbang just because someone else is smarter than you and put themselves in a better position to secure their goals and win just shows you haven't learned anything from any of this. Some lessons are learned the hard way. Learn from what happened and move on. You bring in help, bad things will happen to anyone who breaks the 1 v 1 fight. That is a promise. This has nothing to do with friendship, relationships, etc. When eoacf deals can just be broken without any kind of retaliation and gangbangs are allowed when someone just put themselves in a better position to win and the sore losers throw a hissy fit and decide to band together, then the game is truly dead. It's already half dead, let's not go all the way. The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win. That's the nature of war. Next time prove you're the stronger and smarter kd.
    There isn't rule saying u cannot hit into war to stop ppl from getting honor crown. It is part of the game. Otherwise, dev should review and change the game mechanic. EOACF deal is not a rule also . It is just a deal mutually agreed by both side outside the rules . Stop being naive

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win

    not the kingdom with the most "friends", not the kingdom that is the biggest bully. Not the kingdom that cries foul play every single war they get into. Thanks to their popularity every war made the forum so this is well documented.
    They used to be a respectable kingdom. But if y'all let them get away with this then it will only get worse. Apparently there is no limit to how shameless they can be.
    The mere attempt to let them know their forum behavior isn't appreciated cause them to jump all over StratOcastle. I don't know about you, but I have yet to see him be rude or mean to anyone. But yet they circled him like blood hungry hyenas. And anyone that dared to chime in got the same treatment.
    The majority of players should not have to suffer so a handful of entitled elitists can get it the way they want it , when they want it.
    I am truly saddened. I expected more from you.

  4. #79
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    Just do it! Ghetto rules...

  5. #80
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    Nov 2012
    Goodwitch, you agreed that 'The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win'. yet you are scorned when you're being power played by a stronger kd?

    Make a stand and stick by it.

    Considering everyone started off at the same footing, I don't see anything wrong in waving for honor. If there's anything to fight for, it should be to change game mechanics if you're unhappy about crown race.

  6. #81
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feint View Post
    There isn't rule saying u cannot hit into war to stop ppl from getting honor crown. It is part of the game. Otherwise, dev should review and change the game mechanic. EOACF deal is not a rule also . It is just a deal mutually agreed by both side outside the rules . Stop being naive
    Enforcing mutual deals is a community based code that people have the right to enforce. Most of us who do diplo hold eoacf dealbreak to be one of the most severe. There is also a community code concerning hitting into war and interfering with 1 v 1 fights and against double standards like hitting out of hostile and stealing out of hostile. EOACF break is rarely justified and can only be done under extreme circumstances such as enforcing another deal. People throwing a fit and killing provs off because they knew mechanics and took advantage of them definitely isn't justified.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    Enforcing mutual deals is a community based code that people have the right to enforce. Most of us who do diplo hold eoacf dealbreak to be one of the most severe. There is also a community code concerning hitting into war and interfering with 1 v 1 fights and against double standards like hitting out of hostile and stealing out of hostile. EOACF break is rarely justified and can only be done under extreme circumstances such as enforcing another deal. People throwing a fit and killing provs off because they knew mechanics and took advantage of them definitely isn't justified. really boils down to one perspective which i failed to see it basically. I just wanna play normally but someone dont allow me too.
    Then do it like another utopia similar game, when u hit into ppl war, there is 0% gain.
    When a bigger kingdom hit a smaller kingdom or more province kingdom hit a lesser province kingdom, there will be a range of minus 25% to 75% gains.

    Apparently game Dev dont care. So why should we care.

  8. #83
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    FS, you waved us 25 vs 22 provs, 23 million nw vs 11 million nw. Even tagged yourself hostile/war with ruthless. really?! You told us to bend over and take it for a few days, our wise king declined. You took 200k def from me and 2k honor alone. I had no defense. We had no defense. we couldn't even war after that.

    @goodwich - I love your comment, they are killing this game faster and new players don't want to continue like that.

    @FS crew - it is not "smarter" play to take the war win crown by waving kingdoms half your size to 149 points. No one "teamed" up against you, nor did anyone recruit, we watched. You just waved too many kingdoms half your size to 149 points and we are fed up. We are trying to teach you that its wrong. Do it to someone your own size....ok, THEN you deserve the crown. Make a few hits into a kingdom half your size ok. But full on 48 hour wave? Not ok.

    Utopian gods please consider changing honor oow to gain only GENERATED HONOR or you can only gain honor if kingdoms are 133% of nw.

  9. #84
    I like to post MyNameIsMatija's Avatar
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    It was always my goal for this age to hit 1k wpa, I'm waiting.
    Age 65 - FreeakStyle - FeyrPlay Alliance Win - Dwarves Stole My Bike
    Age 66 - FreeakStyle - #1 Honor & Warring Kingdom - Making FS Great Again
    Age 67 - BeastBlood - #1 Honor Human(Prince) - Steve from Walmart
    Age 68 - BeastBlood ft OldSchool - #1 Honor Kingdom & Avian - We Are All Feyr
    Age 69 - Ancient Spartans - #1 Kingdom in The History of Utopia - Clever Use of Words
    Age 70 - Ancient Spartans - #1 Land(25325 acres) & NW Faery - Spartan of Redeeming Qualities

  10. #85
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by s7ark View Post
    Goodwitch, you agreed that 'The stronger, smarter, kd is supposed to win'. yet you are scorned when you're being power played by a stronger kd?

