Quote Originally Posted by tetley View Post
do the 2 undeads do a lot of work? Like are they there to give everyone the plague?

can we get some strategic insight? are all of pandas provs sending out?
1.Undeads have sent 0 plauge so far.
2.Pandas dwarfs havent attacked at all,
3 The humans in Divinity are turtling and basically unbrekable (our core can break their banks if they attack)
4. The elf/undead are hitting the dwarfs army in.
5. Ops on us: AW on the elf mystic in our kd, lots of WT burning, and lots of fireballs...some MS.
6. Ops we've done...err stuff?

Both dragons are dead, both kds started saphire seems like both funding...speed off fund as expected from both sides given setup/sizes.