    Make a stand and stick by it.

    Considering everyone started off at the same footing, I don't see anything wrong in waving for honor. If there's anything to fight for, it should be to change game mechanics if you're unhappy about crown race.
    I have no problem losing to a stronger kingdom. You can ask Divinity and SS. They were stronger, fun was had by all, we congratulated them and remained friendly.
    I think it's wrong when a kingdom can powerplay simply because of size and because even more sizable kingdoms than them make sure they get what they want.

    (I keep repeating this isnt about us or our war, I didn't bring our war into the forums. FS blamed us for their war stats. We didn't cry or whine, they did. I simply insisted that if they bring our war up that they do it accurately , which they have not yet managed to do. Instead they consistently insulted me and my kingdom)

    But since apparently everyone is insisting... we were below declare range, below dragon range...yet we outhit them, we killed 2 provinces and walked away with acres. We withdrew after 50 hours because there was no way we could take down all their provinces that were way out of range in a timely fashion. They were not the stronger kingdom. They were the bigger kingdom. They used to be good. Not this age.

  11. #86
    Post Fiend Pale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feint View Post really boils down to one perspective which i failed to see it basically. I just wanna play normally but someone dont allow me too.
    Then do it like another utopia similar game, when u hit into ppl war, there is 0% gain.
    When a bigger kingdom hit a smaller kingdom or more province kingdom hit a lesser province kingdom, there will be a range of minus 25% to 75% gains.

    Apparently game Dev dont care. So why should we care.
    You could have played normally if you had so chose. Part of normal play in utopia is getting pushed around by those stronger than you. There's already plenty of mechanics on the side of smaller kds to help them protect themselves if they want to. There's also some on the side of the bigger kds as well. This is called BALANCE. Is the game perfectly balanced? Absolutely not and we can't help that the devs don't care. Those of us who put a lot of time and energy into this game, however, do care. Enjoy death.

    As for SS and company, you didn't wanna play normally, you wanted a clear path to victory where you didn't have to fight the biggest and baddest kid on the block. This is offensive to most top players, both honour and land. Both groups vying for the crown just want their fair shot at their competition, but you guys didn't wanna so you deserved to be beaten if they had a means to do so. This is called competing. The best deserve to win. It doesn't always happen that the best kd does win but oh well.

    Feint, you made your own bed with most of your actions this age and you knew exactly where it was going when you waved BB. Considering BB only asked for what, 4 total hits for an eoacf is pretty cheap. Giving a war and a win is just silly. You could have "played normally" by giving the 4 hits, or maybe negotiating it down, and going about your business. Your choices led to what transpired.

  12. #87
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    Haha love to see fs playing the victim here. That's rich.

    Moral of the story: don't be a dick just cause you can.

    Piss off enough smaller kds with dirty tactics, forced wars, forced eoacf terms and general douchbaggery and eventually something like this is gonna happen. Karma's a ***** n u deserve this ass whoopin.
    Last edited by Sauron NBK; 22-12-2015 at 05:52.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Why nobody declare them and split them huge and give them good lesson about free waves and they will think more next time?

  14. #89
    Join Date
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    Agreed nice comment Pale. I don't think SS has done anything to make myself or the majority of utopia sympathetic to their situation. Certainly I, and the majority of honorable players, find kingdoms breaking clearly agreed upon eoa CFs to triple team a single kingdom far dirtier tactics than a kingdom competing for the honor crown using totally legitimate tactics to take the crown. Shame on SS you'll have done nothing here but damage your already poor reputation as whiners. I'd be afraid to tag up next age if I were you.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale View Post
    You could have played normally if you had so chose. Part of normal play in utopia is getting pushed around by those stronger than you. There's already plenty of mechanics on the side of smaller kds to help them protect themselves if they want to. There's also some on the side of the bigger kds as well. This is called BALANCE. Is the game perfectly balanced? Absolutely not and we can't help that the devs don't care. Those of us who put a lot of time and energy into this game, however, do care. Enjoy death.

    As for SS and company, you didn't wanna play normally, you wanted a clear path to victory where you didn't have to fight the biggest and baddest kid on the block. This is offensive to most top players, both honour and land. Both groups vying for the crown just want their fair shot at their competition, but you guys didn't wanna so you deserved to be beaten if they had a means to do so. This is called competing. The best deserve to win. It doesn't always happen that the best kd does win but oh well.

    Feint, you made your own bed with most of your actions this age and you knew exactly where it was going when you waved BB. Considering BB only asked for what, 4 total hits for an eoacf is pretty cheap. Giving a war and a win is just silly. You could have "played normally" by giving the 4 hits, or maybe negotiating it down, and going about your business. Your choices led to what transpired.
    i think that's generally feint's way of diplo, for those who have diplo-ed with his kd before. there is no such thing as normal way. emeriti waved us as well but in the end we just CF-ed and gave them essentially a free wave. but if you are asking for free hits to get prov crown, i.e. chart shaping, then in no way he is gonna give that.

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